Chapter 139 Father-in-law’s wife chasing journey! (Automatic subscription required!!)

“Ziwei! Ziwei! I’m Erkang!”

“Erkang, why is it so dark in the room, why don’t you order

After lunch, the two sat on the sofa and watched TV together.

Yan Daxiaohua is wearing home clothes, curled up with her smooth feet, gently leaning against Jiang Wen’s arms.

The warmth of such a small family really made her feel a little touched.

She doesn’t want to ask for anything now.

As long as I can manage my small life with Jiang Wen, it is enough.

She used to be disappointed in love because her parents divorced.

But I never imagined that I would have a small family.

Although she has not received the certificate, she really feels like sitting in her own home.

Every corner, every floor tile belongs to its own.

Including the male host in this family, he also belongs to him.

“Husband, why is life a bit sweet and unrealistic now?”

Jiang Wen looked down at her: “What is unrealistic about this?”

Colonel Yan thought for a while: “It feels like it has been very fast since we recognized our identity.”

“You mean it’s progressing very fast?”

“Well, that’s all of a sudden

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but leaned into her ear: “I have been waiting for more than three years, so soon?”

“Well, it’s itching!”

When the two were arguing, the door of 101 was knocked suddenly.

The two were taken aback for a moment, then turned around.

It’s all this point, who is coming to knock on the door?

Tian Ge and the others should have arrived at school long ago.

The two schoolgirls walked with them and shouldn’t turn back halfway.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Wen couldn’t help but move in his heart.

Could it be that Wang Yan came back to find her pendant?

“who is it?”

“I don’t know, I’ll go and take a look.”

Jiang Wen stood up and opened the door of the villa.

As a result, it was not Wang Yan who stood in front of the door, but his father-in-law.

“Brother Yan?”

Yan Ruohai wore a leather jacket, a pair of leather boots, a large brimmed hat, and a flower scarf.

There is also a high-power telescope hanging around his neck, and his face is radiant.

A billionaire, dressed like a western cowboy.

He was still dragging a large suitcase in his hand, and there was an unconcealable throbbing in his eyes.

“Brother Jiang, I have important things to announce!”

Jiang Wen was taken aback: “Then come in and talk, don’t stand.”

“What about my book?

“Shu Ye, Dad has made one of the most important decisions!

Yan Ruohai walked in with his suitcase and stood in the living room with his chest raised up.

This scene instantly made Yan Shu on the sofa look silly.

“Dad, what are you dressing up?”

“Your dad dressed up like this when I was young, how about it? Isn’t it handsome?”

“Handsome shit, can you go out like this?”

“We watched denim movies in our era, it’s very trendy!”

Yan Ruohai made a cigarette lighter and turned himself over to Shuai.

He feels that he is now in Se Panan, and every gesture is manly.

Especially the action of lighting a cigarette just now can be popular among thousands of girls.

Colonel Yan can’t laugh or cry: “What is your excitement again?”

“I plan to go to Italy!”


“I’m going to find your mother and chase her back again!”

“my mother ”

Yan Shu also stood up suddenly and looked at his father in disbelief.

They have been divorced for so long, and seem to have never seen each other during the divorce.

Mention mom to my dad. My dad is called a mad woman.

Mention father to mother, mother’s name is bastard.

They seem to have hated each other a long time ago in their long married life.

Let alone meeting, they would be bored even to mention each other.

She never thought that her parents could get back together again.

This is something she can’t even think about.

It’s already happening like this, how can it be reunited?

Didn’t all the quarrels during the divorce year be made clear?

One said that even if a man in the world died, he would never look back.

One said that even if you are alone, you can’t regret the divorce.

How can there be a turnaround for such fierce words?

But Yan Shu also actually thought about it, wanting to match up with his parents again.

Because my father has never looked for another woman since his divorce.

After the divorce, my mother never talked about a new relationship.

This would have been a huge opportunity.

But Yan Shu also never dared to speak.

She was afraid that her father would be even more angry, and she was afraid that her mother would be even more disgusted.

But what happened today?

Dad actually said he was going to Italy and chasing his mother back?

With that said, maybe I can regain a complete family?

The wound that hasn’t healed for many years is still possible to heal again?

“Dad, are you true?”

Yan Shu also looked at him, the corners of his eyes suddenly became a little wet.

At this moment she didn’t know how long she had been looking forward to, or even if she would show up.

Yan Ruohai panicked: “What’s the matter, girl, what are you crying for?”

“Ming woo woo All these years I have hoped that you can reconcile, but I dare not say.”

“I’m sorry, but my father is too self-willed, he just refuses to express his mind.

Yan Shu also wiped his tears: “Then you must chase mother back, okay?”

“Of course, this time I have made up my mind. If I don’t chase Wang Minrou back, I will never come back!”

“Come on, I will support your father!”

Yan Ruohai immediately wiped his fists: “Don’t worry girl, even if your mother beats me to death, I will take her back!”

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “Sincerely, Jinshi is open, come on, brother Yan.”

“No problem, brother Jiang!”

Yan Ruohai flicked the scarf and lifted the suitcase: “Then I will set off. You are waiting for my good news!”

“Come on, Dad!

“Come on, father-in-law!”

The energetic Yan Ruohai pulled the suitcase, opened the door and walked out of the villa.

At this time, the light rain had stopped, the weather was just right, and even the sun had begun to show up.

He was full of self-confidence and thought that he would be successful.

“Boy, what’s wrong with my dad? Why did he suddenly open his mouth?”

When Yan Ruohai’s figure disappeared under the camphor forest, Yan Shu couldn’t help but question.

Jiang Wen smiled: “Maybe it’s because of boss Du’s affairs that he suddenly began to understand.”

“Understand what?”

“Understand that the most painful difference in this world is death. As long as people have not died, there will be a chance.”

Yan Shu also looked up at him with a small face: “We will also quarrel in the future, will you abandon me?

“Even if I let me give up on myself, I can’t give up on you.”

“But what if we also have shortcomings that the other party can’t bear?”

“Then did you find it?”

Colonel Yan bit her thin lip lightly: “No, I seem to like everything about you very much.”

…For flowers…

“Isn’t that right?” Jiang Wen messed up her hair, “How can I have the shortcomings you hate?”

“Narcissistic ghost.”

Yan Shuyiqiong wrinkled her nose, Tsundere snorted, and leaned on him again.

It’s really not annoying, there is no point of annoyance.

She feels that her boyfriend is simply the best existence in the world.

The night soon shrouded, and there were thousands of bright lights on the streets.

The prosperity of the whole city sets off the night, which makes people can’t help but reverie.

Jiang Wen and Yan Shu also walked hand in hand on the long street, feeling the melodious evening breeze.

Colonel Yan still couldn’t close her legs, but she was much better.

After all, it wasn’t really hurt, and it wouldn’t be too late for a day.

They just received a WeChat message from Yan Ruohai saying that he has arrived at his destination.

And he found Wang Minrou’s location through local friends.

Don’t look at Yan Ruohai, who doesn’t usually pay attention, but he is the king of routines.

Even your own daughter and son-in-law can do tricks. Isn’t the trick of chasing his ex-wife easy to catch?

So he didn’t come to the door to confess, but rented Wang Minrou’s door.


According to Yan Ruohai’s plan, he will first investigate Wang Minrou’s life trajectory in the past few days.

Including when to go out and when to come back.

Where to eat, do you have friends.

When all these things are investigated, he will start to routine his ex-wife.

First made a few encounters, and then kept appearing in her life.

What kind of help is it like changing the light bulb? Helping to cook a meal.

Or help her get a courier and buy her some inexpensive but essential living goods.

Use a brazen attitude to kill her hatred for herself.

In this way, Wang Minrou will gradually get used to her own existence.

Habits are very powerful things that can change everything.

Yan Ruohai relied on this trick to chase Wang Minrou back then.

If she were to fall into her own tenderness again, wouldn’t it be natural for her to recombine?

“Too smart, I’m so smart!”

“Trust Dad, daughter, your mother will never get out of my palm!”

In the WeChat video, Yan Ruohai stood in front of the rental house and said excitedly.

Seeing his father so confident, Yan Daxiaohua also felt a little happy.

If she can see her parents live together again, then she really has no regrets.

“School brother, shall we break up too?

Jiang Wen looked dumbfounded: “What the hell, share it with you?”

“But I think I am a little bit at a loss.


Yan Shu also pouted: “When I was online, I was angry with you. Later in school, I chased you all the time. I haven’t been chased by you seriously!”

Jiang Wen felt dumbfounded after hearing this: “Isn’t it important to be together?”

“The important thing is obviously the sense of ritual!”

Professor Yan Hua Jiao said: “I don’t care, anyway, you are my first love and my life. I won’t like others anymore, and I won’t experience the taste of being chased by others.

“There are a large number of people chasing you every day in the school, you haven’t experienced it yet?”

“That’s different! Only when you are chased by someone you like will you feel happy!

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but raise his mouth slightly: “Senior sister, do you really dare to break up with me?”

“What’s the matter?” Yan Shu also tilted his head to look at him.

“In case of breaking up, I won’t chase you, turn around and hug right and left, one Tang Sihan and Wang Yan, what do you do?”

“You, you are looking for death!” B.

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