
Chapter 140

After returning home, Huo Ling did not let his parents inform too many relatives. Only a few relatives who had a good relationship came to have a meal. Huo Ling did not hesitate to give these relatives who had a good relationship. Anyway, ordinary money in his heart was nothing to him. However, he did not give too much. Giving too much would really become a grudge. Huo Ling also understood the principle that great kindness would turn into hatred. Huo Ling, who climbed up from the bottom, understood these things best. It is better to give them opportunities than to give them money directly. At least you need to work hard to get results. ... After resting for a few days, Huo Ling came to his own spiritual world coordinate point. He had not been here for nearly a year. He did not know what the situation was recently. It was night when he came back. Standing on a tall building, looking at the densely packed zombies below, Huo Ling found a long-lost feeling.

The once terrifying zombies are now nothing more than something that can be slaughtered with a wave of his hand in Huo Ling's eyes.

Now he can easily summon three hundred skeleton warriors. With so many warriors, even the zombies can be touched.

But Huo Ling checked and found that he couldn't directly distinguish the zombie kings, so he let them go.

This time when he came back, Huo Ling was going to get more zombie kings to expand the number of his dark warriors.

In the past, he was limited by his wallet and couldn't control more dark warriors. Now it's different. Now Huo Ling has money.

The next morning, Huo Ling came to the Green Vine Tribe of the Goblins.

In more than a year, this goblin tribe has also developed well, and the number of ordinary goblins has at least doubled.

There are nearly three hundred big goblins, including more than thirty black iron-level goblins, and he also found war lizards in the tribe.

However, these lizard warriors have become slaves of the goblins, and have become slave warriors under the command of the big goblins.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ling couldn't help but sigh at the fickleness of fate. The goblins were once greatly weakened because of Huo Ling, and were almost counterattacked by the lizard warriors.

Now I didn't expect the Green Vine Tribe to develop so well. Looking at this situation, it is estimated that the lizard tribe will not have a good end.

The skeleton warriors originally stationed on one wall, although Huo Ling had not replenished them for a long time, there were more than 200 when he left last time, but now there is not a single one left.

It seems that these goblins have rebelled after not appearing for a long time.

Huo Ling smiled slightly, not too surprised. Most of the races in the spirit world are like this, especially the goblins, who are afraid of power but not virtue.

The goblin soldiers on the wall have already discovered Huo Ling who is slowly approaching. They shouted and even the big goblin warriors were ready to go down and kill.

Seeing this, Huo Ling summoned a hundred skeleton warriors and all the dark warriors. With a slight movement of his mental power, these powerful undead creatures attacked the city wall.


A hobgoblin warrior looked at this scene with a furious look on his face. This was a hobgoblin warrior who joined the Green Vine Tribe later and had never seen the power of undead creatures.

Sparse arrows shot out from the weak short bows of the goblins, and some goblins used feeding ropes to throw fist-sized stones


The stone fell on the armor of the skeleton warrior, making a crisp sound, but did not cause any damage.


"Yes! Master! Ah!"

Some former goblins and hobgoblin warriors saw this scene on the city wall, and the terrifying scene in their memories appeared. They once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the necromancer.

Some goblins were trembling with fear, and some were so scared that they knelt on the spot. This scene made some other goblins stunned.

But the Skeleton Warrior and the Dark Warrior were not idle. The Dark Warrior took a running start and jumped onto the goblin wall, and the Skeleton Warrior quickly climbed onto the top of the city after throwing a short spear.

The undead creatures started a bloody fight, and the goblins were defeated. Only those goblins who were kneeling on the ground and trembling were spared, which made many timid goblins kneel down directly and dared not move.


"Great Master! Don't kill!"

In the distance, a group of big goblin warriors ran towards this side, knelt on the ground in the distance, and shouted loudly, but did not dare to get close to the city wall at all.

Huo Ling passed through the city gate and slowly approached the group of big goblin warriors, looking at the seven or eight kneeling in front of him

Hobgoblins, Huo Ling scanned with his mental power and found that there were some hobgoblins in the distance carrying things and climbing over the wall to escape.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Huo Ling did not speak, but summoned two skeleton wizards, and then a series of bone cones were released, shooting all the sneaking hobgoblins to death.

And the hobgoblin warriors who were kneeling on the ground in front of them, feeling the strong oppression of the two dark wizards in front of them, knelt more thoroughly.

"Guy, is this how the Green Vine Tribe welcomes me?" Looking at the hobgoblins kneeling in front of him, Huo Ling still remembered his name.

"Master... Master... They are all hobgoblins who joined the tribe later. They have never seen what you look like. Please forgive your loyal servants."

The hobgoblin Guy knelt on the ground, kowtowed continuously, tears and snot.

"Where are the skeleton warriors I left behind?" Huo Ling asked slowly.

"They... the troglodytes attacked us later, and these brave skeleton warriors died in the battle to defend the city wall." Guy answered carefully.

Huo Ling looked at these earth elf warriors, thinking in his heart.

Maybe I should learn the spell of reading souls.

As a necromancer, he actually forgot to learn this spell, which was really negligent.

"Pah pah pah!"

A few bone cones shot Guy and several earth elf warriors behind him in the head, and Guy fell to the side with a terrified expression on his face.

Although Huo Ling couldn't check the authenticity of this matter by reading the soul, judging from the performance of these goblins, these skeleton warriors might have been cleared by themselves.

Although I'm not sure if it is true, it doesn't matter. These goblins are no longer of much use to Huo Ling, and it doesn't matter whether they are dead or alive.

"From now on, this tribe will be under your control." Huo Ling looked at a hobgoblin lying on the side with his head almost buried in the soil and said casually.

This hobgoblin was the first one to find Huo Ling on the city wall, and it was he who informed Guy, so Huo Ling spared his life.

Huo Ling walked leisurely in the Green Vine Tribe. Most of the skeletons and dark warriors were taken back, leaving only a few dark warriors to follow him as guards.

He walked all the way to the shaman's hut, and explored it with his mental power. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise.

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