
Chapter 132

The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Abute took the main seat, holding the legendary warhammer in his hand, and looked at the many nobles who were making noises in the tent.

After the tent became quiet, he said word by word: "Since humans want to fight us in the field, we will give them the most cruel death!"

The tent was silent for a moment, and then there were more enthusiastic cheers and howls.


On the main battlefield, the main forces of the jackals and humans confronted each other here.

On the human side, the legendary mage You Taining was flying alone in the air, and opposite him was the enemy's legendary destruction tyrant Abute and a group of sanctuary professionals.

"Human, you dare to walk out of the turtle shell and fight us in the field. Kneel down and surrender, kiss my toes, and I can spare your life!" Abbott's voice, under the blessing of fighting spirit, resounded throughout the battlefield.

Wherever the voice passed, the gnoll soldiers howled, their eyes had begun to swell, waiting for the fight.

"This is what I want to say to you. As long as you surrender, I can let you be my slave and continue to live." You Taining smiled faintly.

Abbott's face sank, and he snorted coldly, saying: "I hope your bones are as hard as your mouth!"

Then he flew into the army formation, and the war officially began.

With the sound of horns and the waving of flags, the huge army formation stretched out sharp claws like a awakened monster.

You Taining also returned to the main formation, standing on the magic formation platform that had been built long ago, and he began to cast a spell.

As the long and difficult spell was chanted, the huge magic energy was mobilized, and a huge magic formation appeared in front of the formation.

Legendary Summoning: Lord of Earth Element!

Lord of Earth Element is a legendary summoned creature, coming from the Earth Element Plane in the subordinate plane of the spirit world, and possesses legendary combat power. He is tall, more than ten meters tall, and is covered with hard rocks.

Of course, this summoned creature is not the real body of the Earth Element. Like the Demon Summoning, it is the incarnation of the element, but its combat power is also at the legendary level.


Lord of Earth Element walked out of the summoning array, roaring like thunder, and then, under the guidance of the mage, walked towards the army of gnolls.



Every step of Lord of Earth Element caused an earth-shaking effect like an earthquake. With the advantage of height, his speed of movement was not slow at all.


Coming to the army of gnolls, Lord of Earth Element stepped on it, and this huge force directly crushed the gnolls under his feet into meat paste.

Even the gnolls who were not stepped on had their internal organs shattered by the shock of this huge force, and large mouthfuls of blood gushed out.

The ground rippled like water waves, and all the gnolls around were attacked by the vibration of the earth element.

This kick killed at least hundreds of gnoll soldiers, and the combat effectiveness of more soldiers was affected.

"Damn it!" Abbott, who was originally sitting on the Diaoyutai, howled angrily when he saw this scene.

He flew out from the center of the army, holding a war hammer and rushed towards the earth element lord. Only he could stop this big guy on this battlefield.

If the earth element lord was allowed to continue trampling in the army, there would be no need for humans to go out, and the morale of the gnolls would soon collapse.

"Die!" Abbott flew in the air, and the legendary war hammer in his hand condensed a huge fighting spirit. With the huge force, he hammered the earth element lord.


The hammer hit the rock armor of the Earth Elemental Lord, and a circle of golden ripples broke out at the place where the two sides touched.

Under this violent attack, the rock armor of the Earth Elemental Lord in this area was turned into powder.

The Earth Elemental Lord was tall, and his defense and strength were very amazing, but his movements were too slow compared to Abbot.

Abbot was like a fly playing with him, and at the same time, every attack of his was very powerful, and the Earth Elemental Lord couldn't bear it.


The Earth Elemental Lord roared, and a spell-like ability was released.

Gravity Aura!

A circle of earth-yellow ripples flashed, and a large circle around was all affected by this spell. Abbot, who was flying in the air, seemed to be pressed by a mountain, and his speed dropped suddenly.

Even those jackals who were running for their lives, trying to escape from the battlefield, thought they had run far enough and had not yet breathed a sigh of relief,

Attacked by the aftermath of this spell.

The heavy gravity like a mountain pressed down, and these unlucky guys who didn't have time to run out of the spell range were directly crushed into a bloody corpse by this gravity.

Then the earth element lord stuck his legs into the soil, and the earth elements in the surrounding land were extracted by him, combined with the soil on the ground, and re-condensed into elemental rock armor.

"Ah!!!" Seeing this scene, Abbott's eyes were red.

He beat hard for a long time, and the rock armor that was finally broken was restored so easily.

On the other side, after summoning the earth element lord, the legendary wizard was not idle. After drinking a bottle of extremely effective magic potion, he continued to cast spells.

This time he did not choose the legendary spell, but chose the gold and sanctuary-level spells that consumed less mana. Compared with the huge mana consumption of legendary spells, the consumption of these spells is much smaller.

These high-level spells were played out in his hands, using small magic to do great things. With the blessing of his legendary magic, these high-level spells were also very powerful.

From time to time, a lightning bolt hit the flying hyena sanctuary in the air. The hyenas hit were covered with black smoke and fell from the air with screams. Then they were caught by the human who had just fought with him and killed with one blow.

Sometimes it was a huge fireball spell, hitting the thick place in the hyena army formation, which was often the elite force of the hyenas.

Some nobles' personal soldiers, or elite troops that acted as heavy hammers on the battlefield, were all above the silver level. After being attacked by this spell, they were burned to death one by one, wailing, and they did not play any help to the battle situation.

Sometimes his spells would be intercepted or even dispelled. These were the works of the spellcasters, shamans or priests in the hyena army formation.

But the gap in rank is difficult to make up. These golden-level spells that are casually cast by legendary wizards are often added with several super magic skills.

Spell destruction! Spell extreme effect! Spell strong penetration! Spell delay! And so on...

With these super magic skills and the blessing of legendary magic, this spell often requires the gnoll caster to use more spells or divine arts to offset it.

Before the battle started for long, many gnoll casters were already pale, and their strength was consumed too quickly.

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