Chapter 141 In Zhonghai.

Zhang Angxiong already knew what Zhang Su was doing.

He even knew about "Gao Yi is Lin Yi".

For Zhang Su's blockade of information, he was keenly aware of the abnormality.

As soon as he learned of this matter, Zhang Angxiong immediately called Zhang Su's phone to inquire about the situation.

"Where are you?"

Zhang Angxiong's questioning voice was very cold.

Especially in this situation, in a state where the Zhang family is likely to be in jeopardy, he is even more unable to accept the concealment from the inside, especially the concealment of this matter!

"I'm in Xilin."

Zhang Su said truthfully: "I just prepared the formalities and I am going to Bali."

But hearing Zhang Su's voice and hearing his straightforward answer, Zhang Angxiong's expression turned a little stiff.


Did he not want to hide?

"Director Zhang, you should already know what happened at Xilin Airport, right?"

Zhang Su asked this question, and then immediately said: "Gao Yi is very likely to be Lin Yi. The hero we brought up is exactly the person we want to kill."

Hearing Zhang Su's words, Zhang Angxiong frowned.

Because what Zhang Su said at this time was indeed very consistent with what he understood.

But this did not make Zhang Angxiong's heart no longer doubt.

After all, he hid himself.

And of course Zhang Su knew this, he knew very well that it was impossible to keep it secret.


Therefore, the strategy he adopted at this time was to make the truth as well as the fake as well as the fake. While clarifying the situation, he tried his best to cover up the fake news from the truth.

"You should know that if we can't solve Gao Yi secretly as soon as possible now, things will be more troublesome in the future."

"And our people also found out that Qin Yunuo and Lin Yi came back from Neon on that flight together."

"Dong Zhang...the plane is about to take off, and I don't have much time."

"Have to feel Bali as soon as possible, otherwise it is very likely that it will be too late!"

Hearing this, most of the doubts in Zhang Angxiong's heart were dispelled.

After all, the situation was in crisis, so Zhang Su was justifiable for not having time to report.

But Zhang Angxiong also realized at this time that if Gao Yi could not be solved quickly, then the situation facing the Zhang family would be even more difficult.

Once the news that Gao Yi is Lin Yi leaks out, then everything he has done will be wasted.

Especially now that it has been covered up, what Lin Yi did in Qingcheng Building before, when Gao Yi's identity was exposed, this rebound is likely to directly impact Zhang's family to death!

"Oh shit."

"This matter, you must solve it clearly!"


The threat in these words is full of meaning.

And Zhang Su also gritted his teeth, and he could only accept it at this time.


He said so, and then immediately dialed the number in Bali: "Find Lin Yi!"

"Find out what he's going to do!"

"And the Louvre, is there any news!?"

The other party also responded quickly and professionally.

After hearing Lin Yi's series of actions, Zhang Su's eyes narrowed slightly.

He immediately understood what Qin Yunuo and Lin Yi wanted to do.

"Smear the captain's reputation first, then kill him."

"Then Lin Yi, all your efforts will be in vain!"_

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