Are You Addicted?

Chapter 26: You are the drug primer

"Did he take only two pills?"

Gu Hai set his sights on it, especially thinking about it, and suddenly his look changed, "I see that there is a plate of medicine on his desk. I didn't pay much attention to the medicine. But he caught a cold when he came in the morning, I guess it's a cold medicine. "

The school doctor thought for a moment, his eyes focused on the special face.

"Let's get it, then, bring me the medicine and I'll take a look."

Especially after leaving, Gu Hai walked to the bed and sat down, staring at the white **** quietly. He never looked so mild at all moments, all the facial lines stretched out, as if he would scold him again and again, it would not disturb his dreams.

"Just rest assured, he is fine, all indicators show no problem. I guess it is taking two drugs at the same time, causing a slight stability poisoning. When you wake up, it will be fine. Remember later, take the sleeping pills for the first time, don't With such a large dose, one tablet is enough. "

Gu Hai has been silent, his face dignified.

In particular, I walked in and handed the medicine board to the school doctor.

"Look, it's cold medicine."

The school doctor nodded, walked over and touched the white forehead, said softly: "It looks like he has an infusion. He has a fever, and overdose will cause drowsiness."

The school doctor went to another room, especially towards Bai Luoyin, and said to Gu Hai, "Let's look at him. You can go back alone."

"You go back."

These three words are very light, but the pressure felt by the listener is extremely heavy.

Gu Hai covered Bai Luoyin with a quilt.

Especially seeing Gu Hai's actions, my mood is a little complicated. In the eyes of others, Gu Hai and Beroin are intolerable, but in particular, Gu Hai likes Beroin, and can be said to like it. He would never say hello to anyone, but he always tried to provoke beloin; he was cold and warm to everyone, but when he came to beloin, he showed an unusual enthusiasm; he always It was trying to toss the **** of Beroin, but something really happened, but he was the most anxious ...

Others couldn't figure it out. Beloxin couldn't understand it, but it was especially understandable.

This is like a boy who has just begun to love, and he always doesn't know how to express it to a girl he likes. So he tirelessly provoked the girl, pinched her little pigtails, stole her workbook, bullied her with red eyes ... Although Bai Luoyin and Gu Hai were both boys, their relationship was not sublimated. Level, but the purpose is the same, that is to attract the other party's attention.

Beloin is the only friend Gu Hai wants to make in this class. The boys' dating rule is like this. You are better than me, I appreciate you, and I will take the initiative to hook you up. So, in particular, Gu Hai always appreciates heroin.

In fact, not only Gu Hai, but also the heroine.

Bai Luoyin has a unique attraction, and this attraction grows stronger as the day goes on. He is like the Yuhua flower, the most silent one among the flowers, but there is always someone willing to suffer for his bloom. Waiting for three thousand years.

"I'll give you some medicine."

A word from the school doctor interrupted the particular reverie.

"What medicine to prescribe?"

The school doctor smiled tenderly, "It's not easy to come to my trip. It can't be in vain! There are many brain-reinforcing medicines here. You can take some back. High school is so tired. You have to supplement the brain every day of."

Especially the school doctor gave a glance, "You keep it for yourself."


Gu Hai stared at Bai Luoyin for a while, looking more and more like a person. Although his appearance of that person was a little vague, Bai Luoyin's nose and mouth always made Gu Hai feel like he had known him.

"Um ... keke ..."

The cough of Beroin interrupted Gu Hai's thinking.

"Too thirsty ..."

Bai Luoyin had a dream just now, dreaming that he had become a Kuafu, constantly chasing the sun, chasing and chasing, getting more and more thirsty, before waking up to the Yellow River, he was awakened by thirst.

A sweet and cool liquid flowed into his mouth, and his lips and tongue were fully nourished. He reached out and touched the cup. As a result, he touched another person's hand, with a wide palm and strong fingers. Beloin tried to pull the cup out of his hand, but after touching it for a long time, he couldn't find the edge of the cup.

Gu Hai pressed Bai Luoyin's turbulent hand down, and put the cup next to his mouth, carefully crossing the water into his mouth.

Feeling enough to drink, Luo Luoyin pushed Gu Hai's hand away.

"Dad, I don't drink anymore."

Gu Hai stretched his face all afternoon and smiled. "So polite?"

Feeling something wrong, Bai Luoyin slowly opened his eyes. After seeing Gu Hai's face, his eyes became cold.

"why you?"

"Don't recognize dad so soon?"

Bai Luoyin reached out to pump Gu Hai, but was forcibly stopped by Gu Hai.

"Don't move, you have a needle in your hand."

Beloin then noticed the needle in his hand and the infusion bottle above his head.

"what happened?"

Gu Hai told Bai Luoyin the original story without any concealment or guilty conscience. As if he gave hypnotics to beloin as a process of pursuing the truth and exploring the mysteries, in this process, it was not with beloin, and the person who fell off the chain at the critical moment was also beloin.

Beloin really wanted the school doctor to give himself (called) two pounds of quick-effect Jiuxin pills.

"Let's go, tell me, where did I get you, and I apologize to you."

These words were spoken by Bai Luoyin. He was really bored. Gu Hai could afford to toss, but he couldn't afford toss. Gu Hai can break a vest and replace it with a new one the next day, but he has just one vest; Gu Hai can be injured and live in a hospital, but he can lose a bottle of liquid to burn off the petrol for ten days ...

Gu Hai guessed the mind of Beroin and let out the words immediately.

"I can afford all the economic losses, but let me not provoke you. I can't."

Bai Luoyin's head slammed heavily on the pillow, watching Gu Hai angry.

"Are you **** sick?"

Gu Hai smiled slightly, "I'm sick."

"Hurry up and take medicine!"

"You are the medicine."

Bai Luoyin glared at Gu Hai, "What do you mean?"

"If you want me to be fine, you have to endure the suffering."


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