Arcane Lord

Chapter 3388 Intelligence Analysis Sea Elf Clues

While waiting for the arrival of reinforcements, Xia Duo was not idle. On the one hand, he continued to support the Alliance mages who were processing the source of the time-related signals on the front line with the help of the command network, and on the other hand, he analyzed the information previously obtained from various local battlefields.

Especially the latter, Xia Duo invested more energy, because the Illuminati had already started the decisive battle on the timeline, and it was difficult for the local battlefields to gain the upper hand even under his command, let alone win.

This also highlights the preciousness of the information that had been obtained in various local battlefields before noon today.

Those information include both the details of the time-related rituals on the corresponding battlefields and the various potential information exposed by the behavior of the Illuminati mages themselves.

Regarding the part about the time-related rituals, Xia Duo had already analyzed the Tear Lake Ritual in the time cycle of the Tanzania Operation, which can also be used to assist in analyzing the ritual details of other battlefields.

On the local battlefields, the words and deeds of the Illuminati mages are also very important, and even the details of the battlefield itself are worth analyzing. It’s a pity that the time cycle experienced before only adds up to more than two years, which is not enough to support Xia Duo’s comprehensive intelligence analysis.

It was considered good luck to analyze only the time-related rituals on the Teardrop Lake, and now, Xia Duo was ready to complete the rest of the analysis.

Compared with the single-person research in the time loop, he can now use the intelligent brain, computing power pool, and experts in various fields in the command network. Purely studying time-related rituals may not be more efficient than in the time loop.

But in terms of intelligence analysis, it will only be more efficient than his own thinking without assistance. In fact, this is also the fundamental reason why he only analyzed time-related rituals in the time loop.

Analyzing time-related rituals involves the application of magic knowledge, and the assistance of others is more reflected in computing power, and the role in inspiration is not obvious.

But intelligence analysis involves almost every individual, not to mention those intelligence experts who are better than Xia Duo.

In terms of intelligence analysis, integrating the wisdom of everyone is the most efficient, which is the so-called "one person's plan is short, two people's plan is long".


Xia Duo synchronized all the analysis progress in the command network at the first time, and then joined in himself. Soon, he found a key clue!

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the local battlefield-related rituals, the Illuminati almost always chose places where few people go, so as to avoid the anchoring of historical inertia to the past as much as possible.

But there are not many truly wild places in the North. The so-called unowned land is mostly undeveloped at the moment, or lacks legal basis. In the past, those unowned lands were basically owned.

This also means that it is difficult to have many truly uninhabited places.

Therefore, the Illuminati chose to choose specific ritual locations underwater and in the mountains, just like the Teardrop Lake and the Moon Shadow Family's base inside the Tanzan Peak.

Of course, this alone is not enough for Xia Duo to identify as a key clue. After all, anyone can draw such a conclusion by just glancing at the location of each local battlefield.

The key is that these two special ritual locations, underwater and inside the mountain, cannot be obtained by conventional means. For example, to go underwater, at least there must be a spell that can go into the water. You can't just swim down, right?

Even if you really swim down, those Illuminati mages can't hold their breath to cast spells, right?

Moreover, some underwater ritual sites are not shallow, and even elves who are very good at diving find it difficult to maintain normal activities there, at least they cannot support until the end of the ceremony.

In this case, it is necessary to use magic to change the environment, or adapt to the environment.

This is where the clues found by Shado are. He found that almost every underwater ritual site has a [Water Element Field Barrier]. If it were just that, there would be no need to pay too much attention, but they are all sea elf-style barriers.

The magic of the surface elves in the main plane has long formed a clear distinction from other branch elves.

For example, the drow, first of all, the magic network environment in the dark area is different from that on the surface, and the living environment is harsh. Not only is the living resources of the environment itself scarce, but there is also more brutal competition caused by this scarcity.

So until now, the magic of the drow has evolved into a completely different system compared to their surface compatriots nearly ten thousand years ago.

The same is true for sea elves. Perhaps the magic system has not changed much in essence, but the casting style and spell form are also closely related to the environment in which they live.

Without frequent communication with mainland elves, it is easy to develop a unique style.

Of course, these are just the reasons that Shaduo found after he concluded that sea elf magic appeared in the local battlefield. The reason why he was able to draw the conclusion in advance was naturally because he had seen sea elf magic of similar style in the projection plane.

If the same sea elf magic existed in the Teardrop Lake or even in other underwater ritual sites, it might be considered a coincidence, but different variants of the same magic appeared, and they were still in the sea elf style.

That obviously cannot be explained by coincidence.

It is more likely that the Illuminati had contact with sea elf mages and learned water-related spells from them, or that sea elf mages simply joined the Illuminati.

Although it is not ruled out that there is really a possibility that Illuminati mages learned sea elf magic from scattered records on land without a teacher, it is still difficult to explain the distinctive sea elf style.

The key is that there is already a more likely explanation, so Xia Duo can't ignore it.

He must grasp this clue no matter what, perhaps this is the key to finding the core ritual of the Illuminati.

Moreover, this clue has already involved forces outside the North. If it is not investigated clearly, even if there is no impact now, it is very likely to backfire in the future.

Therefore, even if the situation is extremely urgent now, and it may even allow the Illuminati to successfully subvert the timeline in the next moment, Xia Duo will still not let go of this clue.

After all, except for this only clue, there is really no other way to effectively counter the Illuminati.

Even if all countries open up the war spell authority and strongly support it, at most they can only stalemate the battlefields of the scattered timelines, which may not affect the core ritual of the Illuminati, and the alliance is still in a passive position.

Xia Duo still understands the principle of long-term defense and loss. If he wants to take the initiative, he still needs to hit the key points of the Illuminati.


After discovering the clue of the sea elves, Xia Duo immediately synchronized it to the representatives of various countries, and then the representatives of various countries synchronized it to their respective countries, but the countries had different opinions on the clue discovered by Xia Duo.

Most countries do not think that they need to devote their energy to investigating sea elves at this time of urgency. Based on their understanding of time-related magic, they believe that as long as they defeat the Illuminati on a local battlefield, they can dismantle the opponent's conspiracy.

This is not a problem in itself, but the question is whether it can be done. In fact, it is impossible to do it, because the Illuminati has won many victories since noon.

No one knows how much impact these local victories will eventually have.

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