
Chapter 24

After returning home, Huo Ling quickly shared his joy of awakening with his parents.

"Son, with your qualifications, you will definitely be able to go to a first-class university!"

Huo Liren was overwhelmed with emotion. He had already started to look up information about various first-class universities to see which university would be suitable for his son to apply for.

"Ancestors bless you, I will burn more incense for you tomorrow! Thank you for blessing my son!"

Mother Bai Xiaolan was already crying with joy at this time. Whether it was the old Huo family or his Bai family, they were all mortals for so many years, and no one had awakened successfully.

Not to mention going to the top ten first-class universities, Huo Ling's successful awakening this time was definitely a glory for his ancestors.

"Son, which university are you going to?"

Huo Liren walked around happily with a cup of strong tea, and began to ask Huo Ling about his ambition to apply for the exam.

"I haven't decided yet. I want to see which school is suitable and which school offers good benefits."

Huo Ling's qualifications are definitely qualified to be scrambled for by several universities.

"What a great ambition, worthy of being my son!"

After hearing this, Huo Liren patted Huo Ling's shoulder happily.

The two younger brothers, the second brother Huo Feng and the third brother Huo Yi, also looked in admiration.

"Brother, you are so awesome!"

Even Huo Ling, who has always been calm, couldn't help feeling happy in the admiring eyes of his younger brothers.


"Hello, hello, yes, I am Huo Ling, hello teacher..."

Another call from the university admissions office, this time the caller was a Class B university, and the conditions offered were not bad.

In the past few days, Huo Ling has received more than 20 calls, including three Class A universities and the rest are Class B universities. "

The conditions offered by these three Class A universities are also quite good.

The conditions offered by Haichang University are that 50 credits will be given upon admission, as well as a house in Haichang City.

The benefits offered by Wu'an University are that 30 credits will be given upon admission, and the military rank will be increased by one level after graduation.

The application benefits offered by Wufu University are that 80 credits will be given upon admission.

As for Class B universities, they are not within Huo Ling's consideration for the time being.

The conditions offered by these three universities have their own advantages and disadvantages. Credits are something that he has learned from talking to so many admissions office teachers.

Credits are the product of the university alliance, and can be exchanged for various resources and inheritances from the school, including but not limited to meditation. Methods, breathing methods, various spells and combat skills.

In Daxia, almost every university is a school clique, and they have a very strict control over knowledge.

Including recruiting students, it is not only for teaching and learning, but also for the purpose of planting and harvesting leeks.

Many good things in Daxia, in addition to joining the official, can only be exchanged by college students with credits.

If you want to find a suitable target, then one credit is about the same value as a magic stone, or even higher than the value of a magic stone.

And the price of a magic stone is 100,000 yuan!

In other words, the benefits offered by these universities are almost equivalent to millions of yuan.

It's really amazing It's unbelievable. Huo Ling's parents worked hard for more than 20 years, but the family's savings did not exceed 100,000.

Huo Ling had just awakened his spirit, and he could gain so much by applying for university.

Among them, Haichang University is a university located in Haichang Province. It also provides a residence in the provincial capital Haichang, which is probably worth about 2 million.

Wu'an University is a military school. Students who graduate here are generally awarded the rank of second lieutenant for graduates of the Black Iron rank.

It is written here that after graduation, the rank will be increased by one level. I am afraid that graduates of the Black Iron rank can get the rank of lieutenant after graduation, which is also a very good condition.

It's a pity that Huo Ling has not made up his mind to join the army.

Wufu University is the simplest , 80 credits, which is almost equal to 8 million, which is also a generous benefit.

But what surprised Huo Ling the most was that Tiannan University in Tiannan Province had not called him until now.

This puzzled him a little. The person who tested him should be a professor at Tiannan University, who invited him to Tiannan University at that time.

At that time, Huo Ling made an excuse not to agree. Could it be that because of this incident, Professor Li was not going to send him an invitation?

On the other side, Professor Li, who was still in Shixi, was now on the phone in the hotel.

Now he also works part-time in the admissions office.


Professor Li put down the phone and let out a long sigh. He has been

The phone never stopped, not only him, but also the students he led.

The student who followed him was also an assistant teacher at Tiannan University, helping him to make calls.

"How many calls are left?"

Professor Li stretched and asked the student next to him.

Glasses picked up the form and took a look, and said tiredly, "Teacher is almost done, there are only ten left."

"Okay, the rest will be left to you, I'll take a break."

Professor Li slumped in the chair without any image.

"Ah?" Glasses was also exhausted. He glanced at his teacher and was helpless to make another call.

At this moment, he saw Huo Ling's name and information on the form, as well as the benefits on it, 60 credits plus a free voucher for the first-level spell.

Seeing the two pieces of information written on it, the second-class spellcaster qualification, the spiritual world blessed silver-level meditation method, these two pieces of information, Glasses seemed to have thought of something, he asked.

"Teacher, is this Huo Ling the student you helped me test at that time?"

"Which one?"

Professor Li took the form, looked at the information on it, and said perfunctorily: "Yes, it's him. I invited him at that time, but he evaded me."

"At least he has the meditation method blessed by the spiritual world. We have given so many benefits. Can we recruit him to our Tiannan?"

Yan Jing asked puzzledly.

"Almost, it's just a silver-level meditation method. Even if it fits his attributes, he will have to change his meditation method in the later stage."

Professor Li waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Yan Jing also nodded, and then he picked up the phone and prepared to dial out.

His fingers had pressed the phone halfway, and Yan Jing thought of something again. He hung up the phone and said carefully.

"Teacher, I forgot to say something about this Huo Ling."

"What is it?" Professor Li frowned and looked at Yan Jing.

Glasses thought for a moment and said, "When the ghost rushed into our testing room, I pulled Huo Ling behind me. When I cast a spell, I also vaguely felt the magic fluctuations behind me."

"But I was too nervous at the time, and your spell directly killed the ghost, so I didn't think too much about it. I thought that he was a student who had just awakened, how could he cast a spell? I just thought that my feeling was wrong and didn't take it seriously."

Then, he swallowed his saliva and asked carefully: "Teacher, I just saw this information that he has the meditation method blessed by the spirit world and the blessing of several zero-level spells. Do you think he has already started the meditation method and mastered a spell?"

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