The reason why the Human Alliance dared to summon outstanding practitioners from all over the world and let them enter the Demon Suppression Tower world for trials is because the Demon Suppression Tower trials are very safe! And the premise of this safety is that the World Spirit is always observing the situation of the trialists. Once the rescue jade talisman is activated, the trialists will be immediately teleported back to the main world. But now, the World Spirit is isolated outside, and the rescue jade talisman is invalid! The necessary premise of safety disappears. The Demon Suppression Tower world suddenly becomes dangerous. Especially now, most of the monsters encountered by the trialists are quite strong. If they are defeated by monsters and the rescue jade talisman cannot be used, then the outcome is self-evident. To dare to do such a thing, this person must have a big plan!

Su Ze calmed down.

With the big teleportation talisman in his hand, he could escape from here at any time, so he could observe the situation.

He wanted to see what could make that person do such an infuriating act!

He and Xiao Qing quietly lurked under the water, observing the situation outside.

Above the water.

The Fire Eyed Water Ape focused all his energy on the formation diagram in front of him.

The vigorous demonic power gushed out, while maintaining the operation of the formation diagram, while infusing the energy transmitted from the Hundred Demons Formation into the formation diagram.

Even though it was a half-step incarnation, it felt quite tricky at the moment, and had to concentrate 200% of its energy and dared not relax at all.

This time, if the action is not successful, it will die!

If it succeeds, he will regain his freedom.

If it fails, then it will naturally die.

There is no second possibility!

The ape gritted its teeth, and its eyes shone with fire like two balls of fire.

At this moment.

A trace of blood appeared out of thin air above the formation diagram.

Sun Xiu, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly smiled.

"Has it started? What a pity. If I hadn't stayed here, I would have really wanted to try the level of those so-called geniuses."

The graceful figure appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but sneered.

Then, more and more blood appeared quietly.

On the formation diagram, the blood light gradually became thicker.

A trace of heartache flashed in the eyes of the fire-eyed ape.

It could feel that among those blood, there was not only human blood, but also monster blood!

But once the bow is drawn, there is no turning back, and now it can only bite the bullet and continue.

We must hurry up, those human masters outside must have noticed the abnormality here!

The ape roared and exerted all its strength.

Soon, the blood light was as thick as substance.

A few drops of sweat oozed from the ape's forehead. It struggled to control the blood and sent it into the deep pool!

Su Ze hid in the dark and watched this scene.

The blood covered the pool water, dyeing the clear pool water blood red.

When the blood just entered the deep pool, the pool water seemed to boil, and a large amount of mist rose up, making the inside of the mountain white.

Su Ze felt something and turned his head to look.

Then he saw that in the deeper pool in the distance, a blood-red bead was quietly suspended.

As soon as the blood appeared, the bead suddenly lit up, and devoured the blood like a greedy beast.

As it devoured more and more blood, the only flaw on the bead began to slowly turn into blood red.

What is this?

Su Ze was a little confused.

But looking at this posture, it must be something extraordinary!

At the edge of the deep pool.

Sun Xiu stood up, holding the sword embryo with both hands, his expression became solemn and serious.

After feeling the vigorous blood around him, the long sword instantly became agitated.

The sword body kept trembling, fierce killing intent spread, and longing sword sounds came out from the scabbard.

"Don't worry, you will grow into a real magic sword soon!"

Sun Xiu smiled and took out a piece of talisman from the space ring and stuck it on the sword body.

Then, he raised his hand and threw the long sword and the scabbard into the deep pool.


The sound attracted Su Ze's attention.

He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a long sword sinking into the deep pool.

The long sword seemed to have a kind of spirituality. As soon as it got out of Sun Xiu's control, it rushed to the front of the blood-red bead along with the blood.

The blood-red bead trembled for a moment, and seemed a little scared.

But at this time, the long sword had already stuck to it!

The surface of the blood-red bead actually melted a part, and merged with the long sword, and could no longer be separated!


The long sword trembled, excited to the point of

to the extreme.

Su Ze looked at this magical scene, his eyes lit up.

Obviously, the reason why this person colluded with the monster was for this long sword! ? ?

Su Ze carefully looked at the long sword.

The long sword was not unsheathed, but he could still feel its sharpness.

The sword was sharp and the murderous aura was violent.

Although he didn't know what the long sword was.

But Su Ze could be sure that this thing must be a good thing!

To make a half-step into the god monster so serious, it must be at least a treasure!

But this long sword seems to be a semi-finished product?

Although Su Ze didn't know how to refine weapons, he followed Wang Lin to make up for a period of time.

Therefore, he still has the most basic eyesight.

Su Ze's eyes became brighter and brighter.

If it is a semi-finished product, then it means that this long sword... must not recognize the owner!

In other words, this long sword is now ownerless!

Su Ze looked at the ape above the water, and then at the young man standing by the deep pool.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile, a little excited.

Such a precious treasure... naturally belongs to the virtuous!

Even if I am not a saint, I am definitely better than this bastard who colluded with the monster to harm his own people, right?

I guess the long sword itself is unwilling to fall into the hands of that bastard.

And now the treasure is not far in front of me, and it is an ownerless thing...

I just picked it up by chance, what does it have to do with that young man?

Besides, this long sword was also dropped by that guy himself!

"In this case, don't blame me for being rude!"

Su Ze let Xiao Qing return to his wrist, holding the large teleportation talisman in one hand, and quietly moved to the vicinity of the long sword and the blood-red bead.

At this moment.

The long sword that swallowed a small part of the blood-red bead trembled slightly.

A wave emanated from the long sword.

Su Ze raised his eyebrows, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Sword Spirit! ? ?

There is a unified name for weapons that can give birth to weapon spirits.

Spirit weapon!

In this world, tools are divided into six levels.

They are magic weapons, magic treasures, spiritual weapons, spiritual treasures, immortal weapons, and immortal treasures!

The first four do exist among today's practitioners, as for immortal weapons and immortal treasures, they are legendary things!

And spiritual weapons are something that even Yuanying strongmen rarely have.

Generally, you have to be lucky to own one!

And higher-level spiritual treasures are the exclusive weapons of the strong men who have transformed into gods.

As for higher levels, they are all legends.

Now the long sword in front of Su Ze is a spiritual weapon that has just given birth to a weapon spirit!


Not necessarily.

The breath of the weapon spirit in the long sword is constantly increasing!

If it continues to develop at the current momentum.

This long sword will become a spiritual treasure!

Su Ze was pleasantly surprised.

This is just a piece of cake!

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