Chapter 171 My boyfriend pets me, what’s wrong? (Automatic subscription required!!!)

In a blink of an eye, time passed in a hurry.

The participating teams from China have been in Newyork for almost a week.

Their jet lag reversed very early and they gradually adapted to the climate here.

But there is one thing that makes them still unacceptable.

This thing is eating fast food every day.

To be honest, those exquisite western dishes in China are made entirely to cater to the preferences of the Chinese people.

The real Western food is completely different from what they eat in China.

It was raw and astringent, and also stiff.

Then they found out that their knowledge of Western food was all deceived by the TV series.

Especially on the first day when I came to Nyuyao.

At the strong request of everyone, they went to eat a western food that is more famous in the local area.

As a result, everyone vomited and diarrhea after coming back, and almost went directly to the hospital.

This does not mean that the food is not clean, it can only be said to be unacceptable.

The eating habits and cooking methods here are still very different from those in China.

After experiencing this incident, everyone immediately changed their faces when they talked about Western food.

In desperation, the participating group could only change their daily menu to fast food.

That is 23 burgers, fried chicken nuggets, cola and so on.

Although these things are not unpalatable, they are definitely unbearable to eat every day.

Especially those girls who are more demanding of their figure.

How could they be willing to eat fried food three times a day?

In desperation, everyone went to the electronics street to buy a small electric cooker and set up a small stove in their room.

Either cook instant noodles, or order noodles, pour some Lao Gan Ma, and eat like spaghetti.

But even so, after a week, all the participants were hungry and thin.

There is even a girl who has become a little yellowish and thin because of the inadequacy of the soil and water, and the lack of basic dietary protection.

“No way, no way, absolutely can’t eat like that.

“Yes, teacher, let’s think of a way.”

“How about we go to Chinatown every day to eat?”

“Chinatown is so far from here, it takes more than two hours to drive, and there is no good food.”

Teacher Song, who led the team, looked sad, what can I do?

She looked at the other leading teachers, but found that they were also embarrassed.

Song Wei sighed: “Teacher, think of a way, otherwise everyone will definitely not be able to continue the competition.”

“But everyone is not used to the food prepared by the organizing committee. It is not nutritious to open a small stove by ourselves. We can’t rent a kitchen and eat it ourselves, right?

While everyone was discussing intensely, Yan Shu, who had returned from a nap, also walked into their small meeting room.

Everyone couldn’t help raising their heads when they saw Major Yan Hua come in.

“What are you talking about?”

Yan Shu is also a little curious.

“We want to change our diet. It’s too uncomfortable to eat now.”

“Yes, on the day we came, I vomited after eating the food prepared by the organizing committee.”

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn’t help but subconsciously looked at Xia Yan Shuyi.

Observed, they found that Yan Shu was not only not thin, but also seemed to be fatter.

“Hey, how did you eat Shuyi? Why are you not thin at all?

“I ate it in my own room.”

Teacher Song gave a wry smile: “I know you eat in the room. Did I mean you made your own food?”

Yan Shu also shook his head: “No, the chef did it for me.”


After listening, everyone was stunned, where did the chef come from?

Their team is not so proud, and they still bring the royal chef?

If this is the case, the funds brought are not enough.

So everyone looked at Yan Shuban with curious eyes.

Teacher Song was also very puzzled: “Shu Yi, where is the chef you are talking about?”

“Oh, three Chinese food chefs hired by my boyfriend. They are now in our hotel.”

“Your boyfriend?”

Yan Shu also nodded happily: “He guessed that I must be unaccustomed to eating here, so he hired a chef for me in advance. I only found out when I called him after I came here.”

Teacher Song was stunned: “What about the chef?”

“Just next door to my room, they rented a small utility room.”

“Then I will make some steamed and boiled dishes, and some pastries, and sometimes stir-fried dishes are also made, but they do very little, because there is oily smoke, the hotel is reluctant to do so.”

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn’t help being shocked.


In order to make her eat well during the competition, Yan Shuyi’s boyfriend directly hired three Chinese food chefs to follow?

And also rented the utility room of the hotel and transformed it into a kitchen.

Oh my god, this is too beautiful.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier, in fact, everyone is not used to the food here.”

“Yeah, I would go to your place for dinner if I knew it a long time ago.”

“Eating alone is not a good habit. We have been hungry for a long time.”

At this time, a few people began to whisper quietly.

Although they used a half-joking way, they were obviously a little imbalanced in their hearts.

Yan Shu also smiled softly: “The chef my boyfriend hired for me, why should I promote it everywhere?”

“Does he spend his own money?”

“Of course, otherwise, should I still use the competition funds?”

“Then how much money will it cost, don’t you just waste it?”

Yan Shuyi smiled very calmly: “He spoils me, he can spend as much as he wants.”

The voice fell, and the room couldn’t help being silent.

They are completely speechless.

What is the problem with my boyfriend petting his girlfriend?

No matter how much money you spend, it has nothing to do with people like them.

It’s just that this love show is too hated, right?

At this time, someone raised his hand: “Why don’t we take out the funds and hire a chef?”

“Yes, let’s hire a 747 too.

Teacher Song raised his head when he heard the sound: “Shu Yi, how much does it cost to hire a chef?”

Yan Shu also shook his head: “I don’t know, but I can help you ask.”

“How much do you need?”

“Hundreds of thousands? Almost.”

When the voice fell, everyone’s eyes widened.

“so much?”

Yan Shu also nodded: “The rent for the utility room costs five thousand US dollars a month. The consumption level of Newyork is still very high. You can’t hire a chef to cook on the street, right?

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn’t help looking at each other.

The rent alone is five thousand dollars? How much does the whole set cost?

The funding they brought is estimated to be only 100,000 yuan, right?

Teacher Song was also shocked after listening.

Has Jiang Wen spoiled his girlfriend to such a degree?

This is too scary, right?

In fact, she still has a certain understanding of Jiang Wen.

After all, it is a student in my school, and there are many rumors.

I heard that he has opened hundreds of barbecue restaurants across the country, and his daily turnover adds up to a terrible amount.

And it is still engaged in real estate, and has cooperation with Star City Group and Shihao Group.

In order to help that boss Du, he once spent five million to buy an abandoned factory.

After the incident, the Uremia Aid Foundation was established, which was reported by the media for a long, long time.

Thinking about it this way, hiring three cooks for Yan Shuyi is not a big deal. .

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