Are You Addicted?

Vol 4 Chapter 1: Little police cap fired

This day, the sky is clear and the sun is shining.

Rarely caught up to a good day, Yang Meng Mei Bianer went on patrol on the street. Passed the lottery station, habitually parked the car by the side of the road, went in and bought two scratch cards. The first one missed, the second one cost five dollars, so I exchanged one for five dollars. One scrape turned into five hundred.

Yang Meng's mouth was almost grinning.

"Today is a good day, I can do everything I want, and tomorrow is a good day ..." Yang Meng hummed out of the lottery station and took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling calm.

Since the hard days of earning money, Yang Meng has been going smoothly. First, I got 50,000 yuan in labor costs at the Beloin wedding, and then received the full attendance bonus. Now I have won 500 yuan ... even the pancakes can catch up to a double yellow egg!

I may be transferring ... Yang Meng opened the door cheerfully while thinking.

"Help !!!! Hooligan!"

Hearing the scream of a woman, Yang Meng nervously hurried to run along the voice. He ran to the intersection and turned around, seeing a man and a woman tearing on the ground, the woman's howl was wailing, the man was picking up the woman's skirt with his hand, and the stockings opened a big gap. Seven or eight people stood around and no one came forward to manage it.

Yang Meng was annoyed and rushed after yelling.

The crowd crowded around, and the man saw the police coming, instead of stopping, he tore even more vigorously. Seeing that the women's clothes were all torn, Yang Meng fought the truncheon and went up to beat the hooligan for a while.

"Let me go! Let's be sweet!" Yang Meng roared angrily.

The man didn't even look at Yang Meng at all. Yang Meng didn't dare to fight hard. The man was allowed to fight, anyway, he didn't let go. When Yang Meng saw the man's repeated teachings, he went up with a stick. Although he was small in size and poor in foundation, he didn't take part in special training for so many days.

The stick went down, and the hooligan flew up.

"I grass your mother! Do you dare hit me? Do you dare hit me?" The man grabbed Yang Meng's collar.

Yang Meng shouted unwillingly, "Hit you? Hit you all lightly! Go, follow me to the police station!"

Of course the man was disobedient, and Yang Meng didn't let go, so the two tore up.

The woman nearby stood up from the ground, tidy up her clothes, and said to Yang Meng cryingly: "Thank you Comrade Police, you must catch him, he has bullied me more than once or twice."

When Yang Meng heard this, he started even harder. Although his fist was small, he shot the key again and again. This man is a soft persimmon, and he looks very big. In fact, it is flat with a pinch. Yang Meng also rarely hit such an opponent. He can knock him down without two feet, and he can also fight with him a few times. It was Yang Menghuhushengshengwei.

"Hou! ... Ha !!!!" Yang Meng swept the hooligan to the ground with one sweeping leg.

Handcuffed up, dragged the man into the police car with countless admiration.

"Comrade Police, I don't have to go, right?" The woman's face was tangled.

Yang Meng hesitated a moment, and said, "You still have a trip with me! Make a record."

"I'm afraid of shivering." The woman wiped her tears.

Yang Meng immediately promised, "Rest assured, I will arrange you in the back room. No one can see you, and we will definitely keep it secret for you."

"I'll go home and change my clothes, and then go later!" The woman limped and ran towards the distance.

Yang Meng wanted to get out of the car and chase, but look at the woman's torn cloth skirt, look at the owner of the car, or open the door to start the car, and drive the car to the police station.

"Zhou, get one back today!"

Yang Meng can go back to patrol and bring back people? In the impression of colleagues, Yang Meng had only two results on duty, either with a dark face and a swollen face, or with or without return. Not only did you get one back today, but you are also a big man with a full tail. What a new thing!

"What's going on?" Zhou Zi asked.

Yang Meng said while drinking water, "Rogues are playing in the street."

"The courage is fat enough!"

Zhou Zi kicked at the man's crotch as he spoke. The man clamped his legs and scolded him severely. He was dragged to the interrogation room.

Yang Meng was drinking tea leisurely outside, all the pores on his body were unfolded, and his heart was particularly happy. Not only because of catching a scourge, but also affirmation of his own strength. Yang Meng narcissistically admired his little fist, gestured to the air, his mouth matched with the sound of shouting wind.

Just before leaving for work at night, a row of limousines stopped at the gate of the police station, and Yang Meng looked out curiously.

A woman, followed by seven or eight strong men, walked inwardly with a look of expression. Yang Meng saw that the woman was the one who was bullied by the hooligan today, but did not expect it to come. This is the situation, it is a bit ...

"Well ..." Yang Meng stretched out his arms and stopped them in front of the women. "The police station will not let you be assaulted! Even if you have any great hatred against him, we will help you handle it!"

Unexpectedly, the woman who was just thankful just changed her face, pointed at the men behind Yang Mengchao and said, "It's him. He bullied me and took my husband. How about the director of your police station? Say, your police are arresting people! Marly, you won't come out and smash things! "

Yang Meng shuddered, "What are you doing? Well, I said, you weren't ..."

"What am I not?" The woman pointed at Yang Meng's nose with a sharp voice and scolded. "Smelly rogue! Even you are worthy to be a policeman? While taking advantage of patrol, take advantage of women on the street. My husband stopped you and you hit People! Do you have a bit of morality? Do you want our people to live? "


The dispute continued until more than nine in the evening before Yang Meng was released home.

Early the next morning, Yang Meng was called to the office by the director.

"Director, that woman is pure nonsense. Do you say that I am that kind of person? Although I am a little short and don't have much money, I can't make it to the street to take advantage of women? At a glance ..."

"Okay." The grower's face was very solemn. "I believe you are not like this."

Yang Meng was relieved immediately.

"Just if you believe me."

The director raised his eyelid and glanced at Yang Meng, and said in a deep voice: "But this is a tumultuous one, the impact is not good, and people will not trouble you for no reason. You must have caused them before."

Yang Meng yelled, "I don't even know her!"

"This way, Mengzi ..." The director paused, "You listen to me, the other party is not a good stubble. People talked about it last night, either you leave, or they come here every day. I am also a Little director, it ’s been half a lifetime, do n’t make me embarrassed, your path is quite wide, and you may work harder in the future, there may be better opportunities for development. To be honest, staying in this place for a lifetime is also quite aggrieved. "

Yang Meng's fiery heart was instantly cold.

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