Chapter 142 Work-study, self-improvement (please subscribe automatically!!)

In the early morning of the next day, the sun was just right.

In the main playground of Mordu University of Finance and Economics, the school recruitment meeting was held smoothly.

But this time the school recruitment is different from before.

There is also a part-time recruitment area next to the official job recruitment area.

In order to decorate this area, the school specially made a huge banner.

The banner was hung at the front with the words “work-study, self-improvement” on it.

And under this banner, there is a roll-up banner of a “part-time store manager”.

There are five tables behind each roll-up banner.

There are two position cards on the middle table.

One says “Boss” and the other says “Boss Lady”.

Jiang Wen drank his slobber: “Senior sister, I think you should write about the boss’s wife. It’s a bit awkward to write about the boss’s wife.”

Yan Shuyi snorted: “The boss feels very domineering, she is the highest position! I like it.”

“The highest position? Who made it?”

“Is there still a rule? If you don’t believe me, ask Zhang Bin, is it the wife of the boss or the boss?”

As the general manager, Zhang Bin is sitting on the left hand side of Jiang Wen.

When he heard the boss’s question, he couldn’t help but straightened up.

“Ahem, if you go back to the boss, in our company, the biggest one is of course the boss.

“The boss is a shit, the lady boss is the soul of our company!”

“Without the proprietress, all of us have to lose our jobs.

The voice fell, and the Director Never Sleepy and several big shop managers sitting on both sides all nodded.

Yan Dahuan smiled with satisfaction: “Yes, I will give you a promotion and a salary increase after the school recruitment is over.”

Jiang Wen looked at Zhang Bin with a black line on his forehead: “Are you going to guard against the sky now?

“Boss, even you have to listen to the boss, and of course we also have to listen to the boss.

“Are you guys really on the wall, you fall in the wind?”

Yan Shu also looked at Jiang Wen: “What’s the matter with my younger brother, you are not willing to let you listen to me?’

“Okay, senior sister, listen to you first, and I will clean up you when I get home.”


With a beating of Yan Shuyi’s little heart, he immediately remembered Jiang Wen’s crazy method of folding flowers.

She couldn’t help but flushed her cheeks, and her legs started to make a face.

No, no, no, no.

It would be super terrifying as long as one blacked his own schoolboy!

You still have to behave yourself and don’t mess with him anymore.

“School brother, drink water.”

Jiang Wen looked at her frightened little eyes and couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek.

After half an hour, the weather became slightly warmer.

At that time, students who wanted to apply for the job came to the playground.

Looking around, the flags of major companies are swinging in the wind.

“Hey, what is said in the circle of friends is true. This year, a part-time area has really been opened.”

“My living expenses are not enough, and I am embarrassed to ask my family for it. I am looking for a part-time job.

“It’s always more reliable to find part-time jobs in school than in private.”

“Walk around and take a look.”

The mighty student team flooded into the playground.

They first turned around in the official job area and left a few resumes.

Then he walked towards the part-time area.

Many people had already recognized Jiang Wen and Yan Shuyi before they got closer.

“It’s Great God Jiang and Yan Xiaohua, why are they here?”

“Look at the sign on the table, it says boss and wife boss.”

“Part-time store manager, what is a store manager?”

“Oh, I remember, Jiang Wen seems to have opened a barbecue restaurant.”

“How many managers can there be in a barbecue restaurant? Why do you want to participate in a job fair specially?”

The crowd gradually rushed to the booth and looked at their promotional color pages curiously.

After browsing the meaning of part-time store manager and the content of work, everyone began to talk about it.

“They want to hire two hundred store managers?”

“Then Jiang Wen opened more than 200 stores?”

“Damn, what’s the concept of more than 200 stores?”

Everyone couldn’t help showing their surprised eyes.

This Jiang Wen has only been in school for less than three months, right?

Is it possible to open two hundred stores in three months?

Impossible, what a joke.

I am afraid that even the richest man would not dare to do this.

Doesn’t he think about losses or something?

Then again, hasn’t he been with Yan Xiaohua all the time?

The two have been showing affection since they came back in October.

Take a walk, eat together, and even go to class together.

How can Jiang Wen have time to do so many things?

Is this the so-called double harvest in the love career?

Wow, people are really more popular than people.

The male students of the third and fourth year couldn’t help but change their faces.

Many of them are Yan Shuyi’s suitors.

There are even a few faces that Jiang Wen finds very familiar.

There is no doubt that these few people have definitely blocked themselves on the military training playground.

I didn’t expect to be their boss in just a few months.

Interesting, is this the pleasure of dimensionality reduction?

Jiang Wen coughed: “If you have any intentions, you can leave a contact information, and we will contact you through the school.

Yan Shu also nodded: “Any student who signs up has a chance to become a store manager, but we limit it to juniors and seniors.”

Everyone nodded and continued to check the promotional color pages in their hands.

This coloring page is very detailed.

It covers everything from job content, job responsibilities, to reward mechanism.

“The salary is pretty good, far beyond the part-time level, and you can get credits!”

“Look at this, the person who selects the part-time store manager can get a bonus of 20,000 yuan.”

“Report your name first, I heard that there will be a retest.”

The more students gathered, the more names on the form.

So soon, one after another report lists were filled.

Most of these people came because of curiosity Jiang Wen and Yan Shu.

The result was really attracted by this part-time store manager position.

After Zhang Bin’s detailed on-site introduction, countless people became tempted.

Many students even expressed their willingness not to receive wages, just to experience business activities.

This unprecedented heat is something Jiang Wen had never thought of before.

It turns out that the students’ enthusiasm for making money part-time is so high.

“Brother, it’s only two hours, and we got the registration of 200 students!’

Yan Shu is also very excited and seems to enjoy the feeling of being a boss.

She and Jiang Wen have long since disappeared.

Seeing so many people want to be their own employees, it is really a very happy thing.

Jiang Wen rubbed her hair: “Is it particularly fulfilling?”

“Well, it’s especially true!

“You are my boss now. You must be like a boss.”

Yan Shu also nodded, and straightened his waist: “Is this all right? Is there any momentum?”

“Well, not bad.”

Yan Daxiaohua smiled like crescent moons, and her delicate face was full of joy.

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared at the school recruitment meeting.

A short white dress with a ponytail is like a youthful high school student.

The other dress with suspenders is like the goddess in the snail smile of the literary novel.

“Boss father, please drink milk tea!”

Tang Sihan jumped to the table and put two cups of milk tea on the table.

One cup was given to Jiang Wen, and the other cup was pushed in front of Yan Shuyi.

“Now, the vicious stepmother has a part too.

Yan Shuyibai glanced at her: “々Why are you here?”

“Let’s see if your progress is going well or not.

Wang Yan nodded: “We are also very curious, so come and have a look.”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Bin and several persons in charge had already given way.

“Two bosses, please sit down.

Tang Sihan and Wang Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Hey, you understand, no wonder my boss father is so trusted!”

“Bah, you guys are so beautiful!”

“Zhang Bin, just wait for your salary to be deducted!”

Yan Shu was also angrily, stretched out his hand and pinched Jiang Wen next to him.

Jiang Wen grinned sharply and couldn’t help but look at Zhang Bin: “You think I will let the lady boss kill you?”

“Boss, I’m just an innocent little employee.

“Then you can shut your mouth and don’t talk.


At this time, Wang Yan moved a chair and sat beside Jiang Wen.

She usually talks less, and now with so many people talking, she certainly doesn’t want to speak.

So she picked up Zhang Bin’s position card, pulled out the inner core, and laid it on the table.

“Secretary Zhang, do you have a pen?”

Zhang Bin nodded: “Yes, signature pen or marker pen?”

“Marker pen.”

Zhang Bin rummaged in his briefcase, took out a marker and gave it to Wang Yan.


Wang Xiaohua pulled off the cap and wrote a few words on the pink paper in the inner core.

Jiang Wen felt Wang Yan’s movements and couldn’t help but look at her smooth and pretty face.

“what are you doing?”

Wang Yan bit her thin lip lightly: “No… (Zhao Haohao) I didn’t do anything.”

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Wen saw her put up the position card again.

Three big characters were rewritten on that sign with a marker.


“What do you think of me?” Wang Yan’s cheeks were slightly red, “I’m writing this for fun.

Jiang Wen swallowed and did not dare to speak.

Sure enough, she definitely left that pendant in the bathroom on purpose.

Her curiosity about herself has turned into a liking without knowing it.

By mid-afternoon, the school recruitment meeting was coming to an end.

Jiang Wen actually has more than 1,000 applicants.

The registration forms they printed in advance were not enough. If Tang Sihan hadn’t borrowed the printer, they would have to write on the table.

After screening by Zhang Bin and the person in charge of each brand store, they selected more than 400 candidates in total.

These more than 400 people have to undergo careful screening before they become their part-time store managers.

“Hey, Wang Yan, where did you get this brand?”

Tang Sihan strolled around and suddenly saw the position card in front of Wang Yan.

The three words handwritten on the boss lady immediately attracted her attention.

Wang Yan, a woman who is usually muffled, did not expect to have a routine.

She even prepared a sign for herself.

A rival, this is definitely a rival.

Wang Yan glanced at Jiang Wen: “I don’t know, I was here when I came.

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