
Chapter 82

The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Sister An, the transaction is over, please go ahead,"

Huo Ling pointed to the back, indicating that An Rurui should leave.

"Brother Huo, see you later."

An Rurui rolled her eyes at Huo Ling, then pulled Xiaoye, who still looked indignant, and turned to leave.

"Okay, Xiaoye, let Xiaohei absorb the magic core first, and I'll find you a leopard-type magic beast next time."

Along the way, An Rurui pulled the druid Xiaoye and kept comforting her.

"Sister An, you are just too good-tempered. People like him should be taught a lesson!"

Xiao Ye muttered unhappily. If her Xiao Hei swallowed the magic core and then ate the corpse and absorbed it, it would be almost certain that the magic organ would be activated and his own magic core would grow.

Now that there is only the magic core, we have to gamble on the probability.

"Sister Ye, don't blame them. We did lose the prey. We chased it for a whole day but couldn't catch it."

A girl said softly. She was a hunter in the team and was holding an enchanted hunting bow in her hand.

She was also the first person Huo Ling met in the Starfire Hunting Group. It was she who opened the door on the day of the interview.

"Xiao Yue, you are so good. You are turning your arm outward, right?"

Xiao Ye grabbed the hunter girl's ear and teased.

"Sister Ye, let me go. I know I was wrong..."


After the people from Starfire left, Huo Ling also took his skeleton warriors away from here. If he hadn't been delayed, he would have run away long ago.

But at present, I have not lost anything. I have earned two black iron-level magic cores, which are also worth a hundred or so magic stones. In total, Shadow Leopard has gotten three things for one.

Not only was the corpse absorbed by the Skeleton Warrior, but it was also able to return to the outpost to exchange for the task reward of clearing monsters, and earned two more magic cores from Xinghuo.

It's a pity for these pretty girls, Huo Ling smacked his lips. This time, he has no fate with these brainless girls.

But it doesn't matter. Women are not within Huo Ling's consideration range at present.

There is nothing ugly about women of professionals. As long as you have enough strength and money, you can have any woman.

When you are not strong enough, pretty women are the root of trouble, which will only affect his casting speed.

It has been almost a month since I came out this time. I have gained a lot, and Huo Ling is ready to go back.

Whether it is the magic cores hunted or some valuable things on monsters, they are now piled up in the bracelet space.

These things must be sold quickly to digest them.

At the same time, there are potential points gained from hunting during this period. Although not every magic beast will generate potential points, the potential points accumulated in the past month are not few.

There is no way to enter deep meditation in the forest, and there is no way to use these potential points to increase one's strength.

These things will not produce offspring if they are kept, so they should be used up quickly to increase strength. This is the kingly way.

Unlike the Spark Hunting Group hunting silver-level magic beasts, Huo Ling will not be so reckless, although he relies on his own spells and so many skeleton warriors.

Hunting some silver-level magic beasts is not a big problem.

It can be done, but it is not necessary. Huo Ling is now alone. Whether the Huo family can prosper depends on him.

Anyway, as long as you follow the steps, you can slowly move up and break through the class. Why do you have to gamble for such a small benefit?


Huo Ling returned to the outpost, provided the photos in the camera, and sold all the spoils in the space.

I have officially ended my hunting trip. How should I put it? Being my own boss means I can earn more than working for others.

The last time I followed the Iron Fist Hunting Group was nearly a month. Although I was relatively idle, my income was far less than this time.

Although there was a certain amount of luck this time, I still earned money.

I earned nearly a thousand yuan in magic stones alone, and there were also credits as rewards, which were enough for him to exchange for a few more spells.

Then Huo Ling took the train directly back to Xinnan City, preparing to practice here for a while and improve his strength.

Two months later, Huo Ling opened his eyes in a hotel in Xinnan City. In the past two months, Huo Ling did nothing but meditate whenever he had time.

In addition to meditating, he was not idle at other times. He kept thinking about spells and thoroughly studied these spell runes in the hope of getting a faster casting speed.

Call out the attribute panel to check the latest attributes:

Name: Huo Ling

Bloodline: Human

Rank: 1st-level Black Iron Mage (9th stage)

Strength: 11.2

Constitution: 10.5

Agility: 10.7

Spirit: 98.3/98.3

Magic: 983/983

Secret: Skeleton Cemetery 31/39

Potential Points: 46

In two months, Huo Ling's spiritual power and magic power have increased significantly, but the price is that his potential points are about to be exhausted.

The mage level has reached the ninth stage of black iron, and is about to touch the silver level.

In less than a year, Huo Ling has reached his current strength from a high school student who has just successfully awakened his spirit.

Huo Ling felt the magic power contained in his body and couldn't help but smile. His current strength is inseparable from his talent and hard work.

Potential points, just a little help!

During this period of cultivation, Huo Ling basically didn't even go out. Today is different, the New Year is coming soon.

It is necessary to leave the spirit world for a short time and return to Blue Star for a while.


Huo Ling left the hotel. The weather in the spirit world here is like spring all year round, and it is still green at this moment.

After buying a ticket and waiting for a short time, he followed the crowd through the portal and returned to Blue Star.

It is already winter on Blue Star now. The atmosphere of the New Year is full, and there are lights and decorations everywhere.

Huo Ling did not stay for long, and bought a ticket directly back to his hometown. This is his first time back since he went to college.

After returning home, he reunited with his family and enjoyed it for a while, but as Huo Ling returned home, more relatives and guests came to his home.

It is true that when you are poor in the downtown area, no one cares, but when you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives.

Huo Ling is only a black iron-level mage now. If the level is higher, the scene is unimaginable.

However, for the Huo family, the current life has changed too much.

One magic stone can be exchanged for 100,000 yuan. In the past, it took his parents many years of work to save up enough money. Now Huo Ling earns nearly 1,000 magic stones a month, which is worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

However, Huo Ling did not exchange it. He only exchanged part of it to improve the living conditions of his family.

He bought a house in the county center to settle his family and provide good living conditions for his two younger brothers.

Huo Ling has good qualifications, and now he also hopes that his two younger brothers can have good qualifications, so that the three of them can help each other in the future.

Huo Ling is now preparing to make more money, and then he will get some good equipment for his younger brother, some enchanted equipment that mortals can use.

When he was awakened, he was already gambling with his life, but he was lucky to succeed.

If there is a choice, he still hopes that his younger brother can be safer.

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