
Chapter 145

The task of clearing the potential dangers on the mountain was handed over to the undead warriors led by the dark wizard, and Huo Ling was not idle either. He also had to find a suitable place on the mountain to place the core of the defense array and the defense node. After spending two days and going around a few times, Huo Ling chose a suitable location and began to arrange personnel for construction. The core is located on the mountainside, only more than 100 meters away from the entrance of the mining vein. When the shield is turned on, the mining equipment in the vein can be protected together. The staff dug a large pit on the mountainside, built a central control center here, and laid bricks and stones. After the simple construction was completed, Huo Ling began to place magic materials on their foundation to reinforce this position to prevent anyone from easily breaking through here. Under the burning of his spell flame, a large amount of magic materials slowly changed and merged, and finally he made it into a wall.

Finally, Li Chengji took out the huge defense array core and placed it. Huo Ling spent another two days to bury the defense nodes around it and debug the array.

During this time, Huo Ling's undead warriors had also cleared all the threatening spiritual creatures around the mountain, and the first stage of work was officially completed.

After taking over Li Chengji's mine, he also learned a spell.

Skull Alarm

Spell effect: Use the skeleton of a dead person and make it into a skull column, which can provide monitoring and alarm effects, and can break the first-level and lower hiding methods.

Casting time: 2 minutes

Spell consumption: 600 magic points

Spell duration: Spell carrier destroyed

Monitoring range: 200 meters

This is a kind of magic alarm. Although the defense array has its own monitoring array, Huo Ling still learned this spell for safety reasons.

In the process of clearing dangers, the undead warriors under his command also brought some of the monster corpses back to the camp.

Except for some of the monster corpses that were made into food, the rest were all in Huo Ling's hands and made into this kind of skull alarm.

The carrier of the skull alarm is a skull with soul fire burning inside, and a bone pillar is connected below, which can be used to insert into stone or soil.

After these skull alarms were made, he spent several days to insert them within a radius of ten kilometers.

The skull pillars on the mountain are relatively simple. As long as you find a suitable location, you can just insert it there. The places farther down the mountain need to be buried in the soil.

These skull alarms are a very effective means of monitoring. Whether he monitors the effect through the soul fire or it is destroyed, it will provide early warning to Huo Ling.

And its effect is far more than that. When the undead creatures under Huo Ling are within his mental power range, Huo Ling can command these undead warriors.

However, as the distance becomes longer, the difficulty of this command becomes more difficult. If the undead creatures are out of his mental power range, they can only rely on the undead creatures’ own combat logic to think about the battle.

But now with the skull alarm, this is different. As long as they are within the grid range of the skull alarm that Huo Ling has successfully built, Huo Ling can indirectly command these undead warriors through this skull column, which expands the combat range of the undead warriors under Huo Ling.

It took a month, and all the preparations for this mining site were finally completed, and the excavation of the Baiming Mine could begin.

As for the guards who had nothing to do recently, they hired a team of construction workers to build and level a dirt road to Takuyuan, providing good transportation conditions for future mineral transportation.

After Huo Ling arranged various defense measures, he also expanded the scope of attack in the recent period.

All the spiritual races within a radius of dozens of miles were recorded as targets, especially those small spiritual tribes on both sides of the transportation road.

These are also safety hazards. If one day they can't think of looting the transportation team, it will be troublesome.

So after leaving half of the dark warriors and skeleton warriors in the camp, and with two dark wizards as commanders, Huo Ling led the remaining warriors to start the battle.


Although most of the spiritual race tribes in Takuyuan have been cleared by the jackals,

These tenacious races are like rats in the sewers. They are killed one after another.

Some even received the news long before the jackals started to attack, and fled with their families.

They returned to their original place after the jackals left, but who knew that the good days had not lasted for a few days, and the humans came again.

In front of them is such a spiritual tribe, a small tribe of barbarians, a kind of humanoid spiritual creatures.

They are pure warriors, and have never heard of spellcasters among the barbarians, whether warlocks, wizards or shamans.

The wisdom of the barbarians is not high, and they basically live a life of eating raw meat and drinking blood. They have abandoned their brains, but in exchange for strong physical strength.

Generally, adult barbarians, both men and women, can basically obtain the combat power of the black iron level, but they do not fight with qi. They rely on pure blood power and cultivate blood qi to make their physical strength strong.

Through constant hunting and fighting, some of these barbarians can reach the silver level of combat effectiveness. Although they don't have very good equipment, their fists, feet and sharp teeth are their best equipment.

This small barbarian tribe has more than 300 people, among which there are more than a dozen silver-level barbarian elders.

Barbarians generally exist in such small tribes, because their wisdom and productivity are too low. When the number of people in a tribe is too large, there is no way to guarantee the acquisition of food.

So when the number of barbarians in a tribe expands to four or five hundred, and the food in this area can no longer satisfy them, they will split into two tribes.

One stays in place, and the other goes far away to find a new territory. During this period, some will succeed, and some will die forever on the road of migration. The dangers in the wilderness are everywhere.

In the early morning, when most of the barbarians were still asleep, Huo Ling had already arrived at this barbarian tribal camp.

This is one of the uncontrollable tribes on the transportation road. The simple minds of these barbarians make people never guess what they will do next.

Huo Ling naturally couldn't let this tribe threaten the future transportation of ore. After all, it would be his money that would be lost.

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