
Chapter 47

The old man was very happy.

"Huo Ling, pack up, I'll take you to become my disciple."

After class that day, Teacher Xia Yang called Huo Ling and informed him of the news.

Is it finally here?

Huo Ling has been waiting for this day for a long time. A gold-level mage is really exciting.

Huo Ling went back and packed up a little, then followed Teacher Xia to the depths of the school.

The place where they usually take classes belongs to the outer campus. If you want to enter the inner campus, you usually have to take the postgraduate entrance examination before you can come in.

Walking in the inner campus, you can clearly feel that the spiritual energy content here is at least twice as high as that of the outer campus.

You should know that the spiritual energy content of the outer campus is much higher than that of the outside campus.

Of course, the spiritual energy content is not as good as that in the spirit world.

If so many students in the school want to practice, they can either go to the spirit world through the beacon.

Otherwise, they can only rent the school's practice room, where the spiritual energy content is even higher than that in the spirit world.

Of course, the price is not cheap, because the spiritual energy in the practice room comes from the energy crystals released, and Huo Ling has no money to enjoy it anyway.

Walking in the inner campus, Huo Ling also saw several wizard towers.

These towering wizard towers are what spellcasters dream of. When a wizard is in his wizard tower, he is the absolute king.

The magic power stored in the wizard tower can be supplied to the wizard for uninterrupted spellcasting.

Of course, the construction of the wizard tower is also very expensive, requiring a large amount of magic materials. Ordinary wizards can't afford it. It's too expensive.

Xia Yang took Huo Ling to a laboratory, and Huo Ling also saw the person he was going to apprentice to next.

Professor He Wenhan.

At this time, the gold-level spellcaster was standing in front of an experimental table, on which was tied a creature from the spirit world.

A silver-backed gnoll!

Gnolls are also a kind of intelligent creature in the spirit world. They are burly and ferocious.

Gnolls live in groups, usually in the form of tribes.

They look a little ugly, hyena-like, and are between 1.8 and 2.4 meters tall. Generally, gnolls are about 2 meters tall.

Such a tall stature also provides gnolls with excellent physical fitness. After they become adults, their individual strength is generally at the peak of apprentices.

If they work part-time as a warrior or a spellcaster, they can easily break through to a higher level.

Gnolls have their own gods, but the god of gnolls is in the abyss, which can not provide much support for gnolls in the spirit world.

But there are still some gnolls who are lucky enough to become gnoll priests, and they can use the power of the gods to release magic.

Of course, in the entire group of gnolls, priests only account for a very small part, and most of the gnolls are warriors.

Among the spellcasters, the vast majority are blood sorcerers or shamans.

The gnolls are a dualistic worship system, and some of their tribes believe in the god of the gnolls in the abyss.

Some gnolls believe in ancestral spirits, and this part is shaman, and they can use the power of the ancestral spirits to release various witchcraft.

Professor He Wenhan heard someone coming, just looked up and continued to immerse himself in the experiment.

The silver-backed gnoll in front of him is a good experimental material.

Huo Ling looked down from his side, and this gnoll had been released with spells such as sleeping spells and anesthesia spells.

He Wenhan had a scalpel in his hand, and had already cut open the chest of the jackal, holding the jackal's still beating heart in his hand.

He carefully operated back and forth in the jackal's chest, and the jackal's originally compact chest actually vacated a large space under his busy work.

Then, he cast a spell and took out another heart from a magic box.

After connecting the blood vessels in the jackal's chest with this heart, He Wenhan looked at the two hearts beating in the jackal's chest with satisfaction.

Then he closed the jackal's chest and cast a spell to heal the wound on the chest.

"Tap tap."

In the darkness, a necromancer walked out and pulled the jackal away after the experiment.

Then He Wenhan wiped the blood on his hands and looked at Xia Yang and Huo Ling who had been waiting for more than half an hour.

"Xiao Xia, you're here."

"Is this the student Huo you mentioned?"

"Yes, teacher."

Xia Yang nodded and said respectfully.

He Wenhan took the two of them out of the laboratory.

Walked to a reception room.

He Wenhan and Xia Yang chatted for a while, and then Teacher Xia Yang raised some problems he encountered during cultivation.

Although Teacher Xia's current specialty is the Shaper Department, and Professor He specializes in the Undead Department, as a golden-level master, it is relatively easy to solve the problems he raised.

Huo Ling also sat honestly on the side, not daring to show a trace of impatience, but listening carefully. Although he didn't use many things now, it wouldn't be wrong to write them down.

After chatting for more than an hour, Xia Yang finished asking questions about his cultivation.

"Okay, Xiao Xia, you go back first." Professor He waved his hand and drove Xia Yang away.

Then Professor He began to look at Huo Ling.

After waiting for so long, Huo Ling didn't see any opinions. He is still a good kid.

"I heard from Xiao Xia that you are also going to specialize in the magic of the undead. You are a good seedling. I recommend you to be my disciple."

Professor He took a sip of tea and continued, "I have been busy in the past two years. There are several projects that need to be caught up. I originally did not plan to accept any more disciples, but Xiao Xia kept praising your talent, so I am willing to give you a test. If you can pass the test, I will accept you as my disciple."

"Professor, please tell me the content of the test. I will try my best to complete it!" Hearing this, Huo Ling nodded heavily.

It can be seen that Teacher Xia Yang is really a good person, unlike a certain Teacher Li.

Professor Li, who was far away in the spirit world, sneezed a few times and was almost discovered by the creatures in the spirit world.

"I've read your information. You have second-class qualifications, and you have inherited the blessing of the spirit world. You advanced to Black Iron more than a month ago. You have a very good talent!"

"After all, I specialize in the Undead System. My lineage is also a practical school. If you want to be my disciple, you can't be a bookworm."

"I took into account that you have just advanced, so I gave you an easier test."

"I want you to independently produce a Skeleton Warrior with Black Iron strength within two months. If you succeed within two months, I will accept you as my apprentice."

"If you don't complete this test after two months, don't be discouraged. It's not that you are not good enough, but that I am too busy recently. At that time, I will introduce you to another professor. With your qualifications, he will be very willing to accept you as a disciple."

Professor He Wenhan thought for a while and gave a slightly difficult test.

After all, normally, it takes about half a month for a spellcaster to master a first-level spell. Of course, geniuses take less time.

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