
Chapter 37

The first day of class ended quickly, and there was no substantial content.

After returning to the dormitory, Huo Ling logged into the software of Tiannan University and checked his credits, which had been credited.

Then Huo Ling opened the online mall and clicked to place an order for the three main materials he needed for promotion.

Unexpectedly, there was a little surprise here. The secondary dimensional stone and the netherworld flower were in stock, but the water of the river of the underworld was not in stock.

After asking the customer service, Huo Ling understood the reason. The water of the river of the underworld has a shelf life. Generally, if it is not used within seven days after it is taken out, it will transform into ordinary water.

Therefore, students who want to use the water of the river of the underworld every month need to place an order in advance last month.

Seeing this, Huo Ling had no choice but to place an order and make an appointment first. He would wait for a month and consider advancing after the Styx Water arrived.

It’s not that he can’t advance to Black Iron now, but he will lose a secret technique, which is not worth the loss.

Huo Ling thought about it and sent a message to Professor Li. After all, he promised to recommend a professor of gold rank as a mentor after he entered the school. This good opportunity can’t be wasted.

“Professor Li, I have arrived at our Tiannan University. Where are you? I will visit you.”

After sending the message, he waited for a long time, but there was no reply from Professor Li.

Huo Ling was a little confused, and then he could only send another message to Guan Borong to ask about the situation, “Senior Guan, I have come to the school to register. I want to visit Professor Li and you, but the professor didn’t reply to my message.”

After this message was sent, it was like a stone sinking into the sea.

Neither of them replied to him, which made Huo Ling feel a little ominous.

What he didn't know was that outside the school's spiritual world base, in a dense forest, Professor Li and his disciple Guan Borong were hiding in a cave to rest.

"Teacher, we won't be in such a situation. Isn't it that we can't fulfill a promise you made to a new student? Do we really have to carry out such a deadly task?" Guan Borong said bitterly.

"What do you know?! I really feel that I have touched the bottleneck. Let's fight!" Professor Li was excited.

"Teacher, you fight, why are you holding me? I haven't reached the bottleneck yet!"

Guan Borong complained bitterly.

"Stupid, isn't this for you to feel it in advance? You don't understand the good intentions of the teacher."


"Teacher Xia, this is Huo Ling. I have a question for you." After waiting for a day, Professor Li and Guan Borong still didn't reply, so Huo Ling called Teacher Xia to inquire about the situation.

"Huo Ling, what's the matter?" Teacher Xia's voice came from the phone.

"It's like this. I was recruited to our school by an admissions teacher in Shixi County, Donghe City. At that time, Professor Li and his student Guan Borong helped me a lot. I want to visit them, but after sending them a message, I haven't received their reply. I'm a little worried about them. Can you ask what's going on?"

Huo Ling thought about it and didn't tell him that Professor Li recommended a professor to him as a mentor.

"Professor Li? Let me check." Xia Yang on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then hung up the phone to check.

After a while, he called back: "Huo Ling, I just checked with the admissions office. It's not Professor Li who went to your Shixi County, but Teacher Li of the Spirit World Biology, and his student assistant Guan Borong. I asked about these two people. They asked for leave from the school half a month ago and went to the spirit world to do a mission. You can wait until they return to Blue Star to visit them."

"Okay, thank you Teacher Xia."

Huo Ling hung up the phone, and his fists tightened unconsciously.

He had already realized that these two people were trying to avoid him. It seemed that he had no chance of getting a gold-level mentor.

Huo Ling laughed, but he was not going to publicize it. After all, the admission benefits currently offered by Tiannan University were relatively generous compared to those of other universities.

Moreover, in the early days, the master and apprentice still helped him a lot.

Even if this matter passed, although he lost a gold-level mentor, it was not a big problem. One day he could become a gold-level mentor.

In the following days, Huo Ling devoted himself to studying seriously. These courses were still very attractive to him.

He listened carefully in class every day,

When he encountered something he didn't understand, he would ask the teacher in time after class.

Even so, he often felt that he couldn't keep up with other students.

On this day, Huo Ling murmured: "I wanted to be your classmate as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was alienation. I won't pretend anymore. I'm a genius!"

As he said that, he opened his book.

Potential points! Go!

With the blessing of potential points, Huo Ling's study of these courses is completely different. The knowledge that he thought was obscure and difficult to understand before, now he can almost understand it with just one look.

He closed the book of basic legal theory. He had completely learned all the books in this school year and spent ten potential points.

Looking at the number of potential points left, Huo Ling opened the book of basic runes.

I can still learn!

After spending all forty potential points, Huo Ling has thoroughly studied his two main courses and two elective courses.

In the subsequent courses, the teacher's lectures were just to fill in the gaps, but Huo Ling was not a person who liked to show off, so he did not deliberately show off himself.

After using up all his potential points, Huo Ling felt uncomfortable all over, and he wanted to hunt hundreds of zombies to accumulate potential points again.

However, if you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools. Now that you have entered the treasure house of the university, you must dig deep.

Huo Ling came to the library, where a large number of spells were recorded, from apprentice to gold-level third-level spells.

But with Huo Ling's current strength, he could only stay on the first floor and check those zero-level spells.

Huo Ling selected some spells from the huge spell library.

He used his student ID to borrow three zero-level spells, and prepared to get these three spells first.

They are "Treat Minor Injury"

"Secondary Wind of Acceleration"

"Secondary Shadow Coil"

These three spells are all very practical, especially for treating minor injuries.

Spell effect: After casting, it provides a healing effect to the recipient, can treat minor injuries, stop bleeding, and the effect can be stacked.

Casting time: 10 seconds

Mana consumption: 6

Healing effect: Minor

Casting distance: Mental power X10

The spell of treating minor injuries is also the only spell with a healing effect among the zero-level spells, and the effect is pretty good.

Minor injuries are defined as wounds no larger than five centimeters, not involving important organs and limbs.

After casting, the wound can be healed, and for more serious injuries, it can also stop bleeding.

The most important thing is that the spell can be stacked. Generally speaking, the effect of three spells for treating minor injuries is equivalent to the effect of one spell for treating light injuries.

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