
Chapter 138

The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Huo Ling entered the central control room, where the teacher's undead soldiers were stationed.

After entering the underground, Huo Ling looked at the control room. This was a room located more than ten meters underground. The walls of the room had been specially reinforced, and there was a sunken platform in the center.

This was where the core of the defense array was arranged. There were four dark warriors and a silver-level dark mage stationed in the room.

After Huo Ling glanced at the dark mage, he ignored him and took out the huge defense array core from the space bracelet.

This was an enhanced version of the black iron-level defense array core, which was huge and as big as a van.

It was several times larger than the scaled-down version of the black iron-level defensive array core that Huo Ling had seized before.

After placing the array core in the middle groove, he poured a lot of magic stones into the energy storage port next to it and activated the core.

The array core began to tremble slightly like an ignited engine, and there was a faint sound. As the runes flashed, the array core was officially activated.

But this is not the end. This is a complete version of the garrison array core, not portable. To obtain the highest defense shield, it is necessary to arrange defense fulcrums on the periphery.

Huo Ling walked outside, took out the defense array design given by the teacher, and began to circle around the plantation, constantly placing small defense cores at various defense fulcrums.

It took most of the day to finally arrange these defense cores one by one, and finally returned to the central control room to officially start the defense array.

Soon, an illusory defense shield rose up on the periphery of the plantation. Huo Ling put his mental power deep into the core of the defense array and felt the effect of the array.

This array has a Black Iron-level warning array and an enhanced Black Iron-level defense shield.

The warning array can monitor a radius of ten kilometers. As long as there is an energy fluctuation of Black Iron level or above within this range, it will alert the guards stationed.

At the same time, it has the effect of breaking the means of evasion detection below level two, and the means of evasion detection of level two and above cannot be discovered.

The enhanced shield can generate a maximum defense shield of 50,000 degrees to protect the core position of the entire plantation.

Normally, this shield will not be activated unless the warning array detects a large number of enemy units or the stationed dark wizard actively activates it, otherwise this shield will only protect the central control room.

Huo Ling can only arrange the defense array, but cannot make it directly. If you want to make these defense arrays, you can only consider it after advancing to the gold level.

After arranging the defensive array, the next step is to arrange the energy storage array.

In the spirit world, if you want to plant magic potions, you can't just find a place to scatter seeds and you can plant them successfully. Not to mention whether the magic potions can survive, in this ordinary magic environment, the magic potions may take several years to reach the harvest stage, which no one can wait.

For large-scale planting, it is definitely impossible to plant a magic potion in a few acres of land. In this case, not to mention the difficulty of planting, the difficulty of care is surprisingly high.

The solution is to arrange energy storage arrays on the vast land, gather the magic power of a large area, and condense it in a very small area.

This is the case with He Wenhan's plantation. He owns more than 130,000 acres of land, but the core planting area is only 300 acres, and the available land is very small.

Gathering the magic power on the 130,000 acres of land space can barely be enough for the magic concentration of the 300-acre core plantation.

This is not even enough. It is necessary to use low-level monster blood or fertilizer made from corpses from time to time. Only by combining the two can the requirements of dense planting of magic potions be met.

And if you want to arrange the energy storage array in such a large area, the magic runes you need are indispensable. On average, one magic rune needs to be buried on every acre of land.

This is a huge investment. Even for experienced spellcasters, the cost of refining such magic runes is about three or four magic stones.

For a novice like Huo Ling, there is still the possibility of failure in refining, and the cost is even higher.

Fortunately, these runes are buried in the land. Although they have been deliberately destroyed by the jackals and the aftermath of the war, most of them are still left.

Huo Ling spent a few days to inspect the entire planting area of ​​his teacher.

, and also had some understanding of the number of runes that needed to be made this time.

He needed to refine about 40,000 magic runes to repair this energy storage array. If he refined and repaired at the same time, after about 20,000 runes were repaired, the energy storage effect would allow the plantation to start growing potions.

After having a plan in mind, Huo Ling also officially devoted himself to the work. He could refine nearly 1,000 magic runes every day at full capacity. Although there were many runes that failed to be refined, the cost was still within an acceptable range.

At the beginning, the average cost of each of his runes was seven magic stones, but with the increase of refining experience, his current refining cost can be controlled below five magic stones.

Although it is also far higher than the cost of his peers, considering his status as a novice, this cost control is already quite good.

After He Wenhan learned the news through the communication of the magic array, he was also very happy. He expected the cost to be about eight magic stones, but he didn't expect Huo Ling to get started so quickly.

Even though the cost of eight magic stones is twice that of experienced mages in the market, He Wenhan still gave this task to Huo Ling because so many plantations in Xinnan City need to repair the magic circle, and now there is a shortage of spellcasters who can refine runes, and there is no one to do the work.

Now the plantations in Xinnan City are close to being completely shut down, resulting in the rising demand and price of various magic potions, so the sooner the plantations are resumed, the more opportunities they can seize.

The amount of materials prepared by He Wenhan at that time was also prepared according to the standard of eight magic stones, so now He Wenhan was happy and directly waved his hand and let Huo Ling do whatever he wanted, and all the remaining materials were counted as Huo Ling's task reward this time.

Once the task reward came out, Huo Ling's enthusiasm for work was even greater. He ran at full speed all day in the workshop, refining these runes non-stop.

It took more than a month to make all the runes needed, and the next step was to arrange these runes.

Huo Ling deployed nearly 300 skeleton warriors under his command, and began to dig pits in the fields. Under the command of his mental power, he arranged these energy-storing runes.

It took more than a week to finally place all the runes. At this time, the effect of this primary energy-storing array began to show.

A large amount of magic power was absorbed by these energy-storing arrays and condensed on the 300-acre magic potion planting field in the plantation.

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