Are you crazy? I start with 9 million attack power.

Chapter 341 The Lord of the Zerg Civilization

Wu Xi looked at Chen Guan's actions, her face looked a little ugly.

She took a deep breath and stared at Chen Guan with her black pupils. She frowned and looked serious: "You want me to surrender to you. Who do you think you are?"

Wu Xi said in her heart: "Zong Qi, turn on the wormhole engine and teleport me away."

A mechanical voice sounded in Wu Xi's head.

"The wormhole channel is being constructed..."

"The nearby space is chaotic, the data is chaotic, and it is impossible to build a wormhole channel..."

"Unable to construct wormhole passage..."

Wu Xi was stunned, her face changed slightly, her eyes widened, and she looked at Chen Guan: "What did you do?"

She has realized that she cannot defeat Chen Guan and cannot win, so she can only choose to escape. Just now Wu Xi planned to use the power of warp engine technology to escape and hide somewhere else, but she never expected that she couldn't move!

Chen Guan looked at Wu Xi, then folded his hands on his chest and said with a smile: "I just spent a card to find you. If you run away again, I will have to spend another card. In this way, there will be no end." Yes. So, I restricted your actions."

"How is it possible..." Wu Xi was a little unbelievable.

Chen Guan looked at the Zerg Queen in front of him with a changed face. He asked with interest: "So now you can't run away even if you want to, are you going to surrender?"

Now Chen Guan is not in a hurry, he is more like a cat playing with a mouse, tossing the 'little mouse' in front of him.

The Queen of the Zerg in front of her named Wu Xi is one of the seven major civilizations of the Zerg.

The Zerg civilization is the most numerous creature among the seven major civilizations. According to what the angel said, it is said that the Zerg civilization is currently targeted by the other six major civilizations, so that it can have many planets and territories, and can reproduce everywhere.

Even the angel civilization, which is recognized as the strongest among the seven major civilizations, can barely cope with the huge numbers and resources of the Zerg civilization.

This shows how powerful the Zerg civilization is.

Chen Guan wants to rule the universe. As long as he takes care of the Zerg Queen in front of him, he is actually not far away from ruling the universe.

Chen Guan now wants to see what other methods she can use now that she is at the end of her rope.

Qian Yin next to her looked at Wu Xi in front of her.

Qian Yin also wants to know what Wu Xi will do next.

In the game of advanced civilization, the battle is not about operations and skills, but pure technological power.

It was obvious that the technology possessed by Chen Guan's celestial computer completely overwhelmed Wu Xi.

Wu Xi's technology was useless, which meant that she had lost.

In this case, she seemed to have little choice.

Thinking of this, Qian Yin subconsciously looked at Chen Guan.

Does he really intend to rule the universe?

Qian Yin's eyes fell on Wu Xi again.

Regardless of whether Chen Guan's decision was true or false, it would be determined later. Now she wanted to know the answer to the Zerg Queen in front of her.

Wu Xi squinted her eyes and stared at Chen Guan. She slowly opened her black lips: "If you want me to surrender to you, just dream!"

When Qian Yin heard this, she subconsciously muttered to herself: "What a proud person."

Wu Xi raised her arrogant chin, raised her face, and looked at Chen Guan: "My technology is not as good as yours, but it's not that simple to kill me. There are many people who want me to die!"

Chen Guan stretched his eyebrows, raised his hand, and waved a card in his hand.

The card turned into blue data of 0 and 1 and flew towards Wu Xi.

In an instant, the blue data turned into a translucent black ball and wrapped Wu Xi's body.


For a moment, a shrill scream sounded.

Wu Xi screamed in pain, fell to one knee and knelt on the ground, covering her head with both hands. She endured the severe pain, her pupils trembled, and she looked at Chen Guan ferociously: "Consciousness...consciousness prison...cage... , how can you use it..."

Chen Guan looked at Wu Xi with a smile: "As long as I can see something, I can use it..."

Having said this, he paused, then looked at Wu Xi: "Including you."

Wu Xi's expression changed.

Chen Guan looked at Wu Xi and said with a smile: "I can turn you directly into a card and use it. Without your consent..."

Wu Xi's pupils trembled as she looked at Chen Guan's light smile. Her mouth trembled: "You... you are a devil..."

"This..." Chen Guan blinked and said with a smile: "This evaluation is interesting. How many civilizations have been destroyed by your Zerg civilization, and in the eyes of many civilizations, you are the most terrifying demon in the universe. And you are the leader of the demon, and now I was actually called a devil by a devil leader."

Chen Guan shook his head, then looked at Wu Xi: "So, in the eyes of the devil, to the people who were invaded by you, I should be considered an angel."

Wu Xi gritted his teeth and veins popped out on his forehead.

"Wu Xi." Suddenly, a voice came.

Wu Xi paused when she heard the sound. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she looked towards the source of the sound.

Chen Guan also looked at the source of the sound.

There is another figure over there.

There was surprise in Wu Xi's eyes: "My God!"


Chen Guan was slightly startled and looked at the figure.

The seven major civilizations have seven main gods. Wu Xi is the queen of the Zerg civilization. She calls that person 'my god'. So that person should be the person who created the Zerg civilization, that is, the main god of the Zerg civilization?

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