Chapter 208 Yan Xiaohua wants to come back out of the world (seeking automatic subscription!!)

It’s six o’clock in the afternoon, dinner time.

The work of enrolling freshmen has been fully processed.

The number of new students in the Department of Finance has exceeded 1,000, and it has gradually become lively.

“Dididi, does anyone in the group know the senior who is at the door at noon and wears a black t-shirt?”

“There is no picture to say a cow, post a picture.”

“Senior akimbo.jpg”

“It’s him, I paid attention to him when school started, I feel so handsome!”

“Yes, it is very conspicuous to stand among so many people, do you know who he is?

“Senior sophomore, it’s super charming to laugh!”

“I know him, he is the head of military training in our finance department!”

“Ah? It’s our person in charge, will you be targeted if you confess?”

“Jimei, are you going to confess? This is just entering school, so awesome?”

“Oh, time is not for me, there is a senior who takes care of himself very comfortably, okay!’

“I can see you every day during military training. What anxious confession, and there are good ones among the freshmen.”

“Some of the freshmen do look good, but they don’t compare with this senior.

“Why? What’s wrong with our freshman boys?”

“It’s not that you are bad, the 767 is really charming for this senior. I didn’t even dare to strike up a conversation.

“Yes, yes, it feels like an inexplicable temperament of a domineering president.”

“I also noticed this senior. He is definitely not an ordinary person.”

“Upstairs, you guy, pay attention to what my senior does?”

“What I pay attention to is not the person, but the watch on his wrist.”

“The watch? It looks good, what’s the matter?”

“That watch is called Rolex Ice Landi, you can Baidu it.”

“Fuck, this watch costs six hundred and one hundred thousand? Crazy, right?”

“So, this senior is not something you can handle.”

“I’ve also paid attention to this watch. It should be fake. How can college students have the money to buy this?”

“It’s true, my family does luxury goods appraisal.”

“Really six hundred and one hundred thousand?”

“Properly, only high and not low.”

“It’s better to be rich and handsome. Who doesn’t want to find a boyfriend like this.”

“But just one watch is six hundred and one hundred thousand, which has exceeded the concept of being rich and handsome, right?”

“Yes, it is more like a domineering president than being tall, rich and handsome.”

At this moment, someone suddenly sent a photo to the group.

This photo was taken in the corridor of the teaching building, and the content of the shot was a picture hanging on the wall.

Above the painting is Jiang Wen, and there are a few lines of clear character introduction below.

“Are you talking about this senior? Feng Guochang scholarship recipient?”

“Fuck, the senior is not just a tall, rich and handsome, but also a high school student?”

“Who is Feng Guochang?”

“You come to study finance, don’t you know who Feng Guochang is?”

“The strongest professor of the University of Finance and Economics, the leader of China’s financial industry at that time.”

“F*ck, Baidu just now, is this old professor too strong?”

“This scholarship is also very strong. It has been ten years, and it seems that there are only six winners.”

“It seems that there is still one scholarship for the principal every year. Is this scholarship so difficult?”

“It’s numb, this senior feels out of reach.”

At the same time, 403 in the female dormitory.

Du Qing held her mobile phone and sighed for a while: “It’s over, the book is over, you have a large number of competitors.

Yan Shu, who was putting on makeup, raised his head slightly: “What competitor?”

“Look at the freshmen group of the Department of Finance. The newly enrolled students are discussing your boyfriend.

“I’m putting on make-up, I can’t make it, you can read it to me.”

Hearing the sound, Tian Ge and Liu Yufei also sat up from the bed.

They looked at Du Qing curiously, and the soul of gossip gradually awakened.

“It’s nothing, just discussing what to confess to your boyfriend.”

Du Qing slid the chat log: “They said that the watch on Xuedi Jiang’s wrist was six hundred and one hundred thousand, is it true?”


“Yes, it’s the one called Binglandi, the dial is blue, and there are three circles.”

Yan Shuyi was taken aback for a moment, and then raised his hand: “Is this the (cdbb) they said?”

Du Qing’s eyes widened in an instant: “Damn, do you have one too?

“The younger brother bought two, saying that they are for couples’ watches. I think they look pretty. Is it so expensive?”

The three sisters looked at each other: “You move out and live, we have enough of this high-end dog food!”

Yan Shu also pouted: “What else? Keep talking.”

“They also saw the hanging paintings on the corridor, and they knew that the younger brother was Feng Lao’s scholarship recipient, and they were sighing.”

“Oh, the old man’s scholarship, I also got it.”

Tian Ge raised his head: “You two inhuman lovers, can you stop talking!”

“Well, I’m not talking, you keep talking.

Du Qing smacked his lips: “They said that you can see your junior in the military training tomorrow. They also said that they would go to strike up a conversation, maybe they would confess on the spot.”

Yan Shuyi’s eyebrow pencil paused for a while: “Choose a conversation? Still confessing? Why are these freshmen so ignorant of being reserved?”

“Reserved? Haha, funny.”

Tian Ge sneered: “Who said that, being a girl can’t be reserved, and reserved is a stumbling block that hinders the reproduction of mankind.”

“I don’t remember.” Yan Shu also blushed slightly.

“It was you who told me when you checked the internal support last year, right? Now you let the school girl be reserved?”

“That’s different. After all, I have had a relationship with my junior for three years.”

The three sisters looked at each other: “But people are not as troubling as you, just confess if you like it. Who is like you, has three years of affection and still lied to Jiang Wen.”

Yan Shuyi snorted and stopped talking.

But the younger brother is so popular, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

This shows that the younger brother is really a very good person, otherwise, how could so many people like it?

But it’s really a bit troublesome to have more rivals.

It seems that he is going to come back out of the arena again.

Tomorrow, you will be dressed up nicely. Go to the playground to send a milk tea or something.

Once they show up, they can only give up, right?

Well, it was so decided.

Yan Shu also closed the makeup box and walked out of the dormitory happily.

Jiang Wen is under the dormitory at this time.

He bought a new package of dried fish and kept apologizing in front of Brother Cat.

“Brother Cat, half a year has passed, are you still unwilling to forgive me?”

“What I said is true. During the winter vacation, Wang Yan was really not abducted by me.

“Oh, I didn’t expect Wang Yan to forget you and let you be a stray cat for two months. I really knew I was wrong.”

“It’s been half a year, I apologize every day, why are you still not willing to pay attention to me?”

The orange cat twisted her body, a cold light appeared in her eyes.

Last winter, Wang Yan chased Jiang Wen to s province to celebrate the new year.

It becomes a veritable stray cat, no one cares or asks.

Grandma’s, do you want me to forgive you now?

My old lady was in the winter, and I rummaged through the trash can for two months!

It’s been half a year, but I still have nightmares every night!

I was in the ice and snow, and my hoof almost f*ck froze.

Next life, forgive you in the next life!.

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