
Chapter 15

Although the corpse was killed, it was still alive.

But even though the corpse was killed, causing such a loud noise and smelling blood, the other corpse in the same house showed no signs of waking up.

His ears and nostrils were trembling slightly. He heard the sound and smelled the blood, but his body did not move at all.

Soon, the corpse was easily slaughtered by the goblins like his companions, and then tied to a spear and carried downstairs.

The more than 20 goblins quickly killed a dozen zombies, lifted the zombies one by one, and returned along the street they came from.

Seeing this, Huo Ling also understood why these goblins made noises during the day and searched these buildings.

I'm afraid it's just to find these zombies. As for what they do after killing the zombies.

According to Huo Ling's guess, it's probably for eating.

Goblins are omnivorous spiritual creatures. From grass roots to rotten corpses, there is nothing they don't eat.

They eat the corpses of their own kind, not to mention this kind of zombies.

Although these zombies have no wisdom, their bodies have no viruses. It's just because their consciousness has been destroyed by spiritual energy that they have become like this.

Maybe in the eyes of the goblins, these zombies in the daytime are just moving pigs.

Huo Ling watched these goblins carrying the corpses of the zombies go farther and farther from the upstairs until they could no longer see their traces.


Huo Ling suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud. He had been suppressed in the spiritual world for so long, and his mood was relaxed at this moment.

The zombies in the daytime were actually motionless, completely a target. This goblin gave Huo Ling a good demonstration.

Potential point, here I come!!!

He put down his luggage, then went downstairs with a spear and a fire axe.

He opened his mental power, found a building with zombies, and began to climb up the stairs.

He walked into a room, and two zombies stood in the dark corner of the room.

Knowing that zombies can't move is one thing, and facing zombies by yourself is another.

Huo Ling looked at the appearance of the zombies, and there was not much difference from humans, but it was obvious that they had to feel a lot.

The skin was quite white, probably because it never saw the sun, and there was a lot of dirt on the skin.

The two corpses in front of him were male corpses, and even obvious physiological organs could be seen. These zombies should be the second generation of zombies.

That is, the zombies that reproduced from each other. Although these zombies have no wisdom, they continue to grow the zombie race by relying on the instinct of reproduction.

Although zombies have no chance to get food, they can still grow by relying on magic. The only disadvantage is that they are relatively thin.

Huo Ling's mind was full of thoughts at this moment, and he had to get down to business next.

He first reached the rune and released a bone tooth, but did not release it, leaving the tooth suspended in the air.

This was a safety measure left for himself. In case of any accident, Huo Ling could also have a countermeasure.

After doing all this, he clenched the spear with both hands and used all his strength to pierce the chest of the zombie.

The zombie was immediately awakened. He howled in a low voice, waving his hands around, with sharp nails on his hands, trying to attack Huo Ling.

But the length of the spear was enough for him to reach it. At the same time, Huo Ling was also observing the movements of another zombie.

Seeing that the zombie was motionless, he was relieved.

The spear pierced the zombie's heart, and soon, the zombie died completely.

But after waiting for a while, no light appeared, and Huo Ling was a little disappointed.

But he quickly regained his spirits, picked up his spear, and stabbed another zombie to death.

Luck seemed not to favor Huo Ling, and this zombie did not contribute any potential points to him.

But Huo Ling was already used to it, he picked up his spear and killed all the other zombies in the building.

This time he was luckier, two zombies produced light spots, and he gained a little more potential points in total.

Huo Ling smiled, and he looked at the surrounding buildings like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb.

As Huo Ling slaughtered the zombies, he finally saw different zombies, in the constant killing.

Whether it was a male zombie or a female zombie, Huo Ling had seen them all, and even a lot of old zombies.

In this building, he finally saw a young zombie.

Unlike the adult zombies, this

The child zombie actually still had some hair, although it was also very dry and frizzy.

Perhaps it won't be long before these hairs will fall off, like those adult zombies, and become bald.

Originally, I wanted to let him go, but then Huo Ling suddenly thought about whether the young zombies could produce potential points stably, and finally shot the young zombie in the head.

Unfortunately, there is no difference between it and the adult zombies, and they all produce potential points irregularly.

After nearly two hours of fighting, Huo Ling finally solved all the dozens of zombies nearby and gained a lot.

Name: Huo Ling

Bloodline: Human

Rank: 0th-level apprentice

Magic power: 21/21

Skills: "Dark Breath Meditation Method" Zero-level spell: Bone Fang

Potential points: 7.5

In total, nearly 40 zombies were killed, but the potential points obtained were only seven points, which was far lower than Huo Ling expected.

Until now, he still hadn't figured out how the potential points were generated.

Sometimes the potential points would be generated on strong zombies, and sometimes on old zombies, with no regularity at all.

However, Huo Ling would not waste his brains on things he couldn't figure out. He picked up his backpack and moved his hiding place while the sun was shining brightly.

He saw that not only zombies like to come to this building along the street, but also goblins often come.

This is not a place to stay for a long time. Maybe one day he will be blocked in the building by zombies or goblins, and that would be terrible.

He moved quickly, trying not to make too much noise. It took more than an hour to finally find a suitable place.

This looks like a residential area with a wall around it. When Huo Ling found the gate, he saw some characters on the top of the gate.

It seems that this should be the language of the people in this city.

He looked at it a little, but didn't take it too seriously, because he couldn't understand it anyway.

If you want to understand the language of the spirit world creatures, besides learning, the easiest way is to use the Black Iron spell: Languages.

When this spell is cast, you can understand the words of the spirit world creatures for the duration of the spell.

Of course, this spell can not only be cast by mages, but also made into a spell scroll by them and handed over to other professionals to cast, which is very convenient.

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