
Chapter 117

The enemy of Kangchuan Fort evacuated due to heavy losses, but the jackal army besieging other fortresses did not evacuate.

Their battle is still going on, and Huo Ling can get the latest battle situation from the communication array every day.

The battle between Xinnan City and the jackals is still extremely fierce, and the support of the legendary wizard is not as timely as before.

The Jackal Empire also received new support, a legendary archbishop. After this legendary priest arrived, the jackals launched a massive attack.

The spell support of the legendary wizard is always dispersed by the legendary priests and legendary shamans of the jackals.

Fortunately, the two jackal bosses will not take the initiative to attack the fortresses and fortresses on the border. They are also worried about their own divine power and magic power being consumed too much.

The legendary wizard directly beheaded them in the magic tower. The low-level forces of the two sides, without the influence of high-level forces, launched a brutal fight.

In just half a month, five fortresses on the border were removed by the jackals, and the entire defense line became precarious.

The master and apprentice Huo Ling, who were stationed in Kangchuan Fort, were worried every day. Although they repelled the enemy, it was also a trick.

However, not long after, a group of reinforcements came to the fortress, and the Blue Star Academy still mobilized on a larger scale.

Many students of the Black Iron Rank and those who have graduated have received the academy's conscription order. For those who have not graduated yet, this order is a compulsory conscription, and for those who have graduated, this is a conscription that can be refused.

However, the conscription made the military merit rewards of the academy more abundant, so many people chose to obey the conscription and join the army.

Two battalions of Class C garrisons, totaling 600 people, came to reinforce Kangchuan Fort this time.

In addition, there is a company of Black Iron-level professionals, who are all students who were temporarily conscripted and reorganized according to the organization of the mobile division.

A total of 90 Black Iron-level professionals, plus 10 Silver-level professionals as officers, and their temporary commander is a senior Silver Mage.

It can be regarded as another enhancement of the garrison force of Kangchuan Fort, but it is still insufficient to reinforce other fortresses.

Some fortresses even have Gold-level professionals added in. Of course, this is also because the academy believes in the combat effectiveness of He Wenhan, and he can replace several Gold-level professionals alone.

"Xiao Huo, the reinforcements are coming. Go and settle them, and then bring their commander to see me." Even though reinforcements came from outside the city, the garrison did not dare to open the city gate without orders.

"Do you need to verify your identity?" Huo Ling asked.

"No, I have just checked with my mental power. There are my acquaintances inside. Go and pick them up." He Wenhan was busy with his hands.


Huo Ling turned around and went out, and soon came to the top of the city wall.

The reinforcements and professionals outside the city have been lined up. Although they were turned away, they did not complain at all.

They have seen the surrounding terrain, the remaining bloodstains, the broken armor and weapons, and the terrain affected by the battle.

All these scenes show that there has been a fierce battle here, and the defenders in the city have also defended the fortress.

"Captain, I heard that the commander of this fortress is also from your Tiannan University?" A silver-level warrior followed the captain of the spellcaster squadron and asked in a low voice.

This supporting company is not all students of Tiannan University, but also students and teachers from many other universities in the university town.

"Yes, the commander here is my old friend." The captain nodded reservedly.

"Then we are blessed. Looking at this battle scene, this commander is quite powerful. He actually beat back the jackals!" The warrior was amazed.

"The jackals were beaten back here. It is estimated that the jackals will not come here to attack again in a short time. You can follow me and be happy. If I hadn't made some arrangements, you would not be able to follow me to such a safe place." The captain was full of pride.

"That's right!" The several silver-level platoon leaders following behind him all nodded in praise.


"Call the two captains over and open the city gate." Huo Ling ordered the messenger beside him.

Although Huo Ling and his men had temporary jurisdiction over the garrison, they had no control over the garrison's garrison mission arrangements.

, it is best to let the garrison officers handle it.

"Open the city gate!"


The thick city gate slowly opened under the mechanical energy driven by the magic stone, making a loud noise.

"Enter the city!"

The officer outside the city commanded loudly, and then lined up in neat steps and entered Kangchuan Fort.

They saw Huo Ling in the city wearing a wizard robe, as well as two dark warriors and two captains of the garrison following him.

The two dark warriors put a lot of pressure on them. The dark armor was full of scratches, and it can be seen what kind of tragic battle they have experienced.

"I am Major Huo Ling, the adjutant of Kangchuan Fort garrison. Please ask the commander to come out and show your orders."

Huo Ling's face was serious, and his eyes swept over the people who came to support him.

These more than 700 people, not to mention the garrison, those black iron-level professionals, old and young, seem to be graduated professionals and students mixed together.

Suddenly, Huo Ling's eyes froze and he saw a familiar face.

The man opposite also saw Huo Ling, and the more the company commander looked at Huo Ling, the more familiar he felt.

"Oh no, why is this guy here too!" The company commander was shocked and showed an embarrassed expression on his face.

It turned out to be 'Professor Li'! Huo Ling looked at this familiar face.

'Professor Li' and two garrison captains walked out of the crowd and showed their military orders to come to support.

After Huo Ling took it, he checked it carefully, and after checking that it was correct, he smiled.

"Professor Li, and these two majors, please follow me to settle the soldiers, and then follow me, Colonel He is waiting for you in his building."

Afterwards, Huo Ling led them to settle the soldiers under his command, and led them into the central tower.

"Professor Li, I didn't expect you to come to support us." Huo Ling, who was leading the way in front, smiled.

This guy said he would introduce a teacher of the gold level to him, but he never saw him again after he arrived at school, and he didn't answer the phone. Huo Ling almost thought he was scammed.

If the master and apprentice had not helped Huo Ling before he entered school, he would definitely promote them in school.

"Student Huo, don't belittle me. You have already advanced to the silver level. I am a little older than you. Just call me Brother Li." Professor Li had an awkward smile on his face, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Damn, what do kids eat nowadays? How come this guy has reached the silver level after more than a year of not seeing him!

Professor Li kept complaining in his heart. He could never have thought that the student who had just awakened his spirit more than a year ago would catch up with him in the blink of an eye.

"Teacher Li, where is Senior Guan? Why didn't he come with you?" Huo Ling didn't answer him, but asked his apprentice instead.

"Xiao Guan, he has also advanced to silver level and has been assigned to guard other fortresses." Li Chengji showed a trace of pride on his face. His apprentice was not bad and also advanced to silver level.

"Congratulations!" Huo Ling congratulated him and was happy for him. At that time, Guan Borong gave him a lot of advice and experience when he just awakened.

"Old Li!" He Wenhan greeted Huo Ling with a smile when he saw him leading people in.

They taught in the same school. Although they were not very familiar with each other, they knew each other. The memory of high-level professionals was still very good.

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