Archive's Financial Talents

Chapter 508 Clown Who is

Shen Peng did not think that Lin Feng actually retired, kicking this problem back to himself, although his heart is very uncomfortable, but with his understanding of Lin Feng, I know that this man is not so good.

"Forest, you won." Shen Peng helplessly said: "What conditions do you have to say directly, I think you have already found you, then we will go to you, and everyone will clearly say clearly. Little is better. "

Lin Feng heard the call of Shen Peng, rising his mouth, clear smile: "Shen Master has a prize, you have the old seniors in the investment, I have no high school when you are famous."

"But in the commercial speaker, although you are old, I will not be polite."

"I know that you want to kick the high collar capital, but I will not promise to let the high-end capital out, at least is still not the time."

Shen Pengqiang endured in the heart, try to make his tone peace: "Lin always laughed, how can I let the high-end capital out?"

"I just prefer the red moon company, so I want to have a little shares, and Luo Ping is not willing to continue to dilute too many shares, so I just want to take a multi-share from the high-necked capital."

Lin Feng smiled and responded: "How do you think in your heart, I believe that your own heart is clear, I will say anything nonsense."

"The high-necked capital can give you a shares of the Red Moon, but the price is a billionaire."

"Lin Feng, you can't grab the bank." Shen Peng heard Lin Feng actually the real lion was opened, and suddenly anger, the anger of my heart couldn't stop the back rush, if it is not a scruple of their own identity He must be directly like a shrew.

Lin Feng also guess Shen Peng's reaction, not carefully.

"Summates if you think that the value of the company is worth 10 billion, I don't force you."

"It's the end of the year, I don't know how Hongshan Capital, Hongshan Capital, this year's investment, and the yield is still as good as the previous year."

"If there is a bad rate this year, I don't know if the investors will still trust the deposit, and the funds will continue to give you."

"But you can rest assured that if your investors want to redeem funds back, our high-end capital is still very willing to help them care."

Shen Peng listened to the phone that Lin Feng ridiched, and slowly calmed down, and quickly thinking about the countermeasures in his mind.

"Your one billion prices are too embarrassed, let alone our Hongshan capital also does not have so much liquidity."

Shen Peng thought for a few minutes, but decided to first succeed, after all, Hongshan Capital now really requires a good valuation project in the end of the year.

But even if so, Shen Peng is not willing to be made by Lin Feng as a big head.

Lin Feng heard a soft tone from Shen Peng, and said softly and said: "Are you smirking with me?"

"What is the two billion funds in the bank?"

"Is it your own?"

Shen Peng heard the sentence of Lin Feng, the look of the face became very ugly. He did not think that Lin Feng had already touched the situation in Hongshan capital, even they put on the bank. The funds are all as well.

However, Shen Peng also understands that agency such as Hongshan Capital is needed. If Lin Feng is willing to work hard, it is easy to check the fund allocation of Hongshan capital.

Shen Peng said whispered: "Forest, you don't have to be so inch, and the red moon is currently valuable for 3 billion, now you have a total price of 100 billion directly, the cowhide does not bring You blow it like this. "

Lin Feng calmly answered: "Let Shen have smirked, I am blowing oire, I can't accept it."

"If you are not accepting, just when I have said, we will walk each other, do not interfere."

"But you have to be careful, I am already eyeing you now, I will always die at you, and what projects in Hongshan Capital investment, I will let the high collar capital, and there are few Means, I want to add it to you. "

"Don't think that I am joke, my Star Group is currently hundreds of billion liquid funds. I believe that these money should be able to play with you."

Shen Peng originally intended to give up this project of the Red Moon. After all, Lin Feng's 100 billion valuation is too high. He can't take one billion to financing the shares of the red moon, if true This is the case, when it comes to those investors, I will think that Shen Peng's eyes have a problem, or there is no secret between the high collar capital.

But he didn't think that the words behind Lin Feng actually blocked his back, if it was really like Lin Feng said, the high collar capital is constant in the remaining time and the high collar capital. At that time, Lin Feng was the most lost some money, but his loss was not as simple as money.

"Forest, are you joking with me?" Shen Peng said: "Even if you have money, it is not playing like this."

Lin Feng also knows that the other party will not be so easy to believe in him. After all, every one in the business world is not a fool, there are a few people who are willing to waste their own money, Lin Feng will not.

However, Lin Feng knows that perhaps his behavior is wasting money in others, but in your own eyes, don't have other gains, and this harvest is worth it for Lin Feng, spending these money is worth it.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it."

"To know that there are nothing in my Star Group, the most money."

Lin Feng thief, the interest: "I didn't show off, I am just playing your face."

"Summary is now particularly angry, is it particularly wanted to hit me, there is no anger that has a angry in my heart."

"That happens, don't endure, be sure to fight with me, be sure to make my Lin Feng, burning, angry flame."

At this point, Shen Peng's face has long been gloomy, and the hand of the mobile phone is getting more and more powerful. You can see the blood vessel protrusion on your back, and your finger bone has been white.

But Lin Feng is like this, the more you want to calm.

He knows that Lin Feng is not the simple person, so he feels that Lin Feng is so stupid that he seems to be very stupid, and it has made a very low mistake, but in turn thinking that a person who has become a richest in two years will be Does the mistake?

Shen Peng did not believe that Lin Feng is such a person, so there must be a demon, Lin Feng, this is a pleasant method, which is to let himself and the opponent's hard work, then let the other party integrate his own Hongshan capital.

I want to pass this, Shen Peng also slowly calm down, but the heart has a widen to Lin Feng's awe, this Lin Feng can't easily be enemy.

"Lin said that I am really admiring to Lin Gong's eyes. I originally a value of red moon is worth 100 billion. I didn't think that Lin is in the same way as my opinion."

"Since Lin has said this, it will be a hundred percent of the shares of 10% in accordance with the HKEL.

"Strong is refreshing, so I wish our partners smooth."

After Lin Feng hang up the phone, he was relieved, he was really afraid of Shen Peng, and the impact of Shen Peng shouted directly "Let Lin Feng's home production", then pull the Hongshan capital and desperately desperately desperate.

But now I heard Shen Peng's reply, Lin Feng also finally loose a sigh of relief, sometimes, to deal with these smart people, it is necessary to use a smart person, and Zhuge Liang deals Sima Yi is not using empty city? If the leader of Wei State has changed one, it is not Sima Yi's words. If Zhuge Liang dares to open the city gate, then the other party will absolutely bile people, and you will have any conspiracy, do it.

Therefore, Lin Feng also codified Shen Peng, after listening to him, will definitely pay why he would say such a thing that does not meet the identity, then the other party wants to think about this, and then give a conclusion, I am placing, but the other side doesn't know, the last clown is still himself.

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