
Chapter 98

The dark warrior was also unyielding and swung his sharp cold iron spear directly. The cold iron spear was extremely sharp under the blessing of the soul fire, and the spear tip flashed with cold light.

The sharp spear head pierced the knight's armor and nailed him to the ground.

The knight was nailed to the ground, but he was not completely dead yet. He held the dark warrior's spear unwillingly with both hands, and blood gushed out of his mouth, and tiny fragments of internal organs could be seen in it.

But as the dark warrior's soul fire moved, the soul fire stimulated on the spear killed him completely.

With the death of the knight, the other hunters and wanderers could not escape. After killing the mage, Huo Ling cast a spell to shoot the two wanderers.

Otherwise, when these wanderers escape into the shadow plane, it would be really difficult to find them.

When the dust settled, Huo Ling rode the skeleton wolf in the ruined camp of the Light Hunting Group. The eight people in this hunting group were all dead at this moment.

Looking at the corpse of a wanderer he had never seen before, Huo Ling couldn't help shaking his head, "Why did you join this hunting group?"

This wanderer was the most unlucky. He had nothing to do with it, but he joined in before he could take revenge. He was hit by a filthy spear and died peacefully without saying a word.

The skeletons were sent to gather the corpses back, and the other corpses were stripped of their enchanted equipment and let the skeletons absorb it.

Only the corpse of the mage was left. This was a good material for making a skeleton mage. If it was made well, Huo Ling could have another spellcaster under his command.

After checking the defensive magic circle left in the camp, although the shield of this magic circle was broken by Huo Ling, the overall situation was still intact.

The magic circle was indeed a cut-down version, and the overall size was about the same as a single-person tent. Without further inspection, it was directly put into the bracelet.

A fire set the camp on fire, and then Huo Ling left with the dark warriors.


In the following time, Huo Ling started to hunt monsters with his summons. Recently, he was too poor and urgently needed to get some blood back to his wallet.

Every night when he had nothing to do, Huo Ling would use his mental power to wear out the space equipment left by the Light Hunting Group.

This group of guys is quite rich. Five of the eight people have space equipment. Even if the owner of this space equipment is dead, it is not easy to open it.

I can only use my mental power slowly and slowly to wear out the mental imprints left inside.

For each space equipment, it takes at least four or five days to wear out the mark inside and open it, and this is because he is already a silver mage. If it is a black iron mage, this time will at least double.

If it is a warrior, it goes without saying. It is basically impossible to wear out the mark in the space equipment with their mental power.

During this period, Huo Ling also studied the defense array. This abridged version of the array, when activated to the highest state, can generate a shield value of 2,800 degrees.

The peak consumption is 15 magic stones per hour, and the minimum shield value is 500, which consumes three magic stones per hour.

However, if there is a mage sitting in charge and relying on meditation to restore the magic supply, this minimum consumption can be reduced to less than one magic stone.

After the shield is broken, it takes one minute to activate the shield again, and every time the shield is broken, the runes on the array are damaged. It is best not to let the shield be broken.

The maximum protection range of the magic circle is 120 meters in radius, but the larger the shield range, the weaker the shield's defense power will be.

I don't know how many times this defense magic circle has been used. It is very old, and the runes on it have reached the stage where they need maintenance.


After being busy for nearly a month, Huo Ling came out of the forest with a large harvest. Hunting monsters can bring him less and less income now.

For him, the money earned from the black iron monsters is not enough for him to spend. The territories of silver monsters are too large, and it is not easy to find them.

Some powerful silver monsters may not be defeated by him.

Let him join a team to join a more powerful hunting group, but now he is a little unwilling. It is impossible to work as a part-time worker. It is interesting to be a small boss.

After submitting the task of cleaning up monsters and earning some credits and magic stones, Huo Ling returned to Xinnan City.

He now has to deal with the beginning and the end. All eight members of the Light Hunting Group died at his hands, and they still have a house left in the city.

I don't know if there are any valuable things in the house. Even a small mosquito is meat, and Huo Ling will not let it go.

When it was dark and windy at night, Huo Ling sneaked in quietly.

"Poor bastard!"

After searching for a while, Huo Ling couldn't help cursing. There was nothing valuable in such a big house.

It seems that the defensive array they carried with them was the one that was once placed in this house.

Like Huo Ling, they carried all their wealth with them and didn't keep any at home.

But speaking of it, Huo Ling might be a little worse off. At least he still has a suite in Xinnan City, and he is a homeowner.

Huo Ling is more clean-handed than his face. Every time he comes back, he has to go to a hotel to book a room.

It's a pity that compared with the equipment of the Hunting Light Hunting Group, this small building with a yard is more difficult to deal with.

The equipment can be thrown on the black market and someone can sell it, but this house is different. Even if it is in Xinnan City, the person in person needs to be present to transfer the ownership.

As for living there directly without transferring ownership, Huo Ling didn't dare to do that. What if these guys have any relatives or friends who come to the door? It would be like beating the younger to get the older.

There was no other way. Anyway, he didn't find anything valuable, so Huo Ling could only shake his head and leave.

He opened all the space equipment of those people, and counted the magic stones and various materials inside. The total value was about 2,000 magic stones.

Huo Ling didn't plan to keep the enchanted equipment on them. Now the black iron-level equipment was useless to him, so he might as well sell it for some money.

As for the channel for selling the stolen goods, it was of course the black market. If it was sold in this way, the value of the equipment would definitely be greatly discounted.

But it was better to sell a little than to keep it in his hands. These equipment would not produce offspring if kept in his hands.

As for leaving it for his friends or future younger brothers to use, Huo Ling didn't have this idea. After all, these equipment were stained with blood.

He didn't know whether these equipment would cause trouble later. To be on the safe side, it was safest to sell them.

It is possible that some of the equipment here was taken from the bodies of other victims by the Light Hunting Group. If the relatives of the original owner come across it, bad things will happen.

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