
Chapter 29

After a while, Huo Ling looked at the online mall, which really opened his eyes. The products inside were varied, all kinds of things he had heard of and had never heard of. He even saw dragon blood, the blood of an adult red dragon, but when he saw the string of zeros after the price, Huo Ling closed the link with self-awareness. Then, Huo Ling remembered the business. He opened the task section, and after opening it, the top of the homepage was what he was looking for. "Seeking! ! Charging magic power absorption compression device!" Huo Ling clicked in a line of eye-catching words. There is a brief introduction here. This is a long-term task with no time limit and no upper limit. Every ten awakening balls can be exchanged for one magic stone, and every hundred balls submitted can get an extra credit.

In this way, every ten awakening balls can earn about 100,000 yuan, which is a very good deal, Huo Ling thought.

Then he didn't think about it anymore and clicked to accept the task.

As a newcomer who has not yet enrolled, with the help of Professor Li and Guan Borong, he can also accept the task as a freshman.

He looked at the introduction above. As a freshman, he can apply for 50 awakening balls without deposit based on his student number.

Fifty balls, isn't it a bit too little? Huo Ling clicked a plus sign a little greedily, ready to get more awakening balls.


A prompt popped up on the interface, and a deposit was required to increase the number of awakening balls beyond the quota.

Huo Ling clicked in to take a look at the deposit, and immediately gave up the idea. Fifty awakening balls are good.

The deposit said that each awakening ball requires a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

Good fellow, if I take fifty awakening balls to the spirit world, it will be like carrying 500,000 yuan.

And because he now relies on his student number to get these awakening balls without a deposit, if these awakening balls are lost, he will have to pay to make up for the loss.

After filling in the information, Huo Ling waited for the awakening balls to be mailed at home.

The awakening balls mailed have not arrived yet, but Professor Li’s call came first.

Professor Li asked: "Xiao Huo, I heard from Xiao An that you are going to the spirit world to meditate, and you have also accepted the task of collecting magic power?"

"Yes, Professor Li, the spirit world where I teleported is relatively safe. The meditation efficiency on Blue Star is too low, so I am going to practice in the spirit world and accept this task by the way." Huo Ling answered honestly.

"Well... the magic content of Blue Star is indeed not suitable for cultivation. If the teleportation point in your spirit world is really safe, you can go there."

Professor Li pondered for a moment, and then he said: "How about this, I will send you two practical zero-level spells. You can learn them first, and you can also increase your self-protection ability."

"Remember, don't be impulsive in the spirit world, staying alive is the most important thing!"

"Okay, thank you professor!" Huo Ling hurriedly thanked him happily.

"You're welcome. Anyway, these zero-level spells can be borrowed and studied from the library after you enter school. I'm just giving them to you in advance. Okay, I'll send them to you later, pay attention to receive them."

"Well... if you learn these two spells, you can ask me again, and I'll send you new spells."

"Okay, Professor Li!"

Then, Teacher Li hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Ling received a few pages of paper he sent, which recorded two spells in the spirit world.

Secondary defensive armor. Secondary surveillance eye.

One of these two is a defensive spell, and the other is a reconnaissance spell.

Both are spells that Huo Ling urgently needs now. It can be seen that Professor Li is really thoughtful.

Professor Li, what a good man!


The mailing speed is quite fast. On the third day, fifty awakening balls have arrived at Huo Ling's home.

After he prepared, he picked up the box containing the awakening balls early in the morning, and did not tell his parents to avoid their worries.

He directly started the transmission and came to the spirit world.

The beacon in the spirit world transmits, and it will return to where it left last time.

And unlike the first time, the beacon has been accumulated now, and it only takes about an hour each time to return to Blue Star again.

When the dazzling light flashed, Huo Ling came to the spirit world again.

Looking at the abandoned house where he stayed a while ago, feeling the abundant magic power, he couldn't help but shudder comfortably.

The contrast between the spirit world and Blue Star is like a person at a low altitude returning to a high altitude.

The same feeling of uncomfortable breathing as at altitude.

The spirit world is equivalent to low altitude, with abundant magic power and comfortable breathing.

Blue Star is equivalent to high altitude, with thin magic power. If you want to absorb magic power, you need to make greater efforts.

After a rest, Huo Ling was not in a hurry to go out and put it, but waited until the beacon on his way back to Blue Star was fully charged before going out.

After all, when the beacon is fully charged, even if you encounter danger, it only takes a few seconds to escape from danger and return to Blue Star.

It can be regarded as an extra trump card to save your life.

Of course, Huo Ling was not idle during this time. After receiving the two spells sent by Professor Li yesterday, he also studied them first and roughly understood the effects of the two spells.

Now he is sitting on the bed, ready to thoroughly learn these two spirit world spells.

"Do you want to use potential points to accelerate learning?"

Potential points, rush for me!!!

The potential points obtained from the silver-level ghost before have not been used until now.

Anyway, it won't produce offspring if you leave it alone, so the sooner you use it, the stronger it will be.

It took Huo Ling several hours to get out of his fascinated learning state.

Call out the attribute panel

Name: Huo Ling

Skills: "Dark Breath Meditation Method" Zero-level spells: Bone Fang, Gray Mist, Touch of Fatigue, Secondary Defensive Armor, Secondary Surveillance Eye

Potential points: 5

Both spells have been mastered.

I am still as talented as ever! Huo Ling couldn't help but admire his learning ability.

Feeling the effects of these two spells again, he gave Professor Li a thumbs up in his heart.

Secondary Defensive Armor

Spell effect: A defensive armor is formed on the recipient to protect the chest, abdomen and head. During the spell effect, it can provide semi-comprehensive defense, which can be increased by continuously inputting magic power. After being attacked, the armor defense can be maintained by inputting magic power.

Casting time: 8 seconds

Spell cost: 5 mana points

Maintenance time: 15 minutes

Continuation effect: 2 mana points are required every ten minutes.

Armor strength: 12 degrees (each mana point restores 3 degrees of armor)

Among them, the armor's defense degree is a new knowledge point, which is calculated based on attack power.

The attack power of general apprentice-level spells is between 5 and 10 degrees.

The attack power of the zero-level spell that Huo Ling knows, Bone Fang, is 7 degrees.

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