Chapter 10 When the plane lands, the speed will of course decrease a lot as the altitude decreases.

In Lin Yi's mind, the three-dimensional composition of the entire aircraft, the speed, lift, airflow effects, and all the variables surrounding the aircraft, all materialized in Lin Yi's mind one by one.

The height from the ground is constantly showing new data in the altimeter.

"Two kilometers..."

"One thousand five hundred meters..."

"One thousand meters..."

In the ground tower, people were a little flustered when they saw the situation in front of them.

Especially when they knew that the plane was very likely to crash, although they were all standing in a safe area at this time, they inevitably started to panic in their hearts.

And the people sitting in front of the TV, seeing this scene, almost everyone felt a sense of oppression.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the captain.

To be so confident and decisive is by no means something ordinary people can do.

Especially when the risk is so great, what is the difference between such a rash landing and suicide?

Of course Lin Yi himself knew the risk.

But no matter how much you wait, the ground can't give a better possibility.

The world he saw in front of his eyes had completely turned into lines, and countless data were constantly changing in front of his eyes.

He took a deep breath and rushed to the brain after passing through the lungs. The red blood cells transported oxygen to the brain. He was doing the calculations to the maximum.

This is his only chance!

It is also the only chance for 189 people in the whole machine!

This level of calculation, even he himself has no way to make a second time.

put all one's eggs in one basket!

Sun Chengying saw the situation in front of her, her pupils contracted slightly and her face turned pale.

"Looks like he chose runway four for a reason!"

"Even if there is a situation, that population will not be endangered by an out-of-control aircraft."

"It's absolutely impossible for him to make a smooth landing!"

"And even in the fourth runway, there is a big crisis situation!"

"After they landed, once the wing collided with the ground, the force of the engine injection would change drastically, and there was no guarantee of balance, and their risk would become greater!"

"What's so special about this fourth runway!?"

Professor Sun Chengying only felt that his mentality had become unstable. If he continued like this, what they saw would be a complete tragedy!

He grabbed the air traffic controller Mike and said, "Gao Yi! You are committing suicide like this!"

"Trust me! We will find a way!"

"Now if it just keeps going down like this, you're going to be pretty bad for sure!"

"It's not that I don't believe in your technique, it's just that there's still time! There's no need to gamble!"

Everyone could hear Sun Chengying's roar, but this time was obviously over.

Gao Yi did not respond, the plane was landing towards the fourth runway!

In the cockpit...

Lin Yi's eyes darted back and forth between the ground and the ground very fast.

"One thousand meters..."

"Five hundred meters..."

"Three hundred meters..."

His heart was beating faster and faster.

However, the thinking in the brain started to calculate again like an explosion!

Countless data suddenly poured into Lin Yi's brain at this moment!

"The speed data has been known..."

"The anemometer data learned..."

"Altitude is known, wing lift is known, gravity is known..."

"Start Offset Calculation!"

While he was controlling the plane, he had to calculate these data. Even with the addition of Lin Yi's system, he was suddenly blacked out!

Instantaneous parameter overload Lin Yi's brain at this moment!

Even Lin Yi had been prepared for this, but the pain that hit him at this moment was just as unbearable for him!

"Two hundred meters!"

"One hundred meters!"

But now the speed is gradually decreasing, and the height is getting closer and closer to the ground!

Lin Yi knows very well that he only has one chance!

If he was vacated again at this time, his brain would definitely not be able to complete this powerful calculation again!

However, Sun Chengying, who was in the tower, saw this scene, and his face became extremely bad.

"It's over..."

he muttered.

"They have..."

"In the first moment of landing, it will crash directly!"

The expressions on everyone's faces were very stunned, and they never thought that the current situation had developed to such a point.

It would be a miracle to say that he could even survive under such circumstances!

But how is this possible?

He had been immersed in academia for so many years, how could he never imagine that under such circumstances, how could it be possible for them to survive!?

However, in the cockpit, Lin Yi did not realize that he was in a desperate situation.

"Fifty meters..."

"Forty meters!"

"Thirty meters!"

"Brother Gao! We are about to land!"

Song Qingsong's voice began to tremble.

Of course he knew the situation was dangerous, but he still tried to keep his voice steady.

After all, in this case, he didn't dare to disturb Gao Yi...

"Twenty meters!"

"Ten meters!"


At this moment, Song Qingsong closed his eyes abruptly, he knew that the second landing gear, that is, the landing gear at the rear right, had broken, and such a landing would likely lead to a direct crash!

But the expected explosion never came!

They landed on the runway smoothly!

He suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the ground, felt the bump when landing, his eyes suddenly changed: "How is this possible!?"

Not only Song Qingsong didn't understand what was going on, but even Sun Chengying's expression froze in the tower.

how is this possible?

Landing smoothly!?

But that landing gear...

Sun Chengying picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction of the fourth runway.

Seeing this, his face changed instantly.


The landing gear that had almost been scrapped turned out to be floating in mid-air!

It was as if some strange force was pulling it up!

"What exactly is going on!"

As a university president, when this scene suddenly appeared in front of him, he only felt that his common sense had been severely hit!

He had no idea what was going on!_

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