Archive's Financial Talents

Chapter 536 Red Moon Listed

Lin Feng was in the first place from high-end capital. It is not because the other party's investment in the network will be lost, but because it is necessary to lay out Hongshan capital.

Lin Feng early guessed, as long as Shen Peng continued to be a case in Hongshan capital, the other party will send funds at the critical time of Lin Feng's enemy.

It is also this worry, so Lin Feng intends to kill it in the cradle when this is not happening.

And Zhang Shi is the most critical figure in this step plan.

Zhang Shi quickly received a program that Lin Feng passed.

About Hong Moon Listed Program.

After Zhang Shi got the program, he read the planning book of the whole ten pages, and then his eyes exposed a shocking look.

Why didn't he think that Lin Feng has already made this program book, and in this program of Lin Feng, thinking about what is important aspect.

Zhang Shi is also a professionals. He knows if it is really in accordance with Lin Feng's program, the red moon is not a problem.

Just after the public is listed in the Red Moon, the performance of the stock price is very dependent on the performance of the Red Moon.

Once the red moon is listed, the company's performance declines, it is likely to cause the stock price foam.

At the end of Lin Feng's plan, if some are successful, the valuation of the Red Moon will reach the horrible 300 billion Hong Kong coins.

Without mistakes, in this plan of Lin Feng, the best place where the Red Moon listed is Xiangjiang.

On the one hand, it is because the securities trading market on the Xiangjiang ripe is relatively mature, and there is a very comprehensive system for the high-growth and low-profit companies such as the Red Moon.

Another aspect is that Lin Feng is planning to use the red moon to pick up another one, and the red moon is listed in Xiangjiang, which is undoubtedly a very good location.

After Zhang Shi, after the complete plan, I was deeply shocked by Lin Feng, and I also secretly warned myself in my heart. I have the opportunity in the future. I must not be pair with Lin Feng.

Shen Peng did not expect that Zhang Shi actually took out the plan so soon, and it was still a very perfect solution.

Zhang Shi sent Lin Feng to his program slightly changed, and then sent it to Shen Peng.

Shen Peng looked at Zhangshi.

"Old Zhang, it seems that I have seen you in a little bit."

"Ask this plan, I think the salary that is open to you is still too low."

Zhang Shi heard Shen Peng's words and lifted his modest push.

"You don't want to praise me."

"Then do you think this plan is no problem?"

Shen Peng nodded, with a joy and excitement on his face.

"I can guarantee that this is the most perfect program for many years."

"We will start to promote the listing of Red Moon in accordance with this program."

Red Moon is going to be listed.

When the news came out, the domestic capital circle suddenly exploded.

When the Red Moon, the company's joint investment in Hongshan Capital and high-necked capital, the valuation of the Red Moon was pushed up from 100 million.

Later, the domestic cleaning industry leading cleaning company began to remove the market, this time, the red moon uses this opportunity to quickly seize the market, and now it has become the leader of the domestic cleaning market.

As a result, this did not have a long time, and the red moon is actually listed.

Before you have no listing, the company's valuation has reached a 1.9 billion, which is now available. Isn't that a valuation to start?

Some smell sensitive institutions quickly felt that there was a huge profit space in this middle, and have begun to find a variety of relationships. Look at it, you can get a slice when you are listed on the Red Moon.

At this time, Shen Peng is very happy, and the previous troubles also sweep.

Recently, he has received a dozen capital talents. Everyone's meaning is, I hope that when I am listed in the Red Moon, I can subscribe some shares.

Even some institutions of cautious institutions also greeted Shen Peng in advance, expressing what they want to buy a lot of placing shares.

After all, everyone is clear, as long as the current momentum, once it is really listed, the stock price of the Red Moon will certainly rise.

Even the increase in the increase is not a lot, but as long as they sell the shares in their hands when they have skyrocketed, this is also a tranquility that is not lost.

It is also this reason. The most discussed in the current capital circle is this red moon.

Many people are analyzing. After this Red Moon is listed, it can skyrocket, but no one is discussing the situation of the stock price fell after the red moon is listed.

After all, now the red moon is more popular in the investment circle. Everyone can see it, so many people believe that in all the enthusiasm, the market value of the Red Moon will have risen to a surprise Point.

Shen Peng has held the board of directors of the Red Moon after the determination of the problem of the listing plan.

At present, the company has not yet listed, so the power distribution of the company's board of directors is also simple.

One is the founder of the red moon;

One is a high collar capital;

One is Hongshan capital;

The three shareholders have a more shares, so it is important for all the development of the Red Moon.

Another shareholder is the company's high-level and institutions to join the financing.

However, their shares in their hands have little, so there is no way to determine the development trend of the Red Moon.

Inside the company's conference room, Luo Ping sat in the first place, and the high collar capital is sitting on his left hand, and Shen Peng, who is Hongshan Capital is sitting on his right hand.

Luo Ping came to everyone, and it was almost alive, so I took a throat.

"Since everyone is all, then let's start."

After Luo Ping said, turned his head to focus on Shen Peng.

After all, this meeting or Shen Peng proposes, Luo Ping also wants to see what Shen Peng is going on.

Shen Peng saw Luo Ping's eyes stared at himself, and his face revealed a smile, then stood up.

"Everyone knows that our Red Moon has become the leader of the domestic cleaning industry, but our company's profits are still very low."

Shen Peng's words were refuted. They were all shareholders of Red Moon, and they were clear for Red Moon.

Red Moon is not high, mainly put most of the funds into publicity.

"What is the good suggestion?"

At this time, I sat in the opposite side of Shen Peng, I looked at Shen Peng, which was full of face, and asked a bit uncomfortable.

"My suggestion is to promote the listing of the Red Moon."

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