
Chapter 185

The dragon opened its mouth and roared, and its wings fluttered, and it was about to take off.

The three terrifying knights charged forward, and raised their lances to release their spell-like abilities on Solz.

Then a large number of magic and witchcraft traps were triggered, and huge witchcraft energy and magic attacks erupted under Solz's wings.

Countless shadow tentacles entangled and clung to Solz's body, grabbing his wings and claws, making it impossible for him to take off for a while, and he had to bear the damage of witchcraft and magic traps.

Many of the traps were set up to restrict Solz's movement. Various ice traps were activated, and the low temperature caused slowed down his movements.

Death ray!

Soul-stealing spell!

One spell and one witchcraft hit Solz's wings one after another.

But the dragon's scales have very high spell resistance. These two spells that can seriously injure the enemy, when they fall on this red dragon, the damage they can cause is also greatly reduced.

But it doesn't matter, at this time the Terror Knight has also charged.


Evil strike!


The Terror Knight's body was burning with soul fire, and the green flames had even penetrated from the gaps in his armor.

The knights rode on nightmare warhorses and charged with unstoppable force, and the sharp lances hit the dragon's wings.

This seemed to have pushed the dragon's wings to the critical point. With a loud noise, the dragon's wing bones were broken by the attack.

Although the dragon's flight does not rely solely on wings, but on spell-like abilities, in this narrow cave, the dragon with broken wings dared not fly around.

Solz let out a wail and fell heavily on the magic stone mountain.

"Roar! Damn reptile!"

Solz roared angrily, and a fiery red light in his throat was rapidly expanding and surging upwards!


A hot dragon breath spurted out from the dragon's mouth. This dragon breath carried a powerful magic fluctuation. The high temperature made the air around the dragon breath distorted, and the flames illuminated the entire cave.

Facing the incoming dragon breath, a Terror Knight could not dodge in time and could only raise the shield made of Abyssal Magic Iron for defense.

The attack range of dragon breath is quite large, and its power is no less than any golden-level spell. The dragon breath burns the shield and armor of the Terror Knight.

Finally, the red dragon's breath attack ended. He coughed twice and a puff of green smoke came out of his mouth.

The Terror Knight attacked by the dragon breath was not in a good condition. The shield had been burned red by the high temperature of the dragon breath, and the surface had even melted, turning into molten iron and falling to the ground.

The same is true for the armor made of Abyssal Magic Iron. The runes on the surface have almost melted. The soul fire of the Terror Knight has risen sharply, and he is trying to restore the effect of the armor.

This Abyssal Armor is not only the armor of the Terror Knight, but also his body. If the armor is completely damaged, then this Terror Knight will be finished.

As for the nightmare horse under his crotch, it was even more miserable. As a golden-level undead creature, its defense was much inferior to that of the horror knight.

Not only was part of the armor melted, but even the body of the nightmare horse was severely damaged.

Immortal undead!

Huo Ling did not dare to stop, and released several spells in succession to restore the body of the horror knight who was attacked. Under the effect of the spell, the body and soul fire of the horror knight and the nightmare horse were well replenished.

"Reptiles, who gave you the courage to attack the great true dragon Soltz!"

The red dragon climbed up the mountain where magic stones were piled, and roared with his head lowered. The space in the cave restricted its flight, but his physical strength was strong, and he was very strong even in melee.

The strong claws waved to block the attack of another horror knight, and at the same time, the thick and powerful tail swung up and attacked the horror knight.


The red dragon's tail attacked extremely fast, and the Terror Knight struggled to block it with his shield, but the impact of the dragon's tail still made him

The Terror Knight was knocked away.

Huo Ling and Wilmot were not idle either. The red dragon had the highest resistance to fire magic and also had good resistance to other spells.

But no matter how strong the resistance was, it could not withstand the constant attacks. Spells began to leave scars on his body.

There were more negative spells, which began to penetrate his magic resistance and reduce the dragon's combat effectiveness.

"Roar, my servant!"

Soltz, who was dizzy from the beating, roared to the sky and made a huge dragon roar. The sound kept echoing in this small cave, making Huo Ling's eardrums almost shattered.

Fortunately, Huo Ling and his team released the spell scroll of the Silent Field in advance, so that the dragon's roar did not spread.

But Solz soon discovered the effect of this spell. While fighting with the Terror Knight, he roared, "Reptile, do you think my summoning relies on sound!"

That's right, in addition to sound, the dragon can also rely on the scales and contracts left on the followers to call them.

Soon, the dog-headed people of the Red Dog Tribe at the foot of the mountain knew that the great true dragon was attacked, and quickly gathered their troops and rushed towards the cave.

But Huo Ling was not without defense. He also set up defenses in the cave. Those dark warriors and dark wizards would strictly follow Huo Ling's orders and guard the cave.

The dog-headed warriors and dark warriors fought fiercely in the narrow cave. There were spellcasters behind them, and dark wizards and dog-headed warlocks were also participating in the battle.

In the narrow cave, the sound of fighting was loud for a while, and the casualties of the dog-headed people increased greatly.

After all, all the dark warriors under Huo Ling were senior silver-level warriors, and the kobold warriors who came to support them were of every level from ordinary black iron to silver.

There were only a few senior silver-level dragonborn kobolds, and the human wave tactics could not work in this narrow cave.

Several kobold warlocks released spells in the back, and a continuous stream of fire spells fell on the dark warriors fighting in the front row, causing them varying degrees of damage.

But these injuries could not kill the dark warriors all at once, and these injured warriors would soon be replaced in the back, receiving the dark wizard's spellcasting treatment and recovery, and would soon be able to return to the battlefield.

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