Lu Wei looked down at the bean sprout-like little thing and silently checked it in his heart.

Instantly, Wu Xiaoya's system interface appeared.

[Name]: Wu Xiaoya

[Age]: 4 years old

[Root bone]: 65

[Comprehension]: 70

[Constitution]: 1/3

[Cultivation]: None

[Appearance]: Too young, not calculated

[Body]: Too young, not calculated

[Talent]: Perceive the heart

[Favorability]: 10, too young, not calculated

[Overall score]: 67.5

Meet the binding requirements, not bound, return multiple 5.

Well, it's okay. Although there is no way to increase the return multiple in the short term, it should be good if you cultivate it yourself in the future... Pah, it should be good if you cultivate it.

Huh? This girl actually has a talent, perceiving the heart?

Lu Wei clicked on the talent in surprise, and the talent introduction immediately appeared.

Perceiving the heart: You can perceive a person's good or bad, and his temperament.

Damn, this talent is pretty cool. It can sense whether a person is good or bad. This skill is very useful.

I didn't expect that a gift would bring such a surprise.

However, the child's physique is too poor. We must find a way to save it quickly, otherwise it may die at any time.

So, Lu Wei took the mother and daughter back to their camp directly.

"You two find a place to sit first. I'll make you some porridge. You are too weak to eat anything else."

Lu Wei said, taking out some millet and preparing to cook porridge.

Millet porridge is better for people with weak bodies.

Wu Liu quickly stood up and said a little embarrassedly: "Master Lu, let me do it."

At this time, she was nervous and fortunate.

Fortunately, she would not starve with Lu Wei, and her daughter would have a chance to survive.

She was nervous because she didn't know what fate she would face next, and she didn't know what Lu Wei's temper was.

She was just bought, just like goods and livestock, and could be disposed of by the owner at will.

Even if Lu Wei beat her to death, no one would stand up for her.

Lu Wei also knew that she would be nervous, so he smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. When we get to this house, we will be a family from now on.

We used to be from the same village. As long as you do your duty, we won't make things difficult for you.

As for Xiaoya, it's not a problem to give her food and raise her."

Although Lu Wei's words were gentle, they were also a warning. The premise was that you should do your duty well and don't think that the evil slaves would bully the master.

Upon hearing this, Wu Liu hurriedly knelt on the ground: "Master, don't worry, I will do my best to repay you for saving my life."

Lu Wei nodded with satisfaction: "Well, get up, don't kneel down all the time, our family doesn't have so many rules."

Don't say it, a big beauty kneels down for you all the time, you say, is it cool?

"By the way, what was your original name." After all, she will be her own person in the future, and it is impossible to call her Wu Liu anymore.

"My maid's name is Liu Ruyan." Liu Ruyan said in a shy voice.

When Lu Weiyi heard the name, he was like, WTF, Emperor Ruyan?

Can he control this?

"Well, then, okay, I'll call you Ruyan from now on."

"It's up to you, young master." Liu Ruyan said softly.

Don't tell me, this woman is indeed a lady from a wealthy family.

Her foundation is good. Although her skin is a little frosted, looking down through her neck.

It's snow-white.

Lu Wei looked at it and felt a little hungry for some reason.

He quickly changed his target and looked at Liu Ruyan's attribute interface.

[Name]: Liu Ruyan

[Age]: 21

[Root Bones]: 71

[Comprehension]: 68

[Constitution]: 2/5

[Cultivation]: None

[Appearance]: 79

[Body]: 85

[Talent]: Scumbag Saint Body

[Favorability]: 60

[Overall Rating]: 72.6

Meets the binding requirements, not bound, return multiple 10.

This favorability has increased directly from 10 to 60, and the score has also increased from more than 60 to more than 70.

Therefore, the return multiple has also increased, and it has increased to 10 times.

It seems that accepting Wu Xiaoya is not only not a loss, but also a profit.

Hmm? No, when did she have a talent? The last time I saw it, it was clearly not there.

Is it because of the name change?

Is Liu Ruyan's name so awesome?

Scumbag Saint Body?

What kind of talent is this?

Saint Body?

Since it can be called Saint Body, it must be very strong, right?

Lu Wei hurriedly opened it to check.

The Holy Body of a Trashy Woman: Those who have been scumbags or rejected by her will have a chance to encounter something extraordinary or become stronger, and have a chance to become a child of luck.

(Note: The deeper the injury to the other party during the rejection, the greater the chance.)

Seeing this, Lu Wei felt sick.

Damn, what kind of talent is this?

Forget it, forget it, let's not think about it for now, let's give them some food first, otherwise they might starve to death at any time.

What Lu Wei didn't know was that Liu Ruyan's special talent would give him such a big surprise in the future.

"Come on, let's eat first." Just at this time, the porridge was cooked, Lu Wei put some snow in the porridge, and let them eat.

The mother and daughter, who hadn't eaten food for a long time, rushed to it like crazy when they saw the hot millet porridge.

What reservedness, what shyness, in the face of hunger, is not worth mentioning.

People who have never been hungry will never know how terrible it feels.

Fortunately, Lu Wei had anticipated this scene long ago. After the porridge was cooked, he put some snow in to cool it down.

Otherwise, even if they were not scalded to death, they would scream.

"Eat slowly, don't eat too fast, otherwise your body can't stand it."

Soon, the two of them ate the porridge in the bowl, and then looked at Lu Wei eagerly.

Lu Wei shook his head: "You can't eat too much at a time, eat it after an hour." As he said, he put the porridge pot aside and didn't give it to them.

"Thank you, thank you, young master." Liu Ruyan hugged Wu Xiaoya and thanked her gratefully.

She naturally knew that Lu Wei was doing this for their own good, so although she was still very hungry and wanted to eat, she endured it.

"Ding, Liu Ruyan is grateful to you, favorability +5."

Lu Wei: ...

This favorability is quite easy to come by, but you, a scumbag, forget it, lest you sell her out one day.

"Ding, talent is not equal to personality. Talent is just her ability, which does not mean that her personality is that of a fickle woman."

"System, you can still speak actively?"



Fuck, he is silent again.

"Okay, you move around, it will help digestion, and clean up the tent by the way." Lu Wei said in a stiff tone.

But Liu Ruyan did not care. In the past, Wu Laoer would punch and kick her at any time, so Lu Wei was considered good.

"Okay, I will go now."

Lu Wei shook his head helplessly and turned to practice boxing.

First, he practiced the killing fist twice, and then practiced the body-tempering fist.

The killing fist consumes physical strength. Lu Wei's physical strength is several times that of ordinary people, with a full 16 points. Consuming two points of physical strength at a time is enough to fight five or six times.

But the body-tempering fist mainly consumes qi and blood. Excessive consumption of qi and blood will also affect physical strength.

He only has more than 6 points of qi and blood, and he has to leave at least 4 points to maintain basic physical consumption, so he can only fight once at a time.

Today, I cut trees and learned boxing, and my physical strength has been almost exhausted.

Lu Wei had just finished practicing martial arts when Liu Ruyan's soft voice came over.

"Master, the bed has been made, you can rest."

(If there are any unsatisfactory parts that make you uncomfortable, Ye Zi apologizes to everyone.

I will try my best to change what can be changed. If you have any opinions, you can tell me. I haven't done anything harmful to the world, right?

There is no need to be so angry, it is not good for your health, let's talk calmly and slowly.

I understand that you are angry because you are attracted by the story, right? If you think it is not worth watching, you will not be angry.

As the saying goes, the deeper the love, the deeper the hatred. I understand ( # ^.^ # ). We can discuss together to make this story more exciting.)

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