The world of the Demon Suppression Tower.

In the green bamboo forest in the desert.

Su Ze walked slowly in the bamboo forest, his mind extended, observing the surrounding situation.


The mist lingering in the bamboo forest seemed to have some kind of suppressing effect on the mind, compressing the detection range of the mind to a radius of 100 meters!

Gradually, the surrounding spiritual energy became more and more dense.

In the sky, the sky was bright, and it fell through the gaps between the bamboo leaves and reflected on Su Ze's face.

Su Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, always alert to the surroundings.

No one knew whether there would be a D-level monster lurking in the dark.

His current mind could only detect a distance of 100 meters.

A distance of 100 meters is just a matter of a split second for a D-level monster.

Therefore, Su Ze was very cautious.

With the prospect of a man and a snake.

The bamboo forest became taller and taller, and the density increased a lot.

Even in the back, bamboos as thick as millstones appeared.

Su Ze looked up and estimated that these bamboos were at least dozens of meters high.

This was incredible.

In his memory, the tallest bamboo in the main plane was only more than ten meters.

How could there be such an outrageous bamboo that was like a giant tree!

Not only that.

Su Ze found that there were many fine red lines on the surface of these bamboos.

If you look closely, it actually looks a bit like blood vessels!

"These bamboos... are not grown by drinking blood?"

Su Ze murmured to himself, and doubts appeared one by one.

"Xiaoqing, be careful." He whispered.

Xiaoqing nodded seriously, with a very cautious expression.

It has a very special ability to sense danger.

At this time, a faint breath of danger came from the front of the bamboo forest.

However, this breath was a little different from the past.

It passed a thought to Su Ze through the contract.

Su Ze was thoughtful, and thoughts surged in his mind. Finally, he decided to go up and take a look.

"If you can't beat it, run!"

After he said this, he stepped forward.

Xiaoqing followed Su Ze's footsteps and moved forward quickly.

They just moved forward for a distance, and Su Ze's footsteps stopped.


He turned his head to look to the side, took out a dagger from the Qiankun bag, and pulled away the dense bushes, revealing a paleness underneath.

After seeing the full picture of the thing, Su Ze's pupils shrank.

It was the skeleton of a monster!

At this time, messages appeared one by one.

"Name: Desert monitor (deceased)"

"Level: Lower D-level!"

A lower-level D-level monster died here.

It seems that it also accidentally broke into the desert.

Su Ze squatted down and checked the skeleton of the desert monitor lizard.


He stopped and locked his eyes on the chest of the desert monitor lizard.

The ribs on it were broken inch by inch, which looked shocking.

Although the flesh and blood had decayed, only the bones were left.

But it can still be seen that the desert monitor lizard was hit hard on the chest and then died of broken bones.

Su Ze looked at other places and found no other injuries.

He stood up slowly, his eyes flickered, and fell into deep thought.

A lower-level D-level monster, comparable to the existence of a human Jindan strongman, was killed so easily?

There must be danger in this bamboo forest.

And the danger itself is at least at the level of mid-level D-level!

If that's the case, I have to be more vigilant.

Once such a guy attacks, I will be injured if I'm caught off guard.

Su Ze didn't stop here and continued to move forward.

After walking about a hundred meters.

Another corpse of a monster appeared.

The system's information appeared again.

It was also a D-level monster, and the same way of death, and it was also killed by a heavy blow.

It's just that the wound was not on the chest, but on the back.

The whole spine was smashed, and half of the body was almost broken.

After Su Ze took a look, he didn't stop, but instead quickened his pace.

As expected.

In the bamboo forest ahead, the corpses of monsters continued to appear.

They were basically D-level monsters.

They were all killed by heavy blows.

Some even had their entire skeletons shattered, and bone fragments were scattered all over the ground, which was extremely terrifying.

As Su Ze went deeper.

On the tall bamboo nearby, the red lines are more and more

The hair became denser and brighter.

Later, it even began to flash a red light, like flowing blood vessels.


Su Ze tried to scratch the bamboo with a dagger.


Suddenly, a stream of bright red water flowed down from the bamboo.

A faint smell of blood spread.

Su Ze frowned.

Bamboo...can bleed?

Flowing water is normal, but flowing is obviously a bit weird.

A creak.

The bamboo that Su Ze had scratched with a dagger shook and made a piercing sound, as if it was screaming in pain.



A sharp whistle came from behind!

Su Ze felt something in his heart and leaned over and fell down.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

A series of loud noises occurred.

A red afterimage passed by Su Ze's back quickly, breaking dozens of bamboos beside him!


For a while, strange screams were heard.

At the same time, with a splash, countless red liquids gushed out.

A strong fishy smell came out immediately.

Su Ze supported the ground with his palms, turned his wrist, and turned his body nimbly.

His figure kept flashing, avoiding the spilled red liquid.

Xiao Qing let out a roar, his whole body tensed up, his eyes were fierce, and he stared at the front.

Someone actually dared to attack his master.

And he almost succeeded just now! ?

Su Ze looked closely and immediately saw the thing that attacked him.

"Name: Treeman (Green Bamboo)"

"Level: Lower D-level!"

"Special bloodline: None"

"Skills: Blood Rage, Heavy Attack!"

"Notes: An extremely rare race, with a small number, strong strength, and a gentle temperament. They will not actively attack other species, but now seem to be contaminated by something and become violent..."


A hoarse roar came from not far away.

The bamboo forest swayed, and the bamboos were pushed aside, revealing a tall figure.

Nearly ten meters tall, with a slender body, four thick branches turned into hands and feet, the whole body is blood red, the bamboo joints are distinct, and the head is covered with red bamboo leaves.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared directly at Su Ze, full of crazy murderous intent.


Su Ze turned his head and took a look. The bamboo forest behind him was in a mess.

The bamboos, which were as thick as millstones and tens of meters high, were broken by a single blow!

This power is indeed very strong.

But for Su Ze, it is still a little short!


The tree man roared again, took heavy steps, and rushed towards Su Ze!

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