Chapter 239: Bai Changsheng's words of exoneration immediately attracted 100% attention from everyone in the Prison Division!

At this time, Wan Qian raised his brows slightly and said:

"You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. We have been investigating for so long, but we haven't found a corresponding pattern. Could it be that you have seen something carefully?"

"The most important thing is to check all his ten ex-girlfriends and find that they have no financial relationship."

"Also, the ten ex-girlfriends of Lin Yi don't seem to know each other, so this is an unsolved situation."

When Wan Qian said this, he also showed a very melancholy expression.

He also didn't hope that the things he was facing would be so complicated.

But many times, some situations are really unavoidable.

The most important thing is that such a cunning old fox, I always feel that all of them think too much?

Anyway, Wan Qian felt that he couldn't find the purpose of that guy at all.

I only saw Bai Changsheng taking a sip of the good Longjing tea at this time, and there was a trace of light in his eyes.

"I think with regard to this kind of issue, as I said just now, the inspections are going in the wrong direction."

"According to the current situation."

"If it were understood in another way, it would not be so complicated."

"So, everyone must understand according to what I said, so as not to cause unavoidable impacts."

"Lin Yi, this guy, got it from his ex-girlfriends, but he has some understanding of the business circle, various life insights and some technical ability learning!"

"It's a bit like a celebrity or a model, joining the circle of the rich and constantly socializing."

"Then, they can jump from this springboard to a higher level."

"If I explain it in an easy-to-understand way, everyone can understand what I mean. This is indeed an urgent issue."

Bai Changsheng's remarks are obviously Daoming's biggest predicament.

After all, only the things he said orally were his days.

the real situation learned.

But because these people are in Zhonghai City, they are dealing with large and small cases every day.

It is impossible to understand how a person with ordinary thinking logic would make these behavioral characteristics.

"According to the current situation, I believe you can understand what I mean."

Wan Qian suddenly sighed at this moment.

He felt the place where he was puzzled before, and finally suddenly became clear.

No wonder that guy all along...

I can't find the handle myself, it turns out that there is no such handle at all!

Lin Yi had no money or connections with his ten ex-girlfriends from the very beginning.

So, they are just in a romantic relationship.

But the most important thing.

It's the question of whether this guy is pushing these ex-girlfriends to commit crimes.

Wan Qian suddenly thought of the most crucial question.

That's the guy, got some skills from his ex-girlfriends.

In what direction do you want to use it?


This feels like a very difficult problem to understand, and it is indeed a bit beyond imagination.

At least as long as he is a normal person, he will not come up with such a bizarre thing, right?

Bai Changsheng obviously understood that everyone didn't know the reason, and only saw him looking around.

I saw a frame on the desktop, and among them, was the fake "Lonely Fishing in the Cold River".

Obviously, it was also randomly placed in this place.

Bai Changsheng stroked the blueprint above.

It was also the first time that he sighed and said:

"According to the current situation, there is a question about the theft of this famous painting, which was also painted by him."

"You must know the name Qin Yunuo. I received news from France that one of his accomplices was caught."

"It's an aging old housekeeper, and he has a very superb copying ability."

"So insist on speculation, Lin Yi, this guy, obtained this ability through this relationship chain, and he is constantly learning."

When Wan Qian heard this, he was obviously extremely surprised.

He really didn't know about this news.

It seems that the other party also has a special relationship network and can understand the emergence of these things.

"If that's the case, then does this guy commit a crime?"

"Or in other words, when his ten ex-girlfriends were having problems, he was summoned at that time, but in fact he hadn't done any criminal behavior at all."

"But at that time, I suddenly called him over and broke his original plan. Is he planning to make some unimaginable cases in the later situation?"

Wan Qian felt that his level of wisdom was suddenly raised a lot.

Because of this situation, it was too sudden.

When Bai Changsheng heard this, he showed a rare smile, clapped his palms and praised:

"From the perspective of such a situation, it seems that Captain Wan is really a veteran of the investigation team."

"There are really great insights into these things, and that's really what I'm speculating about."

"Lin Yi, this guy is very clear, the idea in his heart is to plan some cases in today's lot in his future plans. He is a person who seeks excitement."

"But if his idea is not supported by the corresponding ability, it is impossible to implement it."

"So, from start to finish, he was using his ten ex-girlfriends."

When Bai Changsheng said this, his expression turned bright and dark.

"Of course there is another possibility, that all he did was to clear ten ex-girlfriends, of course nine in the strict sense."

"Among the Criminal Division, Tang Wen also seems to have this mystery that needs to be solved."

"In the beginning, there was a deepening of the case, but it was just that the bail was obtained later, but the misunderstanding at the beginning was not completely resolved at all."

When Bai Changsheng said this, his consciousness was very obvious.

Lin Yi, this guy, or a perverted mental idea of ​​learning various skills.

Otherwise, a philanthropist.

In other words, I have nothing to do, and I want to save the lost girl.

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