
Chapter 129

The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Are humans going to counterattack?" Abbot, the jackal duke who launched the attack on Xinnan City, was a little confused in the central army tent.

They had received intelligence from the frontline scouts, and were now summoning many nobles to discuss the military here.

"Great, these damn guys are finally coming out of their tortoise shells!"

A general of the Saint Domain Warrior couldn't help but slap the table in front of him to vent. For half a year, except for sporadic soldiers raiding the plantations behind these fortresses and having field battles with small groups of human soldiers.

At other times, humans stayed in the fortresses and fortresses, not going out at all, making these jackals irritable.

"It's not necessarily a good thing for humans to attack proactively." Legendary Shaman Kru said slowly. He was not a great noble of the Gnolls.

He was born in a small noble family of the Gnolls. He relied on his talent to reach the legendary level. Now he is more than 500 years old. After so many years of experience, he knows that everything is not that simple.

"What do you mean?" Grand Duke Abbot asked.

"If these humans have not been disguising their strength, then these humans have received support." Kru said after thinking for a moment.

"These humans are weak. Even if there is support, we are not afraid. We have three legendary adults here!" Another Gnoll Duke said carelessly.

The legendary priest Yalike, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked at this guy, then closed his eyes again and said nothing.

Indeed, in addition to the 150,000 troops, the Gnoll army also has three legendary professionals.

A legendary warrior, a legendary shaman, and a legendary priest.

One warrior and two spellcasters, this configuration is not weak. With the help of high-level professionals, even if the low-level combat power is a little lacking, with the help of legends, the decline can be reversed quickly.

If there is only a legendary warrior, it will be fine. He can't kill many people with a knife even if he chops for a day.

But a spell or magic from a legendary shaman or priest can kill a large number of low-level soldiers at a time.

Especially the priests of the gnolls, their legendary magic can summon a legendary demon lord from the abyss.

Of course, this magic also summons the projection of the demon, and the demon lords that can be summoned are all under Yenogu, unlike the gold level, which can be summoned randomly.

But this also has its advantages. Yenogu has only a few legendary demons, and every time they summon, they can summon the legendary demons they need according to the needs of the battle.

"In any case, since these humans dare to walk out of the defensive fortress, we will give them a chance to let them know that the gnolls are not afraid of fighting!" Abbott said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Sir!"



After the military meeting, many high-ranking gnoll nobles left the military tent and returned to their own residences.

The same was true for the priest Alex. Alex was born in the family of another gnoll duke. If it weren't for his descendants' constant prayers, he would not come to the army to support.

Even after he came, he never took the initiative to attack, and he didn't say a word in the usual military meetings. He just resolved the magic attack of the legendary wizard with Kru when he first came.

The legendary wizard didn't attack later, and he has been free recently.

Back to his own tent, this tent was built extremely luxuriously, with a huge internal space, and many magic amulets were hung outside the tent.

These amulets can protect the tent very well, and have a warning effect, which can protect his safety.

Entering the tent, the gnoll maid waiting inside quickly greeted him and gently took off the various priest costumes he was wearing.

Alec's paws gently stroked the soft hair of a wolf girl beside him, and his paws gently brushed the silver hair, feeling the soft touch.

He sat on the chair, and several wolf girls beside him held various equipment, combing his hair, trimming, and spraying perfume. A maid was behind him, sitting and massaging him with her paws.

Another maid was already sitting in Alec's arms, holding a plate of flesh and blood of an unknown creature. The flesh and blood had been cut into small pieces and was put into his mouth piece by piece by the maid.

Although he was a priest, the priests of Yenogu did not have any strict rules and regulations. As a demon lord, Yenogu had no strict rules and regulations.

Gu likes cruel killings, and so do his followers.

But today is different. When Xinnan City was preparing to launch a counterattack, Ren An, a legendary demon-breaking dark war, had already received his mission.

The role of the demon-breaking dark war is not on the front battlefield, but as a surprise force to behead the enemy spellcaster. This is the correct use.

Ren An, wearing black light armor, has sneaked into the big tent of Alex from the shadow plane. Feeling the gnoll priest enjoying himself inside, he sneered.

He held a dull sword in his hand. The blade of this sword was thin, but extremely sharp, with several enchantments on it.

Legendary solidity, legendary sharpness, legendary demon-breaking!

These are all specially enchanted by Ren Ran. They are especially useful against spellcasters, and even against combat professionals, they are also very good.

He wanted to pass through Alex's big tent from the shadow plane, but the detection of several divine arts forced him to deal with it carefully.

While enjoying himself, Alex suddenly frowned and found something wrong. He waved his hand and knocked away all the gnoll maids around him.

With a wave of his hand, he was about to hold the staff in his hand.

Ren An saw this scene. Although he didn't understand which step had gone wrong, he knew that he couldn't delay any longer. The priest in front of him had already discovered him.

He rushed directly into the tent, and the sword in his hand, with the blessing of the magic-breaking fighting spirit, silently chopped at Alex.

"Damn it!" Alex had sensed the incoming enemy through his mental power, and he screamed in horror.

The magic-breaking secret war is not only aimed at mages, but also at most spellcasters. They are terrifying enemies.

However, Alex is a priest. In addition to the ability to cast spells, priests also have good physical combat abilities.

He rolled over and successfully avoided Ren An's attack, and then held the staff in his hand.

Evil aura!

First, a divine spell was released, and a ball of evil light fell from above, covering a space of hundreds of meters in radius.

This is a divine spell, the abyss version of the Holy Aura, but it has a similar effect, inflicting negative effects on surrounding enemies and providing positive blessings to teammates.

If the enemy's resistance and will are not high enough, each attack will be weakened, and it will fall into extraordinary darkness and be unable to gain perception until the effect of the divine spell ends.

But this divine spell light fell on Ren An, but was ignored by his powerful spell resistance, and the evil glimmer enveloped him.

"You damn human!" Alec was furious, but then his face changed drastically.

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