Archive's Financial Talents

Chapter 294 in Suning Company

"Boss, Suning Company has already talked, according to 3 billion valuation, we use cash to add the shares of Suning Company to 60% of the shares of Suning Company."

When I heard the phone of the phone, Lin Feng was happy from the chair, and I was excited to walk in the office.

When Lin Feng gave Zou Ming to repurchase the stock of Gome, he has been considering, and the Gome will manage.

For Zou Ming proposes to let Chen Xiao return to manage Gome, Lin Feng is unwilling. After all, Chen Xiaofa will always explain that he has no ability to manage a company.

However, Lin Feng did not have a suitable person. After all, he also lifted Alice to help him. Therefore, even if you appreciate the mouse warehouse, Lin Feng will not drive Alice because Lin Feng needs like Alice. Talent.

Lin Feng remembered as another electrical sales giant in China, but fortunately, Suning Company has only just got out of Jinling, and Sun Ning is developing online mall business, urgent funds.

Sude was very surprised when he heard the price of Sun Ning, after all, he couldn't see how the big store from Jinling came out of the market value of 3 billion market value.

After all, Gome did not have an interest in the stock price. The city's market value of the entire company has only been 3 billion, and Gome is the leader of the domestic electrical store, and Su Ning didn't know how many streets.

This 300 billion valuation is that Suning's boss Hou Long reported. When he first started, he also felt a bit high, but I thought Lin Feng, the richest, actually to buy their company, so Hou Long bit his teeth, still opened 3 billion valuation.

When Lin Fengzhen agreed to buy Suning Company in accordance with San billions of valuation, Hou Long was a bit surprised. Even if he did himself as a founder, it would be very valuable in Suning Company, but he couldn't believe it at this time. The value is 3 billion.

After Lin Feng agreed, he himself had a little regret. I thought he would sell Suning Company soon, but the company has implemented the business of the two online malls. The third issue is not in place, Lin Feng's funds It is important for Suning.

After Lin Feng got the good news of Sud, Zou Ming would help Hou Dynasty to take over Gome.

It can be said this year this year.

First, Huang Junfu was arrested, then Chen Xiao also left, Ms. Dou was also caught, and it can be said that now the management of Gome will have a few shrimp crabs.

Lin Feng completed the holding of Gome, the next step is to intend to combine Gome and Suning to form a new company, but it is not so anxious, first transition.

This is the first time Hou Long and Lin Feng met. He also seen the photos of Lin Feng on the Internet. He also read the video of Lin Feng in the Coastal University. It has long been admired for this country.

After all, Hou Long's rumored is a year, so Hou Long has always been deeply known that the people of Huang Jiefu are more difficult, but it is a hard-wrapped person, or be defeated by Lin Feng, even his company also Become Lin Feng.

Just with this, Hou Long felt the admiring of Lin Feng in five.

"Mr. Lin, I am very happy to meet you." Hou Long walked into Lin Feng's office under the leadership of Sudu. When Lin Feng was, Hou Feng was in the first time, the first time went to Sude, and Lin Feng held together.

Looking at Hou Long excited look, Lin Feng's mind suddenly remembered the chasing family in the later generations, they looked at the eyes of their idols, and Hou Long looked at himself.

"Mr. Hou, you are too polite, please sit." Lin Feng took his hand from Hou Long's hand, then pointed to the sofa next to him.

After the two sat down, Suide was sitting next to Hou Long and looking at Lin Feng.

"I believe that Sude has explained my plan with Mr. Hou."

When I heard Lin Feng's words, Hou Long was a little more excited, saying: "I have listened to Mr. Su said, Mr. Lin is going to make me manage Gome and Suning?"

Lin Feng smiled and came to the tea. I had a good tea pot on the tea, gave Hou Long, Sude and myself poured a cup of tea.

"I don't know if Mr. Hou is there?"

Hou Long looked at Lin Feng and asked: "Can I ask Mr. Lin a question?"

Lin Feng said: "Mr. Hou asked,"

"I want to know why Lin Mr. Lin will manage Gome and Suning."

"Mr. Lin let me manage Suning Company, I can understand that Suning is under my management before,"

"But for Mr. Lin let me manage Gome company, I am very confused."

Lin Feng said: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

Hou Long said: "Mr. Lin should know that Gome and Suning are the competition, and I am still dead with Huang Junfu, you will give me the Gome to me."

Lin Feng said: "The employer is in doubt, the suspect is not. I believe you."

Lin Feng's words made Hou Long feel very happy. He didn't think Lin Feng actually trust him like this.

After completing the doubts of Hou Long's heart, Lin Feng explained about the development of Suning Company and Gome company explained that after listening to Lin Feng's plan, Hou Long's commercial talents were admired.

Before Hou Long, although I also thought that online malls had a promising future, it was uncertain in the future. No one can say that the future is so affirmed, but Lin Feng dares to invest hundreds of billions into the development of Gome and Suning online mall. Plan, this has to let Houlong are very optimistic about the future of the two companies.

At present, the stock of Gome is still suspended, so Hou Long should take over the national American, there are still many things that need him to deal with, and have not been more in Lin Feng's office. After getting the answer to his heart, he left.

"Boss, you are really so rest assured to give Gome to Hou Long?" After Hou Long, Hou Long left, looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not answer Sude, but gave him a cup of tea.

"What do you think this tea?"

Sude heard Lin Feng's words, and took a tea cup and drunk.

"Very good, although not a precious tea, but look like new tea produced this year."

Lin Feng also took a tea cup and looked at the tea in the cup.

"Then you should know that every tea is in front of the tea, I have experienced many processes, and I finally have the look in front of us."

Suide looked at Lin Feng, did not understand Lin Feng said this sentence, what is the relationship between this tea and Hou Long's Gome.

Lin Feng saw Sude or full of doubts, smiled and said: "You don't have to manage this, I naturally have my own intent."

"A media company I opened with friends recently in cooperation with the PRODUCT, they have no suitable lawyers, you will help me take pictures, don't have anything."

Sudue nodded, and then wrote down the office of Zhao Qiang left the office.

"Boss, there is a woman named Sun Fei to see you."

I heard the phone of the secretary outside the door, Lin Feng felt very strange, he seems to be good Sun Fei to see the side in Xiangjiang, it seems that there is no intersection.

But how can Sun Fei come to Binhai to find himself?

And Sun Fei actually caught in the matter of Sun Family.

Is she really clearer or she is even more powerful?

"Let her come in."

In the end, Lin Feng is also too lazy to think about this is something, anyway, I will know, why will it waste brain cells.

Not long after, Lin Feng saw Sun Fei wearing a red dress, stepped on a pair of high heels, and took a red beverage.

"Lin Feng, you don't have a conscience man."

Sun Fei's first sentence is allowed to stand in Lin Feng secretary behind her, is the boss has done anything about this slim woman, and then leave.

Just when she was in a fantasy, he heard that Lin Feng made her go out, so she returned to God, turned away, and I was very intimate.

"Sun Fei, you don't have sick, what do you mean by this?"

Although Lin Feng is not very careful about how others look at him, there is no way to embrace such a comparable.

What's more, once these words have heard Zhao Min, Lin Feng is also jumping into the Yellow River and is not clean.

"I ask you, is you for your report?"

Sun Fe is directly opposite Lin Feng, put the small shellfish in the table of Lin Feng, and the eyes are staring at Lin Feng, and the tone is not good.

"You don't want to pull the topic. What do you mean by the words you just said, how can I become a man who has no conscience, you give me a good saying."

When I heard Lin Feng's words, Sun Fei's eyes suddenly a bit slightly red, and the tears began to turn in the eyes.

"I really didn't think you are actually such a man."

"I like you so much, but you actually hurt my family, not only let my parents, even my uncle is caught, have you gone to think about me?"

"Stop, you will wait, I will think first."

Lin Feng heard that Sun Fe's words were really messy. He doubted that he didn't wait anything wrong. Sun Fei said that she likes himself?

Lin Feng glared in the eyes of Sun Fei. He was dark in his heart.

"Miss Sun, do we do any misunderstanding?"

"There is no relationship with you, this is the fact, I can't accept this, I can't accept it, how do you like me?"

"The meal can be eaten, but the words can't talk."

After listening to Lin Feng's wounded, Sun Fei's heart was more sad. She didn't think she was actually an unable person in Lin Feng's heart. She still likes Lin Feng in her heart. She still likes Lin Feng in her. Grandpa speaking good words in front of it.

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