"Miss, Captain Lin just delivered a golden pheasant. Do you want it braised in braised sauce or stewed in soup?"

The eldest lady frowned: "Let's make soup."

"Okay, I'll get it done right now." Sayuri stepped out with a smile.

"Wait a moment."

Sayuri was slightly startled and stopped.

The eldest lady looked at her and said calmly: "Next time, you can't accept other people's things without my permission.

After all, it is not easy for the escort team in such an environment. "

"But, Captain Lin..." Sayuri wanted to say something else.

The eldest lady interrupted directly: "Do as I say." The beautiful face that brought disaster to the country and the people became cold.

"Yes." Sayuri didn't dare to say more and quickly agreed.

"Go down."

"As commanded."

Sayuri exited the carriage, her expression kept changing, and finally she glanced angrily at the carriage, then turned around to make chicken soup.

As a result, as soon as she walked near a tent not far from the kitchen, the curtain of the tent suddenly opened, and a hand grabbed her as fast as lightning. Before she could react, he grabbed her directly into the tent.

Sayuri was about to scream, but her mouth was blocked.


When she saw the face so close to her, her struggling body instantly softened.

"Xiaolang Hoozi, your reaction is too much."

Sayuri leaned into the man's arms with a shy look on her face, and patted the other person's shoulder coquettishly.

"Your enemy scared me to death. I thought I had met a bad guy."

"I think you are eager to meet your little hooves, right? Hahaha." The man said, squeezing it in his hands.

"Hmph, if you don't come to see me, I...I will really bring you a hat."

The man grabbed Sayuri's hair and cursed fiercely: "Okay, you bitch, get down on your knees."

"Hi~ Enemies will treat me badly."

After a while.

"What did your lady say?" the man asked while adjusting his clothes.

"I'll accept it this time, but warn me to warn her next time." Sayuri replied weakly as she collapsed on the ground.

"Haha, this woman is really difficult to deal with."

"It's not difficult to deal with, and it's not like he can control such a big family business."

"Haha, it's coming soon. In 10 days at most, she and the family property will belong to both of us." The man's eyes showed undisguised greed.

"Xiao Lin, will you stop me after you get the young lady?" Sayuri looked pitiful and sad.

"How could it be? I will love you forever. Okay, you go make chicken soup quickly. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." With that, he walked out of the tent and disappeared into the night.

After the man named Xiaolin went out, Sayuri, who was still weak, instantly sat up from the blanket.

Then he muttered with disdain: "Silver pewter gun head, I'm so tired of acting."

At the same time, outside the eldest lady's carriage, a one-armed man stood quietly in the shadows.

"Uncle Luo, have you found out the matter?"

"Back to Miss, we have found out that it was the Second Young Master who colluded with the bandits to keep you in Yongzhou forever, and Lin Xiaolin was bribed by the Second Young Master.

However, he seems to have greater ambitions and wants to control the entire Yang family through you, the eldest lady. "

There was silence in the carriage for a long time.

"Then let's keep him first and deal with him after we reach Yunzhou. Then we can replace these guards.

In addition, select some talented people from the disaster victims at the back for training. The family needs a steady stream of fresh blood. "


Chen Qi carefully lifted up the door curtain with a stick, while Masan hid aside, holding the stick high in his hand, just in case the kid rushed out without sleeping, just give him a stick.

As a result, there was no movement even when the tent curtain was completely opened.

Seeing this, both of them breathed a sigh of relief and put down the wooden sticks in their hands. It seemed that the boy had drunk the porridge and fell asleep.

However, just as they were about to enter the tent.

A black shadow suddenly came out from behind them.

Lu Wei's face was ferocious, and he swung the hatchet in his hand fiercely and chopped off Masan's neck.

The reason why he chose Ma San was not the stronger Chen Qi.

It was because he could see that Chen Qi was a fool with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

And this Masan is cunning and full of bad intentions. Such people are the most dangerous.

Neither of them noticed there was anyone behind them, and by the time they heard the sound and wanted to turn around, it was already too late.


Chen Qi felt something hot and sticky spraying on his face, with a strong fishy smell at the same time.

He saw with his own eyes that Masan's head slowly slipped from his neck and fell to the ground.

For a moment, an extreme fear spread in his heart, causing his body to freeze for a moment.

And it was this moment that cost him his life.

Chen Qi only saw a slender black shadow flashing in front of him. After a while, the world spun and fell into permanent darkness.

"Hufufu..." Lu Wei gasped and his heart beat violently.

He was also very nervous at that moment. Although he had killed someone once, he still couldn't get used to this kind of thing in a short time.

However, the reaction this time was much stronger than the last time.

After taking a rest, Lu Wei pulled the two bodies out, took off their clothes, and found a lot of things on them.

There are actually a lot of silver coins and gold and silver jewelry.

After the search, Lu Wei covered the two bodies with snow and left them alone.

He relit the fire, boiled some snow water, washed up briefly, and then went back to the tent to sleep.

Perhaps because of the excitement just now, Lu Wei fell asleep soon after lying down.

However, his physique was strong, and his recovery speed in all aspects was naturally very fast.

After sleeping for a few hours, Lu Wei got up at dawn.

He relit the fire, took out the millet porridge left over from last night, and heated it up for breakfast.

Soon, the porridge was heated up, and Lu Wei called Lu Xiaoxiao to eat.

"Brother, did someone come again last night?" Seeing the large bloodstains at the door, Lu Xiaoxiao blinked and asked.

Lu Wei nodded and hummed.

"Is it the two people from yesterday?"

Lu Wei looked up at the girl in surprise.

"How do you know?"

"I guessed. Those two people are not good people at first glance. Besides, we are not officials. How could anyone send us food at this time?"

Lu Wei couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. Even this girl saw it, and those two guys thought they couldn't see it.

After breakfast, Lu Wei asked Lu Xiaoxiao to clean up, and he came to the place where he scattered millet yesterday.

Yesterday, he heard birds singing nearby, so he planned to use the millet soaked in the juice of the magic grass to try to catch a few birds.

What surprised Lu Wei was that from a distance, he saw something lying on the open space he had cleared.

He walked closer and saw that it was not a bird, but two big voles.

Lu Wei hurriedly stepped forward and picked up the two voles, and immediately smiled.

These two big voles were particularly large and plump, and each weighed at least 2 kilograms.

This is good, there is meat to eat.

Lu Wei hurriedly looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. He broke the necks of the two voles, put them in his arms and returned to the camp.

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