Arcane Lord

Chapter 3386 Mutual concessions and adherence to tradition

Although Xia Duo's war spell authority will definitely be revoked by various countries after the war, his performance during the war was enough to win him the right to speak he wanted.

In fact, it's not that countries don't want war spells to enter the market as soon as possible, it's just that they are selfish and don't want Xia Duo to benefit from it, that's all.

Objectively speaking, Xia Duo can indeed gain more say in this, but to say that he designed the battle situation like this from the beginning would be to overestimate him. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot dominate the key decisions of the Illuminati.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be enough if he just asked the Illuminati to give up their plan?

In addition, although he takes the overall situation into consideration, he cannot let go of the influence and voice he has obtained. In terms of the overall situation, the current war with the Illuminati is the overall situation, and everything else is secondary.

The countries in the alliance are fighting for their own interests and ignoring the overall situation. The situation is now about to develop into a catastrophe. They are still planning these things, which makes Xia Duo very angry. Fortunately, he was not completely unaware of all this.

He has already reserved room for concessions. If other countries still do not cooperate, then don't blame him for running away.

"I ask all countries to make a decision as soon as possible about the participation of war spells in the war. If countries are not confident about me, they can also send spellcasters above the elite level to Yongle City to participate in the placement of war spells."

This was what Xia Duo had prepared from the beginning. After all, if he could control war spells to provide real-time support throughout the North, he would not be able to do it by himself.

Even if all countries directly agree to his proposal without mentioning any conditions, he will still ask all countries to send mages to Yongle City to assist in operations.

Now he is making demands that he would have made as a condition for concessions. If countries don't agree, then he has nothing to say.

Sure enough, after hearing that each country could send its own personnel to oversee the deployment of war spells, the expressions on the faces of the representatives from each country were slightly relaxed.

The current situation is critical. Due to their status as representatives, even if they know that what they are doing is right, they cannot unconditionally agree to Xia Duo, but they are also under great pressure.

Because everyone with a discerning eye knows that the current situation has reached a time when war magic must be deployed, and even if war magic is put aside, Xia Duo is the local war commander who cannot be replaced in the North.

In this case, despite Xia Duo's completely reasonable suggestions or demands, the pressure they felt in their hearts was actually very high.

Now that Xia Duo has taken the lead in making concessions, they are finally relieved. They no longer have to be caught between the country behind them and the interests of the alliance represented by Xia Duo. If the country still does not agree, the consequences may not be borne by anyone. .

The representatives have long received the news that another floating city of Xia Duo has taken its citizens to an alien plane. In this case, Xia Duo is the one who has the least burden. Once he gives up, The top domestic officials who are still making various calculations are all dumbfounded.

"Advisor Xia Duo, regarding the use of war spells, this matter really needs to be handled with caution. Please understand the difficulties faced by various countries. I have already fed back your opinions to the country. I think the country will make a decision soon."

"We are facing great enemies, and we really need to understand each other."

Speaking of this, Xia Duo changed the topic and once again mentioned the problem of prophets that had been clearly mentioned before: "So what plans do countries have for the prophets in their own countries?"

This topic is even more sensitive than war magic. If it is not handled properly, even if the Illuminati crisis is successfully overcome, it will inevitably cause civil unrest after the war.

Therefore, when it comes to handling this issue, all countries tend to be conservative. Even Ye Erlan, who has a high-level traitor like Daphne, his representative Osmantus did not give a satisfactory answer to Shado:

"The Daphne incident is indeed worthy of vigilance, but it is really inappropriate to label all prophets as members of the Illuminati. After receiving the news, our Crown Prince and the Council have issued a stern notice to the domestic prophets, asking them to do so within a limited time. Going to Taivi Mansa for investigation, and arresting him without investigation would probably cause unnecessary unrest and make an already difficult situation even more difficult.”

"Irfalan has a similar approach, but what goes further than Yeerlan is that we have already monitored and even controlled the family of the prophet. We will withdraw only after the suspicion is completely eliminated."

"Same with Cormanzo."

It's not that all countries are afraid of the prophets. In terms of absolute strength, the prophets do not have an advantage. It's just because they have so many members. If they take action rashly and it is found to be a misjudgment, the consequences will be too serious.

In addition, the superiors in the elven countries do not want to break the existing unspoken rule that "the arrest of a high mage must have conclusive evidence". If they are suspicious based on just a word from an outsider, they will take action against a prophet who enjoys a high reputation in the country.

Whether it is arresting, controlling, or simply monitoring a residence, it is undoubtedly a very bad start.

This will lead to the collapse of the originally well-functioning high-level order. If the mutual trust between high mages is no longer there, it will be difficult for the country to last long.

You must know that in the current elven world, only a few high-ranking mages who commit crimes are sentenced to death, and more often they are sentenced to exile (family property will be confiscated and only a small amount of necessary supplies will be given).

Even for the losers in the power struggle, the most serious situation is nothing more than exile. Usually they just sit on the bench and are not in the center of power. The other basic rights still exist.

Such rules also benefit ordinary elves, but compared to those in higher positions, ordinary elves have less room to operate in terms of compliance.

If you ignore the evidence and attack the high mages, the ones most opposed by the elven countries may not be the powerful superiors themselves, but rather the ordinary elves who are in a weak position.

In this case, the ordinary elves are not protecting the suspected superiors, but the order that has been running in the elven world for a long time. What they are protecting is their own interests.

In the words of Xia Duo's hometown, this is called "rule of law", but it is not rule of law based on written law, but based on customary law, or tradition or unspoken rules.

Xia Duo also agrees with this order, but compared to the elves' almost absolute attitude towards this order that cannot be changed, Xia Duo will distinguish between different times. For example, during the current war, special things must be done.

There is only one reason why there is such a difference. Xia Duo believes in written laws, such as the current Bactrian Code, and written laws generally have arbitrary content during wartime, and the order still operates according to normal laws at other times.

The elves, however, have no written laws. They exist more in the form of traditions or unspoken rules, and the formation of traditions or unspoken rules itself takes a very long time.

Once damaged, it will only become more and more disintegrated, with almost no chance of repair.

Therefore, even in wartime, elves do not dare to break traditions or unspoken rules easily to avoid huge social turmoil.

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