Archive's Financial Talents

Chapter 599, Darkness Chen Cang

Previously, the three major consortiums of H countries have led to the domestic economy very turmoil. Many businessmen have bankrupt abundance, and the number of people who are unemployed will continue to rise.

Later, three major consortals finally got to talk, and now there are many fierce scenes before, but the three currencies are privately erupted by various small contradictions.

However, because these problems are too small, there is no attention to many people, and the top of the three major consortia has not been concerned about these small frictions below.

Samsung Consortium Headquarters.

"What are you not abnormal in the last two currense?"

The body is obese, sitting on the boss chair and staring at the assistant standing in front of him.

Park Hai's assistant is a middle-aged woman, following Park Hai for several years, doing things very serious and carefully, and is deeply trusted by Park Sea.

This middle-aged woman is a Meikui, although the age is already big, but the skin care is very good, the white skid-slip hand can not see the other party is already a middle-aged woman.

"The boss is rest assured, we don't go to the other party's trouble, how can the other party dare to make a small action?"

Mei Youzi smiled a few times, and then gave it a bit passion for Park Hailon, and it felt a bit passionate. If not considering it is an office, he must take a gun.

"What is the progress of our plan?"

Park Hai glared at the other party, then lowered his head, no longer staring at each other.

I saw the look of Puhai, Mei Youzi smiled.

"Don't worry, the current progress of our plans is very smooth, our people have eaten a lot of sites, I believe how long it can't, most of the other sites will fall into our hands."

The plan in Pak Hai and Mei Youzi is the plan from Lin Feng to Puhai.

Ming Samsung's consortium has reached a consensus with the other two consortia, all aspects have stopped attacks and is currently in peace.

However, Park Hai's dark movement has not stopped.

According to the recommendation provided by Lin Feng, Park Sea allows the underlying power of Samsung's consortium to use the way to zero, separately elicit the other industries.

At present, this plan is very smooth, and the Samsung consort has eaten a lot of industries of the two major consortia, but the other party has not perceived.

On the one hand, it may be because the movements here are very hidden, although they have made the other party's site, but there is no one to disclose this news, so the senior people of the two consorties have not noticed the abnormality below.

On the one hand, the melee before the three major consorters causes the other two consortium of the energetic injury, and now is being repaired.

Therefore, the high-level "of the modern consortium and the Venus consortium knows that there is a problem with many of the companies below his consortium, but only thinks that the previous and Samsung consortium will encounter losses, and will not think that Samsung consortium is still They do it.

After listening to the permanence of the perfection, slowly stood up to leave the chair, slowly went to the window, and the eyes took a trace of landscape.

"Boss, are you worried about?"

Meiku saw Park Sea's look, suddenly I knew that the other side should be worried about what, gently moved to the other party, slowly lifted their hands slowly, and then stretched the past.

"You don't understand, although it seems that modern consortium and Venus consortium seem to have no movement, but as we make the other side more and more sites, the other party will only know this situation."

"They know that when they know anyway, we have already made their sites, and they will know how to do it, do you dare to touch us?"

Mei Youzi is a pair of hands in Puhai's wide shoulder, and relax in Pap.

"You still don't understand."

On Pu Hai, I listened to the perfection, the tight brow did not relax, slowly turned it, pulled up the soft boneless hand of Mei Youzi.

"But you don't have to think too much, everything is in front."

Park Hai is tightly holding the hands of Meiku, staring at the eyes of the other party full of tenderness.


Venus Consortium Headquarters.

"Li, have you found out what you have appeared below?"

"How do I feel that Samsung's consortium seems to be slowly eating our industry in a dark place?"

The words of modern consortium are full of urgency sitting on the sofa, looking at the Venus consortium, who is sitting opposite him, Li Yingjun.

It turns out that Chen Yizhen ran this time today, it is time to come to Venus, who is to find Li Yingjun.

Original Chen Hao thought that after the Samsung consortium was stopped, they finally breathed a good breath.

However, this did not have been over the past, and his assistant reported him to say that there are many industries in the modern consortium to lose contact.

Although from the current feedback information, it seems that there is no exception, but Chen Yum is still a burst of uneasiness.

After all, I can sit on a consortium, and Chen Xiao sprinkle this person, although it looks very violent, doing things a little acute child, but he is not a stupid.

Although there is no slightly evidence that your consortium has been eaten from Samsung, but the information analysis of various feedbacks, Chen Yumi still feels that the following industries must have encountered a voluste of Samsung.

After the heart of Chen Ya, after this conclusion, he didn't go directly to the Samsung's consortium to find Pak Hai, but to the Golden Star Consortium, Li Yingjun.

In the heart of Chen Ya, Li Yingjun is sitting on a boat with him. If his modern consortium has a problem, the Venus consortium will not be better here.

It is this, Chen Yu will trust Li Yingjun.

And in the domestic business community, Li Yingjun This person is also a famous person.

Li Yingjun is famous, not because the opponent's head is on the Golden Ring of Venus Wealth, but because the other party has been several decades since the company, it has experienced dozens of big and small things, and in every twice In the whole body, you can retreat, lead the Venus consortium to slowly move.

Although Chen Yun is a bit not very good, he is not stupid. He knows that if it is really a Samsung consortium, it is constantly eating itself in the dark.

Then he ran in and the opponent in this time, the other party will not recognize it, but even after he is crazy, the other's actions will become more aggressive.

Li Yingjun looked up at Chen Yai and then lowered his own precious pipe.

"Li, you are saying something, I am eager to die."

Chen Yun saw Li Yingjun's look, and suddenly, he was more anxious. He didn't think of it, Li Yingjun actually had a thoughtful thing.

Li Yingjun heard that Chen Yun's tone has become more and more urgent, so he also stopped the movements in his hand, and be careful of the pipe in the hand.

"If you are saying, this thing is really bushar, how can you?"

"Don't you plan to find Pak Hai directly?"

"Still, we will play directly with Samsung consortium?"

I heard Li Yingjun a series of tricks, Chen Ji did not know how to answer.

"But we can't do anything, just wait for the other party to slowly eaten our site?"

Chen Yu sprinkled a little frustrating helpless.

After all, the modern consortium can be his father, he does not want his own family to work hard to be destroyed in his own hands.

If this is true, then he really has no face to face his father.

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