Arcane Lord

Chapter 3375: Use the time you created to defeat you

Realizing this, Shado no longer had much worry in his eyes when he looked at Daphne, because he knew that the other party could no longer trap him, not because the existence of the envoy could help him anchor the past.

Rather, through this series of tests, he discovered a fatal flaw in the other party's time-related magic, which is that it cannot act on different events at the same time.

Although the same event may involve very complex personnel connections, and may even involve an entire plane, these people are in the same sub-manipulated timeline, not many completely different timelines.

This means that as long as the Illuminati uses this method of manipulating the timeline on him, other people don't have to worry about being manipulated.

And the most important thing is that this method only creates a virtual timeline parallel to the present world. As long as it does not cover the present world, it will never exceed the time node of the present world.

In short, although Shado seems to be trapped in a time loop now, the time outside the loop can be regarded as stopped, and the time he perceives is the time of the main plane.

If the Illuminati is willing to keep him here, it is actually equivalent to the Illuminati's own plan not being able to move forward at all.

Therefore, Xia Duo speculated that the other party's purpose of using this method against him was probably to kill him, a key figure of the alliance, but he didn't expect that he could retain consciousness (or maintain the continuity of consciousness) in the time loop, and even find a countermeasure.

At this moment, the initiative of this incident was no longer on the side of the Illuminati. Because he could retain consciousness, Xia Duo even hoped that the other party would loop a few more times to buy time for him to study the details of the ritual collected from the Tear Lake before.

This was something Xia Duo had never dared to think about before, letting the enemy serve him.

And if the other party no longer looped, Xia Duo would unceremoniously use the characteristics of the messenger to anchor those local battlefields where the alliance had already won, so as to stabilize the bottom line of victory.


As Xia Duo thought, Daphne was indeed in a dilemma now. If she continued to create a new timeline, it would only allow Xia Duo, who could retain consciousness during the birth and death of the timeline, to collect more information.

At the same time, the Illuminati's plan would also stagnate in this process, not to mention the price she paid for it.

But if Xia Duo is let go, it is obvious that Xia Duo has found a way to counter the timeline tactics. Once Xia Duo is freed, it is likely to cause the collapse of the entire plan.

Daphne felt extremely embarrassed between letting him go and not letting him go.

So she could only repeat the previous operation, but the interval of "reversing" time was much shorter, almost one or two seconds.

Although she was not sure how much details Xia Duo could learn about time-related magic in this process, Daphne was more worried about the risk of global collapse caused by Xia Duo's escape.

And she also needed to find a way to really solve the opponent in such a continuous "cycle".

On Xia Duo's side, the time reversal once every one or two seconds did cause him considerable trouble. He tried several times, but the two gods could not send him a message within one or two seconds.

Once the message from the gods could not be received, the two sides would not form a connection sufficient to anchor the past. In this way, although he could retain consciousness in the time reversal, it would be difficult to organize effective research, not to mention pushing the opponent's reversal node backward (the direction of the future at this moment).

The effects of going back one or two seconds and going back one minute are completely different.

Of course, for Xia Duo, the shorter the past that the other party can change, the better, while for the Illuminati, the longer the past that can be changed, the better.

Even if the new history can be reshaped from the moment the Illuminati was born, there will be no trouble now.

But reshaping history or reshaping the timeline is not a simple matter, nor is it without cost.

Although Xia Duo is a little troubled at the moment, after all, going back to the past every one or two seconds will make anyone feel uncomfortable, but fortunately his consciousness can still remain continuous during this process, and now is the time to compete with Daphne in willpower.

Whoever can't bear it first will lose.

Although the high-frequency time reversal gives people a very uncomfortable feeling, everything is afraid of comparison. Compared with Xia Duo, Daphne not only has to endure such an experience, but also needs to pay the extra cost of manipulating the timeline.

Isn't this more uncomfortable than Xia Duo?

Moreover, since consciousness can be kept continuous, although Shado cannot use tools other than consciousness, consciousness itself can also carry out sorting, analysis and research work other than practical operation.

Just waste time like this, and see who can outlast who!


Finally, after two days of Shado's perception of time, Daphne finally couldn't hold on. She didn't stop manipulating the timeline immediately, but asked Shado at the beginning of each cycle:

"What did you do?"

It's a pity that Daphne is not a human mage in the movie, and Shado is not Dormammu.

From the time cycle of one or two seconds without a word, to now actively speaking, Shado doesn't understand that the other party has run out of tricks!

And it's only two days, who is he looking down on!

Since the cycle is only one or two seconds, Shado simply gave up everything else that the avatar and the main body were doing, and actually couldn't do it. While keeping the avatar on basic alert, he concentrated on analyzing the data collected from the previous Tear Lake Operation.

Two days have passed. Because he cannot use the intelligent brain and computing power pool (because these two types of assistance cannot be continuous in the time loop), his processing speed is actually a bit slow.

Especially in the past, he was used to the assistance of computing power pool and intelligent brain, and now he feels that he has become a turtle speed all of a sudden, but two days are enough to eliminate a considerable amount of useless data.

At that time, the data collected by the Alliance Mage and the Psychic Detector was all the magic network data that could be collected by the ritual center, not just the ritual-related data. Collecting only the ritual-related data is simply not possible in the case of magic network riots.

If it can be done, it is actually equivalent to knowing the details of the ritual very well.

Xia Duo needs to eliminate the magic network background parameters as much as possible by comparing the magic network riot trends before and after the ritual went out of control in the Tear Lake Operation, leaving only the details related to the ritual.

This is a very huge project. Xia Duo has been prepared to fight for several years in a row, but he didn't expect that Daphne would run out of tricks in just two days.

"You must hold on! If you hold on for a few more years, I will be able to completely analyze the ritual at the Teardrop Lake!"

No matter how much time you spend in the time loop, for the present world, it is always just one or two seconds in the loop.

In other words, Daphne is destroying the plan she insisted on with her own hands at this moment. The longer the loop lasts, the better the destruction effect will be.

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