
Chapter 32

The next two days, Huo Ling did not go out to hunt, but meditated every day, and only stopped when he had used up all his potential points.

Call out the panel to check his current attributes.

Name: Huo Ling

Mental power: 5/5

Magic power: 50/50

Skills: "Dark Breath Meditation Method" Zero-level spells: Bone Fangs, Gray Mist, Touch of Fatigue, Secondary Defense Armor, Secondary Surveillance Eye

Potential points: 0

The effect of two days of meditation was very good. His magic power has officially reached 50, and the 100 points of magic power required to break through the Black Iron is just around the corner.


Huo Ling's journey started again. This time he was going to hunt zombies again and accumulate his spiritual power and magic power as soon as possible.

The mall last time was a very good hunting spot. The huge mall was a good shelter for zombies. Huo Ling was going there again this time.

Walking on the familiar road, Huo Ling's speed was much faster than last time.

It had been three days since the last hunt. He also wanted to know what happened to the corpses left there after the last hunt.

But as he got closer and closer to the mall, he also found something wrong.

This time, it seemed that someone had gotten there first.

Huo Ling climbed up a tall building. There were also a dozen zombies on the ground floor of the building hiding from the sun.

To prevent exposing his target, Huo Ling did not kill them, but quietly climbed to a high place.

Here, he finally saw the situation in the mall.

Sure enough, there was an accident.

Outside the mall, he saw new spiritual creatures.

A small group of troglodytes!

Troglodytes are also a kind of low-level spiritual creatures. They generally live in jungles or swamps.

They are generally between 1.5 and 1.8 meters tall, with scales all over their bodies, just like a giant lizard standing up.

Their scales are fine and dense, and the skin under the scales is as tough as old cowhide, which makes their defense very good.

The head of the troglodytes is a big lizard head. They will pop out their forked tongues from time to time to capture the breath in the air, which makes it easier for them to chase prey and enemies.

The troglodytes have thick lower limbs, which can provide them with the strength to stand. The upper limbs also have good strength, and they can hold weapons.

Generally, they will make weapons according to local conditions, using wooden sticks or bones of prey. If they seize the enemy's weapons in battle, they will also be happy to use them.

The language of the troglodytes is lizard language, and some of them can master low-level dragon language.

They are also an intelligent race, but their intelligence is not high. The lizardman's head limits their wisdom.

Generally, adult lizardmen can reach the apprentice level with their hard scales and strong physical strength.

Some lizardmen with higher intelligence will also work part-time as warriors. They practice fighting spirit through breathing methods and can also break through their biological level to become black iron or silver warriors.

Some lizardmen with higher intelligence can also become spellcasters. In most cases, lizardmen's spellcasters are warlocks.

Relying on blood to become blood warlocks, they master some low-level spell-like abilities, such as acid, stench, rotten flies, etc.

In general, the combat effectiveness of lizardmen is quite good. At the very least, Huo Ling will definitely not be able to defeat such a group of spiritual races.

It is even possible that they cannot escape, because the excellent sense of smell of lizardmen can easily capture the breath left by enemies and prey.

Moreover, the troglodytes also have the profession of knights. Huo Ling found the knight troglodytes in a group of troglodytes at the entrance of the shopping mall not far away.

Two tall troglodytes were riding on even larger lizards at this moment.

This is a kind of wild beast domesticated by the troglodytes, the swamp monitor lizard, which can be understood as an enlarged version of the Komodo dragon.

This swamp monitor lizard can reach a height of about 1.5 meters and a body length of even 5 meters.

There are saddles and reins on its body to facilitate the control of the troglodyte knights.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ling lowered his head even lower.

Generally speaking, the troglodyte knights are capable of reaching the black iron level, which is not something Huo Ling can provoke at this time.

There are more than 20 troglodytes left at the door, except for

Except for the two troglodyte knights, the others looked like ordinary troglodyte warriors.

Huo Ling did not see any spellcasters like warlocks among them.

But why are these troglodytes here? Huo Ling looked at the huge mall in front of them. Could they also be here to hunt zombies?

Sure enough, just as he guessed, these troglodytes were also here to hunt zombies.

After Huo Ling waited for a while, troglodytes dragged the dead zombies out of the mall from time to time.

So all the creatures in the spiritual world regard zombies as food reserves?

How come the goblins also hunt zombies, and the troglodytes also come to hunt.

Looking at the busy troglodytes below, Huo Ling's mind was full of thoughts.

And at this moment, something suddenly happened downstairs.

In the dark mall, the troglodytes seemed to have encountered something terrible, and they fled from the mall one by one as if they were running for their lives.

While running, they were still shouting.

This immediately alerted the more than 20 lizardmen waiting at the door.


A huge roar sounded in the mall. Then Huo Ling saw a lizardman burst out of the mall like a cannonball.


The lizardman hit the opposite wall with huge kinetic energy, making a huge noise, and his body turned into a pool of mud at the moment of collision.

Then, a fierce figure walked out from the dark of the mall entrance.

It was a zombie!!!

He roared loudly, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

Along with his roar, the zombies that were originally silent in the mall also woke up from their sleep.

At this time, they seemed to smell the smell of blood not far away, and they began to roar one by one.

Then, under the leadership of the powerful zombie in the first place, these zombies who were afraid of the sun seemed to have lost this weakness at this moment.

Is this the zombie king? Huo Ling thought.

The zombies rushed out of the mall, rushing into the formation of the lizardmen like hungry tigers.

The lizardmen were not to be outdone, they waved their weapons and continued to kill the zombies.

The lizardmen's tough leather and armor allowed them to defend themselves against the zombies' claws and bites, and they were not afraid of ordinary attacks.

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