Without any hesitation, almost out of instinct, Long Tianyu pulled Sheng An and Gu Qiansheng and disappeared.

Ke Jiaxue was stunned.

Her eyes were a little confused, "What happened?"

Wu Buyu was equally confused, shook his head and murmured: "Sister Sheng must have discovered something? Is the murderer at the gate?"

"Haven't you read your mind?" Ke Jiaxue scratched her head.

Yes, he has read his mind.

He has read the hearts of every one of the inhabitants.

The policemen all arrived after the fact and could prove each other.

It's even more impossible if the rest are the members of Group B.

Who else?


There is indeed one more.

Wu Buyu suddenly felt horrified when he thought of that youthful and sunny face and the bright and enthusiastic smile of the other party.


Zhang Jialiang, who awakened his powers, helped maintain order, and was included as a teammate by them!

In an instant, a chill ran up my spine.


main entrance.

After Sheng An left, Qi Lingwu stood there, holding the gun, his eyes calm.

Jiang Yu sat back on the chair, resting his chin on the backrest, muttering: "Who is the perpetrator? Is it really Teacher Xu who didn't show up?"

Xu Jia, a person with psychic powers, happened to be in this community, and a murder happened, but she did not show up.


Song Linwei and Wan Yuan were sorting out real-time synchronized information from everywhere, while Hao Jingye stood beside them.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Yu:

"It's very possible that Teacher Xu's superpower makes people invisible. Doesn't that mean she can become invisible?"

Li Wanyun leaned against the security booth boredly.

Hearing this, she rolled her eyes:

"Invisibility means invisibility. Teacher Xu is darkness, not a concept. Her special ability is that the surrounding area is plunged into darkness for an instant and she cannot see anything. If it was Teacher Xu who did it, there would be no traces."

After a pause, she added:

"However, if Teacher Xu awakens before the end of the world, she may be even more powerful than when I met her in the previous life. Moreover, superpowers and aliens have very high physical fitness. It is not impossible to dismember a person."

Li Xin took a breath of air and was a little nervous: "If I had known if we went in with Sister Sheng, how dangerous it would be if they met someone."

"Why are you worried about Sister Sheng?" Hao Jingye pushed up his glasses, "If you are too busy to imitate Zhang Jialiang, look at how enthusiastic he is, he is always busy -"

The sound stopped suddenly.

At some point, Zhang Jialiang reached the back of the crowd with his child in his arms.

Almost out of instinct, Hao Jingye shouted:


After the words fell, Zhang Jialiang not only did not stop, but jumped into the police car with the child and quickly disappeared from the spot.

"There is a problem with Zhang Jialiang!" Hao Jingye shouted.


"Bang bang!"

Qi Lingwu had already fired, and at the same time, Li Wanyun jumped up and slashed at the opponent with the space blade.

Three shots were fired to avoid the child, but all hit.

The space blade cuts off the opponent's arm.

However, in the next moment, something horrifying happened - the other party's broken arm grew back again, and the location where he was shot healed at an extremely fast speed.

"Damn it, what kind of fucking ability is this!" Li Wanyun yelled.

He was extremely fast and even held the child up to cover his head.

Their guns could only land outside their heads, and every serious injury was healed quickly!

"Let me go, or I'll kill him!" Zhang Jialiang's voice was hoarse.

He exerted force on his hand, and blood flowed out from the child's neck. His face turned purple, his mouth opened wide, and the lollipop in his mouth fell to the ground.

Most of the candy I ate was covered in dust and rolled under the car.

Zhang Jialiang's nails were dug into the child's skin. If he pushed even one or two millimeters into the child's skin, the child would definitely die!

Qi Lingwu paused in his shooting action.

Li Wanyun gritted her teeth and did not dare to take action again.

The key points are blocked, and other areas on the ground cannot hurt him. I am still worried about the child...

Zhang Jialiang smiled.

Immediately, he quickened his pace, and when he rounded a corner, he threw the child violently.


Qi Lingwu's gun shot at his head at this moment, Li Wanyun's space blade, and Li Xin's diamond sword all attacked the opponent's fatal spot at the moment Zhang Jialiang threw the child away!

However, the other party just shook his body.

When using his superpower, the attack begins to heal the moment it causes damage.

Such three fatal attacks at the same time still did not leave him alone.

Hao Jingye's voice was hoarse: "Immortal body..."

At this time, Zhang Jialiang had disappeared.

Only the child was left, hitting the ground in a parabola.

Song Linwei's pupils tightened.

Ji Yani rushed over, but no matter how fast she was, it was not as fast as the child falling to the ground.

The small body is only a few centimeters from the ground.

"Ah -" someone screamed.

Jiang Yu couldn't bear to close his eyes.

At this time, a pair of hands appeared out of thin air and wiped the ground to catch the child.

The next moment, Long Tianyu, Sheng An, and Gu Qiansheng appeared in sight.

Sheng'an caught the child.

Gu Qiansheng cursed: "Damn, it's not within my silence range!"

Without hesitation, Long Tianyu took him and flashed after him again.

Hao Jingye took a long breath, held it for a moment, and ran towards Sheng'an with the others.

"Sister Sheng!"

Sheng'an straightened up slowly, handed the child to the captain, and said in a hoarse voice, "Rescue."

The captain nodded heavily, carefully took the child and left.

Jiang Yu glanced at the child. His fragile life was already dying. His neck was dripping with blood, and there were still blood pits left by his fingers on his body...

Apparently ten minutes ago, he was laughing, eating sweets, and running around.

Apparently ten minutes ago, Zhang Jialiang was still smiling and touching his head, hugging him and coaxing him. Even the candy was given to him by Zhang Jialiang before.

"How could it be?" Jiang Yu murmured, "How could Zhang Jialiang become like this after awakening his superpower?"

Hao Jingye looked heavy.

Qi Lingwu slowly said: "Alien species."

These two words are like thunder on the ground.

Sheng An looked at them with bottomless eyes: "He is not a superpower, he is a different species."

There are actually alien species before the end!

In an instant, everyone's expressions became ugly and solemn.

Nowadays, not only do people with superpowers awaken in advance, but also alien species appear in advance...

A superpower who is more powerful than in his previous life.

A different species that is just as powerful as in the previous life.

Moreover, he is still immortal and his superpower...can anyone kill him?

Song Linwei had worry on his face.

As if she knew what he was thinking, Qi Lingwu pursed her lips: "He used a hostage to cover his head, which means that he is not completely immortal. He always has weaknesses."

At this time, Wu Buyu returned with Ke Jiaxue.

Upon hearing this, Wu Bu gasped: "We still have Gu Qiansheng."

His powers are immortal.

But Gu Qiansheng's special ability is silence.

He and Long Tianyu have already caught up, so there should be no problem, right?

Wan Yuan asked: "Sister Sheng, do you want to capture her alive?"

The alien species that appeared before the end of the world need to be studied so much.


Is it possible that the guy was captured alive?

Sheng An said nothing.

Hao Jingye’s communication vibrated twice.

He looked down, his expression changed, and he raised his voice: "Sister Sheng, the identity of the deceased has been confirmed!"

Everyone looked at him.

Hao Jingye's voice was hoarse and obscure, and it was difficult to speak every word: "There is no Teacher Xu, but... there are Zhang Jialiang's parents and grandmother."

The air froze for a moment.

The horror of the alien species was bloody and displayed in front of them at this moment.

Zhang Jialiang misses his parents and values ​​family ties.

The first people the alien Zhang Jialiang killed were his parents and family members.

No, he is no longer Zhang Jialiang.

The moment he became a mutant, Zhang Jialiang died.

Sheng An closed his eyes slightly.

[If I become a person with superpowers, can I really join you and fight side by side with you in the end of the world? 】

【sure. 】

The boy's satisfied smile was still in front of him.

The scene of him waving his hands and jumping away from the special place is still vivid.

Sheng An opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and he looked at Ruan Zifeng who had just arrived in front of him, his voice was calm——

"Let's go, let's chase him."

"The alien species is extremely harmful. We must clean up this trouble tonight. If we can't capture it alive, we will kill it directly."

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