Arcane Lord

Chapter 3390 The secret behind Ilfarang’s revival

"Good day, King Lorien! Good day, Chief Consul Vazele! Good day, all Consuls."

"Good day, Advisor Shado."

After a simple greeting, Shado got straight to the point: "I am honored to meet you in person. I think the clues about the sea elves this time are very important. Please introduce me to one or two."

After Shado finished speaking, King Lorien seemed to have not heard it at all. He still maintained a standard polite smile. It was Chief Consul Vazele who spoke:

"Michael, you come to explain to Consultant Shado."


Michael is a gold elf with black hair like Shado. Shado had met him in Erintar before. Of course, what he knew most about Michael was the intelligence field that he was responsible for in the Ilfarran Consul Advisory Group.

Shado was not surprised that Vazele asked Michael to introduce him. Otherwise, would the King introduce him in person?

"In fact, we have been ready to provide information to the Alliance since we confirmed not long ago that the sea elf magic found on the battlefield in the north has a distinct mark of the times."

Mikael did not directly explain the relationship between Ilfaran and the sea elves, but first stated his attitude on this matter. He was intentional and proactive in confessing to the Alliance, not for any other reason.

Then, Mikael talked about the history of Ilfaran-

"As we all know, after the Fourth Crown War, Erivanda, who had defeated the biggest enemy that hindered their rule over the land, was not satisfied with the existing territory and began to attack the original neutral countries and even their allies.

"Ilfaran was conquered during that period. Fortunately, although the upper class of Ilfaran was completely wiped out by Erivanda, the lower class as their fellow tribesmen still survived.

"This also laid the foundation for the later reconstruction of Ilfarang. Otherwise, there were so many destroyed countries at that time, and few of their names have been heard until now. How could Ilfarang be rebuilt and survive until now?" Perhaps noticing Shado's impatient look, Mikael finally talked about the key point, "But how could a country with only civilians survive in the North, which was still shrouded in the shadow of war at that time? "The outside world generally believes that our ancestors found the supreme magic inheritance in the ruins of their homeland. We have always said so to the outside world, but in fact, there is a secret involved here-"After the four wars, the countries on the continent were destroyed, and countless survivors scattered. The most of them went to the Ristar Forest, which later even became the place where the dignitaries fled after the demise of Arivanda. "Some of the survivors of various countries went to Everiska. Later, because there were too many survivors, Sruvend was established, followed by Sharwen and Yeerlan. "Some of the survivors chose to flee to the south. At that time, Katemire in the south was the only elven country that survived in a relatively intact state, so it attracted many survivors from the north.

"But these are not all. A considerable number of survivors believed that the continent was the source of war, and they chose to go to sea to escape.

"Our ancestors were also invited, but because it was difficult to leave their homeland, they did not go overseas, but stayed in their hometown to start anew.

"Perhaps the ancestors' love for their homeland touched the survivors. Before those survivors who went to sea finally left, they gave a lot of supplies and the most important magic heritage to the ancestors, and then the new Ilfarang was born. "

"So, the survivors of the continental countries who went to sea to escape are the current sea elves? This is not right, right? The time should not match, right? "Shado immediately raised the question.

In response, Mikael did not hide it. He continued to explain: "The survivors who went to sea back then were certainly not sea elves, but they were able to take root overseas with the help of the sea elves. The two sides established a deep friendship. That's why Ilfarang had contact with the sea elves. Otherwise, how could a group of civilians back then come into contact with the sea elves that were almost legendary?"

The Ilfarang elves never shy away from the civilian identity of their ancestors, and even take pride in it. It is indeed worthy of pride. After all, the countries in the north are basically established by spellcaster elites.

Ilfarang is the only country established by a group of civilians. Even if they received gifts and help from other survivors in the process, it does not change the nature of the civilians' founding of a country.

The Ilfarang survivors back then could have joined other settlements or followed those survivors who went to sea to become citizens of the new country, instead of rebuilding a new country from scratch.

"So you think it was the sea elves you are familiar with who joined the Illuminati? "Shado asked again.

"First of all, we need to clarify that the connection between us and the sea elves is not as close as you think. The countries that we are in close contact with are actually the overseas countries established by the survivors of the continental countries, and the relationship between us and the sea elves is more of a simple trade relationship."

In Shado's opinion, Mikael's words were somewhat eager to pass the buck, but he didn't say anything. Now if he wanted to investigate the sea elves, he still needed to rely on Ilfarang, and even if he passed the buck, it could be regarded as making up for his mistakes.

"Then what should we do if the alliance wants to investigate the sea elves in depth?" Shado asked again.

"We can't contact the sea elves unilaterally." Mikael showed a regretful expression, but then said, "The recent period is not a pre-agreed trade period. If you want to investigate, it's best to seek help from overseas countries."

"The overseas countries you are talking about are not the elves on the islands about 800 or 900 miles west of the coastline of Ilfarran, right?"

Shado had previously traveled the main plane in a floating city and had seen many islands overseas, with both elves and humans on them, but if there was a country that barely had the size of a country, it would probably be the islands west of Ilfarran.

However, during that trip, he paid more attention to the edge of the plane, rather than the elf settlements on the islands that seemed far less developed than the mainland.

If Mikael hadn't mentioned it deliberately this time, in Shado's mind, he would have always thought that the elves on that island were all wild elves who had lost their civilization heritage!

As for the legendary Forever Gathering Island connecting Afandor and the mortal world, he had tried to find it during that trip, but did not find anything, and Ilfarran did not mention it at the moment, perhaps it was just a legend, or there was another secret in it.

As for the Eternal Gathering Island, since Mikael had not mentioned it, Shado had not asked him about it. After all, if he wanted, he could go to Avandor right now. The connection point between the mortal world and the earth was not a secret that he was eager to know.

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