
Chapter 173

The dead body is still alive.

Enlightenment of the Dead

Spell effect: After a short spell, it provides the recipient with a perfect mind and enables it to gain independent wisdom.

Casting time: 10 minutes

Spell consumption: 10,000 magic points

Spell range: touch

Spell duration: The recipient dissipates

Spell cooldown: seven days

When the necromancer is at a low or middle level, there are also some spells that can make the undead have wisdom, and even serve as a low-level officer to manage other warriors, but that is not long-lasting.

After learning this spell, Huo Ling can cast a spell to make some of his undead have the power of thinking, and most importantly, it can allow some undead who cannot advance to obtain the right to advance.

It's a pity that after each spell, you have to wait seven days before you can cast again, otherwise Huo Ling would want to cast all his undead at once.

Without thinking too much, the first choice is the caster who has the opportunity to cast.

As for the first one, the first choice is the skeleton Marlowe, Huo Ling's first caster undead.

After summoning Marlowe, Huo Ling began to cast a spell on him, placing his hand on his skull. As the runes condensed, a ball of magic light slowly merged into Marlowe's soul fire.

After ten minutes of casting, Huo Ling released his hand and looked at the skeleton in front of him nervously.

Ten thousand points of magic power almost drained half of the magic power in Huo Ling's body. This feeling of releasing half of the magic power in a short time is really uncomfortable.

After the skeleton Marlowe finished casting, his soul fire was burning fiercely, and the flames in his eyes kept twisting and changing their shapes.

Finally, after a period of intense burning, the soul fire even shrank as a whole, but it can be felt that Malo has become more spiritual.

"My Lord! You gave me new wisdom!" Malo turned his head to look at Huo Ling and bowed his head to show respect.

Huo Ling asked: "How do you feel?"

"Better than ever!" Malo spoke through the soul fire.

"Not bad, practice well in the future, learn these spells first!" Huo Ling said, and passed the spells blessed in Alick's magic book to Malo through his mental power.

The spells exchanged in the academy can only be learned by Huo Ling himself because of the existence of the contract, but these spells blessed by the spirit world can be passed on to others at will after Huo Ling becomes gold.

Even the meditation method of Dark Breath and the three secrets he chose can be taught to others.

After Malo gained wisdom, the restrictions of the soul fire no longer existed. In the past, his spells could only be engraved by Huo Ling using runes, but now he can learn and master them by himself.

In the past, skeleton mages and dark mages could not break through to the gold level, but now they can.

However, without the ceiling limit, it does not mean that these undead who have received the undead enlightenment will definitely break through to the gold level.

Otherwise, Huo Ling's teacher would have had many gold-level spellcasters. If these undead want to break through to the gold level, they must not only spend more time than living people to meditate hard, but also participate in battles frequently and absorb souls, so that they can successfully advance.

He Wenhan is an academic mage. He does not like fighting and prefers to shrink in Blue Star to do research. Therefore, for so many years, no undead has successfully advanced through the undead enlightenment.

"From now on, this mine will be left to you to guard!" Huo Ling gave Ma Luo an order.

"Yes! My Lord!" Ma Luo nodded, and then took the initiative to go to the central control room.

Ma Luo has gained wisdom. If he was just a puppet with combat logic before, now he is a normal intelligent creature, and can completely replace living people to guard.

In He Wenhan's plantation, the dark wizard is such an undead who has gained wisdom, so He Wenhan can boldly let him guard the plantation.

Now, Huo Ling can also arrange the undead to guard the mine and plantation in this way, and be a hands-off boss.

In the future, Ma Luo will really be Huo Ling's right-hand man. He just stuffed all the spells for making skeleton warriors and dark warriors into him.

Of course, just because Ma Luo has mastered the runes and skills required for the spell, it does not mean that Ma Luo will master the spell. If he wants to cast the spell successfully, he still needs to spend a lot of time learning.

But after Ma Luo has mastered it, Huo Ling can let Ma Luo make skeletons and dark warriors.

This will save Huo Ling a lot of time and also allow him to have a large number of undead warriors.

Especially the plantation, because of the large amount of magic power and the smell of magic potions gathered inside, it often attracts some monsters to come. In the future, the corpses of these monsters will be excellent materials for Marlowe to make skeletons.

In addition to the Undead Inspiration, the other two spells Huo Ling chose are also very practical spells.

Treatment of severe injuries

Spell effect: After a short spell, you can gather magic power and treat severe injuries.

Casting time: 1 minute

Spell consumption: 8000 magic points

Spell range: 5X mental power


Spell effect: After a short spell, you can teleport to the specified coordinates through spell guidance.

Casting time: 1 minute - 10 minutes

Spell consumption: 5000 points of magic power - 20000 points of magic power

Spell strength: Teleport 30 kilometers - 200 kilometers

Healing spells are very necessary, whether they are used on yourself or on others in the future.

No matter how strong a person is, there will be a day when he is injured. Healing a serious injury, as long as he is not about to die, can pull him back from the gates of hell.

Of course, for professionals with higher levels than Huo Ling, the effect of the spell will definitely be reduced, but it still has a good effect.

Teleportation is even more practical. You can quickly reach your destination by casting spells directly out of thin air.

Although the longest teleportation distance through casting is only 200 kilometers, this spell can be used to make a portal.

After using magic materials to make a portal and building an independent energy supply system for the portal, the distance of this transmission can be expanded by about ten times.

It is not difficult to teleport 2,000 kilometers at a time through a completed portal.

However, the portal is convenient, but the farther the distance is, the more magic power is consumed and the more resources are consumed.

Using the portal to quickly reach your destination is very fast, and there is no other problem except that it is expensive.

However, unlike teleportation, if you want to build a portal in the territory of Xinnan City, you need to obtain official approval.

This is also a restriction to prevent enemies from using the portal to directly teleport elite forces to the hinterland of Xinnan City.

Of course, you can build a portal without applying for official approval, but this kind of portal is not protected by the official.

The legendary wizard's wizard tower monitors the vast area around Xinnan City. If it is found that this kind of portal that is not on the record is activated, it may directly hit it with a high-level spell.

Or a space disturbance, so that people in the teleportation don't know where they are soaked by the space turbulence.

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