Archive's Financial Talents

Chapter 558 MONULON SARF

After the speech of the family to go to Hawaiian vacation, I saw a few vicinity in Washington.

Original Bill thought that after he let Jimmy mobilize the company's funds to buy a shares above, it can temporarily steadily stabilize the decline of the stock price, but he did not expect that Lin Feng's guy actually put a lot of funds kept short.

There is no mistake, in Bill, I have no way to investigate the stock price of the market. When I was doing the stock price of their company, Billma thought that the company's share price fell affirmation and Lin Feng.

Although Bill has no evidence to prove that this thing is Lin Feng dry, his intuition will not have a mistake, and he only has such a hard-wrapped person.

In order to transfer the company's funds to buy stocks, Bill also deliberately gave his old friend Allen a phone.

Although the company's stock price fell is not a good thing for Allen, but Bill knows that since the other party leaves from the company, the other party does not care about the company's interests.

Sure enough, Bill did not guess the wrong, when Ellen heard the funds of Bill to buy the company, it did not agree.

Even if Bill said the sky, Allen does not agree.

Nothing, he is not cool.

After all, Allen is also an old age. Even if there is no such shares, he is also a proper billionaire.

So he disagree with Bill's behavior is just to make Bill.

If you let the outperspers know that billionaire Allen actually fight with a child, it will be incredible, but the fact is that Allen is like a child and the Bill bar.

Finally, Bill didn't say that I said to Allen, and I kept admitted to the decision of Bill.

Bill knows that if he wants to convince Allen, you can't take interests, but should make the other person earned a face.

Bill knows that in Allen's heart, I have been worried about the matter of the company, so the other's heart has always been rejoicing him.

So Bill also grabbed the other party's ideas, low heads, recognition, so that Allen won a face to temporarily agreed to this decision.

After solving the side of Allen, Bill started to meet with a few vicinity.

Bill knows that if the company's book has no way to attack Lin Feng's words, then he can only seek assistance from the outside.

So Bill found a number of investment banks, then Bill began his way of flicker.

He promised those investment, let them continue to buy their company's shares in the market, no matter how much they bought, three years later, he will repurchase three times higher than the cost price of the other party.

And Bill is also committed to the shares purchased in their hands, must guarantee a dividend that is not less than 6 percent of the year.

Those who invest in the big giant heard the conditions of Bill, and I was very happy.

After all, when there is a lot of money in the global economy, although there are many money, but I don't know what projects invested.

After all, in case of investment, then they are also responsible, so they hold a large number of bonds, low income, low risk, and low risk.

But how low the bonds such as the rate of return can meet the appetite of these capitalists, so they are very anxious, think about where to find some good investment projects.

Now Bill's suggestion, it is a good condition for them.

Not only have a percent of six percent interests, but when it is three years, I can sell it three times higher than the price of three times. Is this business not to send them money?

So those of the vast people have agreed to Bill's conditions, and immediately began to transfer funds to the stock market to buy Bill's shares.

I really don't say, there is a fund of these investment banks, Bill's share price will soon stop the trend of falling, while starting slowly rise.

Just when several investments in the stock market have a shares in the stock market, suddenly a news is like a sunny tip of .

The local government once again launched a monopoly survey of Bill, while doing a sound of the upper layer, and interested in split Bill's company.

The reason is that Mrs. Bill is too large, a bit in the context of the financial crisis, encountering difficulties in business difficulties, and it is necessary to cause a huge impact on the economic potential to the country.

When the news came out, the share price that was still kept rising immediately fell.

At the same time, the investors who hold Bill's stocks have panicted in the shares in their hands.

Even the Bill did not expect that the official will launch a monopoly investigation to his company.

After all, after ten years ago, after his company was monopoly, he had been punished, he had been very careful, avoiding all kinds of things involving monopoly.

For this year, the company has never encountered monopoly investigations, and Bill is slowly forgotten.

However, Non thinks that in this key time, the official actually launched a monopoly investigation to his company when he fights with Lin Feng.

Bill knows that even if his company is not opened, his company's share price will be slightly falling, and investors above the market will also lose confidence in his stock.

Bill received the first time of the news, immediately used his relationship to find the people there, asked why they would know when they launched the investigation at this time, they knew that the investigation was coming from the white house.

When did the people of the white house also manage the monopoly?

When Bill heard this news, Bill had to be understood.

At this time, Bill's heart flooded out an absurd idea, and their company was monopoly investigation, would not be Lin Feng's hand?

However, the people on the court said that the monopoly survey of his company came from the white house. If Lin Feng was engraving the ghost behind, how did the other party listened to Lin Feng?

How did Bill think that Lin Feng and a brother of their country have a deep feelings, these are Bil I don't want to think.

At the beginning, those who listened to Bill, after I knew this news, I suddenly started to stop acquisition of stocks, while selling the shares between them without cost.

They also have the source of their own messages.

They already know that this time is very tough to Bill's anti-monopoly investigation, if Bill is not very good, Nami's company is destined to be split.

If Bill's company really wants to split, they can not honor their attitudes for Bill's original and they say.

After all, once the company completes the split, Bill is definitely no way to continue to hold the company, then who comes to repurchase the shares in their hands.

So these investments sold out the share of the purchase of the purchase.

Although they know, if they sell it, they will lose money, but they think that they may not receive a lot of money in the future, this loss can still bear.

So, in investors and investment banks, plus the vigorous empty space on Lin Feng, Bill's share price, like Lin Feng guess, three days have fallen by 50%.

And with the continuous decline of stock prices, more and more people selling stocks, so terrible chain responded.

Bill's stocks fell too powerful, no one dared to come in and copied, and some of the stocks sold more. At the same time, some Wall Street also stared on this company, and began to transfer funds to this company.

Bill is sitting in the office, Jimmy standing next to him is also looking at Bill.

"Boss, you will find a way."

"The bank keeps loan to us, and those suppliers are also urged to pay for the payment."

How did Jimmy have not thought that the company will actually be investigated at this time.

If it is just paying those suppliers, the funds on the company can be paid.

But he didn't think that several banks also gave them loans to them at this time, but where their company's books have so many liquidity to compensate loans.

After all, in order to stabilize the stock price of the company, he has purchased a stock in the stock market in the stock market.

Today, the company's share price plummets, the company's money into the stock market, not only did not earn money, but he won't see half.

Now there are very few people in the stock market to enter their company's shares, but a lot of people sell the shares in their hands in the row.

Even if Jimmy wants to sell the company's shares, there is no way to return funds in a short time.

And the company owes the bank's loans more than 100 billion dollars, even if the shares sells, it is far from paying back to bank loans.

"You don't remind me, I am now thinking."

Bill was made upset by Jimmy, directly raised his head and stared at Jimmy.

Jimmy heard the roar of Bill, but he had to close his mouth, quietly stood next to it, did not dare to urge each other.

"What is the assets that our company can sell in a short time?"

After a few minutes in the office, Bill once again broke the quiet.

Jimmy listened to Bill, immediately knew that Bill's plan was, so quickly thought about it, and the rush replied: "If it is a selling asset, there should be a hundred billion or so of assets that can be changed in a short time."

"But now the market has known our company's current situation, so we sell the assets at this time, those buyers are likely to be robbed at this time, and the price of assets is very low."

Bill slab said and said: "Even if they are robbing this time, we have no way to take them."

"This way, you will discuss with those banks, we will directly pay the loan directly."

Jimmy heard the words of Bill, showing a doubt on his face.

"Can they agree?"

Bill's face revealed a gustle.

"If they disagree, wait for our company to split, let the court seal our assets to take the auction, and finally get auctions the money to give them."

"You will take me directly to what I just said, they are so smart, will definitely make the most favorable choices to them."


Zou Ming and Alice listened to Lin Feng's arrangement, and after the market was put into two billion dollars, it was started to leave M.

Just wait until the people who come and Lin Fengpai are handed over, Zou Ming knows that it is still the act of working in their work.

For Chen Dajun, Zou Ming still knows.

Zou Ming's heart is very puzzled why Lin Feng wants Chen Daxie to take their company, but Zou Ming did not dare to ask Lin Feng.

Although he knew that Chen Dajun is just a soldier, the force value is OK, but when the financial investment is, Chen Dafa is really a foreign man.

However, Lin Feng let Chen Dajun come to take their work, it will definitely be the truth of the other party.

After Zou Ming and Alice were completed, they were ready to buy tickets to Europe.

After Chen Daxie was handed over, found a safe place and then took out the satellite phone to Lin Feng.

"Boss, I have already handed over Zou Ming, what should we do next?"

The phone came to Lin Feng's laughter.

"Since it has been layout, then began to recruit."

"When you are in the evening, let him help us, you should know how to say it?"

Chen Dajun nodded slightly, said: "Do yourself, boss, I know what to do."

The next day, the various news media in M ​​countries were reported on the official investigation of Bill.

Bill's share price collapse officially kicked off.

When Chen Dajun did, the equivalent of Bill's share price fell to a certain position, he listened to Lin Feng's instructions, let Zou Ming and Alice began to put the position of the previous air.

As for Lin Feng, why didn't I smash the share price of Bill, holding this company's shares, because Lin Feng knows, there is a presence of him, Bill's company may have no way to grow like the past generation. Two trillion US dollars.

Lin Feng's purpose is that on the one hand, I'm clutting Bill's company, and when it is for the discipline of Bill and his argument.

Another aspect is to make a lot of money on this time.

In fact, Lin Feng still has a careful thing, that is, he knows that Bill has a deep impact on the M country's Internet industry, and once Bill's split, it will affect the development of information technology in M ​​countries.

In this way, Huaxia can catch up with the M country's information technology in the next decade.

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