
Chapter 77

The forests are dense, and the air is full of the fresh smell of grass and trees, but the forest also contains murderous intent.

In the world of Warcraft, there is no difference from ordinary creatures on Blue Star, and the identities of predators and prey are often exchanged.

A group of thorn-tailed wolves have set their sights on the fleeing black-striped deer, and are now cruelly hunting these poor deer.

The thorn-tailed wolf is also a black iron-level Warcraft, a wolf pack living in groups, and generally each family has seven to fifteen wolves.

The thorn-tailed wolf is a matriarchal structure, and the female wolf is generally taller in stature and strength. The wolf king is also a female wolf, and the strength can generally reach the stage of senior black iron.

Ordinary thorn-tailed wolves also have the strength of elite black iron. The best of them have the ability to release spells. They can use the magic organs to mobilize the magic contained in their bodies and release thorn magic.

Although ordinary thorn-tailed wolves do not have the ability to release spells, they have absorbed magic for a long time and rely on their strong physical fitness to be qualified predators.

Huo Ling hid his tracks and carefully touched over when he saw the chaotic scene in the hunting ground in front of him.

Eleven thorn-tailed wolves surrounded the group of poor black-striped deer, and several of them were still hanging with thorn-tailed wolves.

These predators bit the black-striped deer, and the deer seemed particularly panicked. They had no time to rescue their companions who were bitten by the wolves, and they only wanted to escape from this terrifying place.

But the thorn-tailed wolves wandering around the periphery were always able to intercept them in time, intimidate them, and drive them back.

The most eye-catching one is the wolf king. This wolf king is estimated to be two meters tall at the shoulder and more than three meters long. At this time, it is wandering around the deer.

As it roared, in Huo Ling's perception, magic power was gathering towards it, and a spell-like ability, thorn magic, was successfully released by it.

Large pieces of thorns grew wildly on the ground. These barbed magic thorns spread towards several black-striped deer and entangled them.

"Yo Yo Yo!"

The black-striped deer entangled by this kind of magic thorns cried out in fear, and their limbs kept flapping. The magic power strengthened their physical fitness under their unconscious control.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The thorns were constantly broken by their huge power, but they were so fragile under control, and several thorn-tailed wolves saw an opportunity.

They opened their bloody mouths and bit at the wolves. Their sharp teeth pierced their skin and tore their throats. A large amount of deer blood gushed out and fell into the wolves' mouths.

Huo Ling couldn't bear to look at the miserable state of these black-striped deer. He didn't care about hiding his body and started to summon his skeleton warriors.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Nearly thirty skeleton warriors were summoned by Huo Ling around them. Under his command, they slowly dispersed and surrounded the wolves.

The skeleton wizard was also summoned to the side, and the two spellcasters began to cast spells on themselves.

Defensive spells such as wizard shield and secondary defensive armor were released, and then, offensive spells were released.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Several bone cones were released, with a whistling sound that cut through the air, hitting the heads of the black-striped deer.

These poor deer were originally surrounded by wolves, controlled by magic and wolf kisses. The kind-hearted Huo Ling didn't want these black-striped deer to be tortured by hungry wolves again, so he simply sent them away first.

A light spot flew from the black-striped deer to Huo Ling, and five potential points were obtained.

Huo Ling helped these black-striped deer to be freed, and they were grateful to him and gave him potential points, which was also what they should do!

Kill them all!

With a move of mental power, the skeleton warriors who had been hiding their tracks began to charge, either holding spears or holding swords and shields, and launched an attack on the wolf pack.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

They threw the short spears on their backs with all their strength, and the attacks of these short spears passed through dozens of meters of space and shot towards the wolf pack.

The throwing ability of the skeleton warriors was not accurate in itself. After their short spears were thrown out, whether they could hit the target mainly depended on the base number of the short spears and the number of enemies.

This time their attack was obviously not good. The thorn-tailed wolves were very agile. After they felt the attack, they began to run and jump swiftly.


The wolf king roared angrily. His prey was killed by an unknown thing, and the surrounding skeleton warriors made him feel threatened.

The monsters are very smart. When they encounter enemies in the forest, they first have to consider whether they can defeat them without injury.

, if you can't beat them, consider whether you can escape.

After all, getting injured in the forest means danger, and you may die from this injury at any time.

After the wolf king roared, the wolves began to flee in one direction, where only a few skeleton warriors were blocking them.

The wolf king led the way, running wildly, branches and leaves brushed past his ears, and the whistling wind was brought by him.

In front of him was a skeleton warrior, who also noticed the wolf king's attack at this moment, holding a knife and a shield to prepare for battle.

The wolf king's eyes revealed cruelty, and he jumped up with his bloody mouth wide open, and his saliva was thrown out a little because of the high-speed movement.


The sharp claws were blocked by the skeleton warrior's shield, and the bone knife chopped down, but the giant wolf had already jumped behind the skeleton warrior with the help of the rebound.


The wolf king let out a roar, and then bit the skeleton warrior's waist. The sharp teeth pierced through his bone armor under the huge bite force.

After the wolf king bit, he was a little confused. Why was there no blood? In the past, warm blood should have gushed out when bitten like this.

If it were a normal creature, it would probably have died by now, but these were skeleton warriors. They were originally undead creatures, and this attack was like a tickle to them.

Gray fog!

Several large groups of fog that obscured the vision were released, and then many skeleton warriors swarmed up and surrounded the wolf pack.

After being attacked, a thorn-tailed wolf seemed a little panicked, and it rushed to the periphery with its tail between its legs.

It was about to break out of the encirclement of the skeleton warriors, but this step seemed to be a world away.

A secondary weakness spell was cast on it, followed by a touch of fatigue. Although this zero-level spell was weakened on it, it still had an effect.

Negative energy ray!

The slowed-down Thorntail Wolf felt a deadly threat. It turned its head in horror. A gray ray had hit its body.

The gray-brown fur was pierced, the flesh was melted, and the wound flowed with gray blood after being hit by the spell.

The Thorntail Wolf could only whine a few times in a low voice and then died.


The wolf king squeezed the remaining magic power and released a spell-like ability, the Thorn Spell.

The spell thorns grew wildly, entangled several skeleton warriors who came around, and the thorns continued to spread, and the sharp barbs scraped the skeletons.

A trace of bone powder was ground off by the thorns, but it did not cause much damage to the skeletons.

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