No. 14

Hearing Lin Yi's words, the Tokyo Airport control tower was silent for a moment, and then asked again.

"Repeat once, AU2132..."

"How many passengers are on the plane, and are there any foreign tourists?"

Probably because the eruption affected the electromagnetic signal, but more likely because what Lin Yi just said was too unbelievable...

But Lin Yi didn't hesitate at all, he immediately said: "Tower, this plane AU2132 has a total of 189 people including the crew members, all of them are Chinese passengers."

After hearing Lin Yi's words, there was silence again.

Of course, the Tokyo Airport Control Station knows the situation of Mount Fuji Airport, and they are actually amazed that there are planes taking off.

But in this case, did you hear the return that all the staff were Chinese?

how can that be?

Just when they were extremely shocked, Lin Yi's voice came again: "Please help contact the tower in China airspace, we will land in China."

After a moment of silence, the Tokyo Tower side was very puzzled by the fact that the whole plane was full of Chinese people, but they didn't ask more about the new situation.

However, they are very puzzled about Lin Yi and the others wanting to go back directly to China.

"Why fly back to China's airspace?"

"You can land at Tokyo Airport, and then the passengers on the plane can choose their next itinerary."

Lin Yi's answer was firm: "Our landing gear is damaged, and no matter where we land, there is a risk that we will be at risk when landing."

"Even if I die, I want to go back to China."

"If you say that, you should understand, right?"

There was silence for a while.

But they were answered quickly.

The tower said: "Received, we are in contact with China airspace."

"Please wait a moment, we will provide you with the corresponding route."

"However, captain, please note that you need to truthfully inform the passengers on board of this news when appropriate."

Lin Yi hummed from his nose and didn't say anything more.

Immediately afterwards, the connection was cut off.

After cutting off contact, the staff at the Tokyo Airport control tower looked at the supervisor in surprise.

"Jin Tian-kun, the passengers on AU2132 are all Chinese."

This is called Jintian, and it is the air traffic control of Tokyo Airport.

Hearing this answer from Chinese people, Jin Tian was stunned, and then questioned: "How is this possible?"

"Are you sure he's telling the truth?"

"In the situation just investigated, there are no Chinese pilots in Fuji."

The staff member nodded: "It should be true, the other party uses the most basic expressions, it should not be a neon pilot."


"You shouldn't lie about this kind of thing, right?"

"Kin Tian-kun, what do you want to do?"

In this case, Jin Tian also acceded to the request of the other party after making a little judgment.

Since they want to go back to China, give them this chance. After all, he has just survived the disaster. In this case, whether it is out of humanitarianism or personal emotion, he is willing to agree with the other party. ask.

That being the case, the staff member nodded immediately.

Immediately afterward, he began to inquire about the contact information in China's airspace, and got in touch with the other party.



news channel.

After the on-site reporter Zhang Duo cut off contact, the host of the news channel suddenly changed his tone after saying some pretentious remarks.

"Dear viewers, we have invited the president of Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professor Sun Chengying, an expert in aerodynamics."

"Tell us about what happened at Neon Fuji Airport."

"Why did the plane take off again after crashing off the cliff."

At this time, people were having a party.

Seeing that the plane was falling rapidly, almost crashing, but suddenly raised its head and stabbed straight towards the sky.

This situation made them very excited.

But of course they don't understand how this happened.

Even many people think that this is some kind of God's revelation, a miracle that they formed under prayer.

However, the appearance of Professor Sun Chengying at this time once again attracted their attention.

There was a picture of a phone on the TV, because it was an emergency call, so only the sound signal could be transmitted.

The anchor said: "Hello, Professor Sun, this is the news channel, and I am the host Xicheng."

"Hello host, I'm Sun Chengying."

After a brief introduction, Xicheng immediately began to ask questions to Professor Sun.

"Professor Sun, you are an expert in aerodynamics, and you must be very accomplished in the mechanics of civil aviation aircraft."

"So in your analysis, why is this flight AU2132 allowed to take off again?"

Sun Chengying's tone was a little excited.

He said immediately: "I have to show all the respect to the pilot of this plane before making my comments."

"I can tell you very clearly that if it weren't for the captain's wise decision, the plane would never have been able to take off from that situation."

Hearing Sun Chengying's explanation, the people sitting in front of the TV looked at each other.

The existence of this captain suddenly entered the minds of thousands of households.

Before that, however, they hadn't had time to think about it.

Sun Chengying's voice also continued to come.

"I believe everyone has seen it. Because the runway is not long enough, after a period of acceleration, the flight fell directly into the cliff..."

"However, before that, I have to tell everyone the take-off procedure of a civil airliner."

"In layman's terms, there are three major elements for an aircraft to take off, the first is speed, the second is lift, and the third is propulsion."

"These three elements are indispensable."

"However, the runway is too short, and the consequence is that the aircraft can't get enough takeoff speed, and it can't get enough lift to take off."

Having said that, he paused for a moment.

Then he said a little ashamed: "Actually, when I saw the plane start to accelerate on that very short runway, I already thought it was impossible for the plane to take off again."

"But I was wrong, because the heroic captain's miraculous choice gave them a chance to find an opportunity in a desperate situation!"

The old professor's speech was very popular, and people quickly understood how serious the situation at that time was!

But at this time, people are very curious, what did the captain do?

To be able to make this expert describe his options as "magical"!?_

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