Archive's Financial Talents

Chapter 646 City Valence Volleyball Subsidiary

As Ali's cloud computing business is incorporated into the cloud computing business of Starcasting Group, Ali has finally solved a problem of moving legs.

When this news came out, many executives in Ali gently made a breath.

From a few years ago, the budget of Ali's budget on this department was several times a year ago.

Even in the most difficult days in Ali, there was no budget for cloud computing sectors.

However, many years have passed, Ali's cloud computing business has been squatting, without breaking through the most critical technology.

The business is now sold to the Star Group, and it is also a fun thing for other executives of Ali.

After all, these executives hold the company's shares. In addition to salary, the annual income is the dividend of the company.

There is no high budget of the cloud computing department, and the money they can be separated every year will be more.

The cloud computing business of the original Star Sky Group is already the top level in China. As Ali's cloud computing business is incorporated, in a time, there is no second company's cloud computing business can compute with the cloud group. Business makeup competition.

The cloud computing business of the Star Group will soon start to invest in the commercial phase.

In the short two-year time, cloud computing this business is a profit contributing to the Star Group accounts for 10% of the group's annual total profit.

Don't see ten percent, it seems that it is not a lot.

The Star Group's current business is spread all over the industry, not only has the profits of listed companies, but also those who have no listing.

When the Single Single 2015, the NORG Group's annual profit has been broken through a trillion yuan.

Without a mistake, this is still a profit. If it is sales income, I have already broken through ten trillion yuan, and this income is still rising at a horrible speed.

In 2014, the Game subsidiary of the Star Group was successfully listed in Xiangjiang.

In 2015, the mobile game industry ushered in a big outbreak, and as the largest game company in China, the stock price has also opened a bull market for two years.

The market value of the game company has also risen from 50 billion Hong Kong dollars from the listing time to 10 trillion Hong Kong coins.

The game company has also become a subsidiary of the third month of the Star Group.

The other two are the Star Logistics Company and Penguin.

When the battle between Lin Feng and Li company, Li Cheng gave Lin Feng with Penguin Shares held by Li Wei.

When Lin Feng held more than 50% of the shares of Penguin, I held an Shareholders' meeting to enforce the shares in many shareholders.

After more than a year, the Star Group's shares held by Penguin have reached 70% of terror.

As a company listed in Xiangjiang, the shareholding ratio of the major shareholders reached 70%, it is very wonderful.

After all, in the open market in Xiangjiang, many Internet companies' votes are not as proportional to the proportion of shares.

Just like Penguin's horsesboard, the shares held in your hand is not a lot, but in the company's board of directors, it is high.

However, these are not difficult to live in Lin Feng.

When he holds a penguin's share of 70%, through various means, all of the management of Penguin has replaced all of his own people.

In other words, the future development of Penguin is Lin Feng said.

With the penguin's game business peeling out, the main business of Penguin is not to deepen the entertainment industry.

The film and television industry, the network industry, the music industry, etc. are deepening the goals of Penguin.

Later, Lin Feng put the instant chat tool of the Star York Group into the penguin, so that Penguin Company became the leader of the domestic chat industry.

Subsequently using these huge user traffic resources, rationality imported other industries, very fast penguin companies have become the domestic film and television industry, the network industry and the music industry leader.

When the penguin company was stripped from the game business, the market value of the company fell below one trillion market.

But in just two years, when the Penguin Company took out a dazzling financial statement, Penguin's share price was close to three times in just six months.

The city value of Penguin is also successful in 2015.

Even the analysts of many securities companies are very optimistic about the future of Penguin, and have raised the target price of Penguin.

Among them, Goldman Sachs Bank's price is the highest, according to the valuation they give, the city value of Penguin can reach five trillion Hong Kong coins.

Goldman Sachs has made a lot of people in the financial sector for Penguin. They really really believe that the market value of Penguin is really so high.

But these people quickly found that they were still too real.

In just three years, Penguin's share price is like a rocket, and it has risen.

First break through the four trillion market value, then it is five trillions. When it is 2018, the city value of Penguin has exceeded 6 trillion Hong Kong coins.

Just as many people are regretting why they didn't get on the bus, and then thought that the city value of Penguin has been overestimated, and it did not dare to continue on the bus.

Penguin Company once again launched a new social new way in 2020, subverted the traditional chat mode, and the company's market value has also successfully broken through ten trillion Hong Kong coins.

In 2015, the Star Group Game Company launched two new 'kings hegemony' and 'special competitions' two games.

Although these two games have previously have a lot of games, after the two games of the Star Group Game Company, they have become the most popular phenomenon game in China.

Just walking on the street, you can see the young people holding mobile phones or standing or squatting on the road, and even the car does not stop playing the game.

Two years later, the Star Group Game Company officially launched the VR version 'king hegemony' and 'special competitions', and suddenly the people had a circle of friends.

How did you think that there is a reality that there is actually in the game mode in the sci-fi movie in 2018.

However, playing these two VR versions of the game, you need to buy a $ 2 million game warehouse, so not all players can afford it.

However, even if the price is 20,000, this game warehouse is sold after a sale, and the 100,000 game warehouses originally sold are also sold.

At the same time, the market value of the game company is also from 10 billion Hong Kong coins in 2015. When 2018, the market value has exceeded 50 billion.

When the game company claims that there will be no more than 10,000 games, the game company has skyrocketed, and the market value is more than eight trillion market.

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