Chapter 133 Buy a big house and spend time together! (Automatic subscription required!!)

More than five o’clock in the afternoon.

The weather is fine, with burning clouds all over.

Jiang Wen and Yan Shu also returned to Luoyan Lake Villa 24.

Tian Ge, Du Qing and Liu Yufei followed closely behind.

As soon as they entered the community, they began to marvel.

“Wow, this is too embarrassing.

“How rich is Jiang Xuedi?”

“Ordinary people, it is estimated that they can save enough in a hundred lifetimes.”

“オーFor a hundred lifetimes, it’s really exciting.”

The three sisters walked into the forecourt of the large court, and their eyes were full of brilliance.

It is built by the lake, with huge flower fields, rockery and cobblestone paths.

There are dense camphor trees and bushes outside.

Low-key but luxurious, rich but not ostentatious.

Because the vegetation coverage is very high, the air is exceptionally fresh.

The three sisters walked and watched, taking out a few selfies with their mobile phones from time to time.

Then they came to the door of the villa.

“Husband, there seems to be a lot of people coming today?”

“Yes, the classmates in my class, plus the ones you invited, about forty.

“The house is too small to open.”

Jiang Wen smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, I ordered a party delivery service.”

Yan Shu blinked, “Is there any party delivery?”

“Yes, Lu Xiaobu recommended it.

“Who is Lu Xiaobu?”

“My friend, you don’t know.”


As soon as the voice fell, a container truck drove up from the door.

When the car stopped, more than a dozen young men got off the car.

They entered the container and pulled out eight long tables and more than twenty white plastic chairs.

Hold up five dark blue umbrellas, and quickly build a simple lighting stage.

“Sir, this is the basic material for the party we sent out. Please sign.

When the venue was set up, the manager with white gloves walked over 730.

He handed over the service order, with a standard professional smile on his face.

Jiang Wen picked up the pen and signed: “When will the drinks, food, etc. arrive?”

“Because you have not determined the start time of the party, we will deliver it within twenty minutes after you request it.”

“Trouble, please come in first.”

The manager shook his head slightly: “You cannot enter non-party venues. This is our system.”

Jiang Wen nodded, not reluctantly.

He opened the door of the villa and walked into 101 with the four girls behind him.

“Wow, this house is too beautiful.

“It’s so big, such a big balcony, I’m going to get wet!”

“Is this the legendary Italian handmade sofa? So comfortable!”

As soon as the three girls came in, they immediately began to cheer.

It seems that everything in this villa is a rare and exotic treasure.

Yan Shu also looked at his sister helplessly: “It’s not so exaggerated, it’s just basic decoration.”

“Basics? I’m too sour,” Tian Ge looked envious.

“There are guest rooms upstairs. You can pick one if you don’t want to leave tonight.”

Du Qing, Tian Ge and Yan Shu also looked at each other.

“Go, go and take a look first!”

“Hmm, I have never seen a guest room!”

The three sisters hurried upstairs and looked around.

Their faces are full of wonder, and their words of praise are not stingy.

“Husband, we finally went home.”

Yan Shu also saw the sisters go upstairs, so he hugged Jiang Wen secretly.

Jiang Wen couldn’t help holding her face: “Yes, don’t you always want to come back for a baby?”

“I’m just talking about it!”

“That won’t work, I take it seriously.”

Yan Shu also lowered his head slightly: “That can’t be done now, everyone is here.”

“Okay, (cdbb) I’ll wait until the evening.

Jiang Wen leaned to her ear, exhaling a bit of heat.

“Bad guys.

Yan Daxiaohua stretched out her hand and hit him, her eyes were full of love.

Ding Dong–

At this moment, a doorbell rang outside the villa.

Yan Shu also broke away from Jiang Wen’s embrace and stretched out his hand to open the door.

“Hello, here we are!

Tang Sihan and Wang Yan stood outside the door and waved at Yan Shu.

The beauty of these two schoolgirls was originally shocking, coupled with the meticulous dressing, it is even more fascinating.

Even a beauty like Yan Shuye couldn’t help but look a little stunned at this time.

“Why, vicious stepmother, are you stupid?”

“Bah, you look so good-looking, don’t you feel good about it?

“This is not for you.

Tang Sihan snorted and stepped into the living room.

“excuse me.”

Wang Yan followed, and walked into the villa.

Jiang Wen just came out of the bedroom after getting dressed.

He looked at Tang Sihan and Wang Yan on the sofa a little surprised.

“Are you here too?”

Tang Sihan looked at him: “Boss father, why don’t you invite me to the party.”

“It’s not a party specifically, it’s mainly because there are a lot of people.”

Wang Yan raised her head: “Jiang Wen, where is my pendant?”

“That’s right, here it is.”

Jiang Wen took the leaf-shaped pendant out of his pocket: “Sorry, I forgot to give it to you before.”

“It’s okay.

Wang Yan took the pendant and suddenly felt a little lost.

Jiang Wen no longer feeds her own knife.

Now she asked for the pendant again.

Then she should have no excuse to approach Jiang Wen in the future.

“Excuse me, I’ll go to the bathroom.”

“On the left, the black door.”

Wang Yan nodded, glanced at Jiang Wen and walked over.

After a while, she walked out again and sat back on the sofa.

Yan Shu also looked at them: “How about it? Jiang Wen and I have a good new home, right?”

“Normally,” Tang Sihan looked at Jiang Wen, “If the boss dad has any favorites, let’s buy one too.”

“Think beautifully, that’s my boyfriend.”

“Lend me, I’ll buy a house, would you like Wang Yan to be together?”

Wang Yan was stunned for a moment: “Would you like to buy a house? Yes, you can choose whatever you want.

As soon as the voice fell, the three of them were slightly taken aback.

They never knew Wang Yan’s family background.

But according to the rumors, her house seems very mysterious.

Moreover, the house of Demon Capital is not worse than Yan’s and Tang’s.

If you change to another person, you will be attracted by such a rich girl.

Let’s not say that you have worked less for 30 years, at least for a lifetime.

Especially Yan Shu is also the only daughter in the family.

For so many years, Yan Ruohai has never thought of finding her a stepmother.

So after he retires, the whole Shihao Group will be the dowry of Yan Daxiaohua.

Under such a condition, everyone has to rush to lick it.

But these three rich girls fell in love with Jiang Wen.

“Seriously, buy a bigger one. We can live with the four of us.”

Tang Sihan looked at the villa: “Boss’s father’s house is still a bit small, and you can’t open it if you pinch it.”

At this time, Yan Shuyi’s roommates just came out of the guest room on the second floor.

When I heard these words, I couldn’t help but sullen my mouth.

Such a moat house is still too small?

But when they leaned on the guardrail and looked down, shock was left in their eyes.

“Isn’t that Tang Sihan, the school flower of the Polytechnic University?”

“Yes, there is also Wang Yan from Jiaotong University!”

“Did you hear that they are going to buy a bigger one and live together with four people.”

“My goodness, did Jiang Xuedi save the world in his life?

The three people muttered upstairs.

They heard Yan Shu also talked about Tang Sihan.

I also know the past between Jiang Wen and Tang Sihan.

But what happened to Wang Yan?

How come the four of them are still discussing living together like good friends.

This is the small age?

At the same time, outside the Luoyan Lake villa area.

All the students in the third class of the Finance Department’s freshman class are also here.

They gathered on the side of the road outside the community, got together and walked through the gate.

The brightest dressed Dun Man and Qin Qing walked in front.

One wore a short black veil skirt.

One was wearing a chiffon sleeveless dress and a black leather jacket.

Behind are other students.

As soon as they entered Luoyan Lake, they began to admire.

Looking at the camphor forest, the rippling lake, and the scattered buildings, I almost envied it.

Almost all the people in their class are ordinary families.

I usually don’t have the opportunity to come to such a place.

At this time, there was a feeling that Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

“Xiaoman, look at it, it’s so comfortable to live here!”

Dunman’s eyes also flashed: “It’s really a rich area, it’s hard to imagine.”

“I must take Jiang Wen this time, otherwise there will be no chance.”

“You keep your voice down, your classmates will follow!

Qin Qing smiled faintly: “What are you afraid of, liking someone is something to be proud of.”

“Are you sure you like it?”

“Anyway, this is what I like.”

Everyone moved forward while discussing, and they were amazed when they passed the party venue.

This is the banknote ability.

They only proposed to visit Jiang Wen’s house in the afternoon, and it was set up in the evening.

There are more than a dozen service staff with white gloves standing beside it, so don’t be too domineering.

Living here, you can definitely be called a young grandmother.

It’s like you can only see it in a TV series.

They passed through the large borrowing site and walked to the door of the villa with excitement.

Among these people, Qin Qing and Dun Man are the most excited.

They are well-dressed and come with a different purpose.

Seeing Jiang Wen’s villa at this time, I continued to cheer for myself in my heart.

If this man is dealt with, the word struggle will never appear in his dictionary again.

When the time comes, with a big diamond ring and drinking afternoon tea, it is like flying on a branch to become a phoenix.

Qin Qing stopped in front of the villa, adjusted her makeup, reached out and pressed the doorbell.

She expected Jiang Wen to see her eyes.

It should be bright, right?

After all, the gauze skirt I am wearing today has a low collar.

Even the stars who walk on the red carpet will feel embarrassed.


The door of the villa opened soon.

Wang Yan glanced outside: “Please come in.”

She just happened to pour water, passed the gate, and opened it to help.

But it was precisely this moment that made everyone outside the villa stunned.

What is called Yiyan Wannian.

What is called Tianzi Guose.

What is called Ruxian Rumeng.

The existence of Qin Qing and Dunman was also eclipsed in front of her, like a mustache.

“That, that seems to be Wang Yan from Jiaotong University?”.

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