All the professionals who came to the auction were stunned.

The auction is fucking

over!"I haven't gotten in the car yet, it's over

?"Fuck your sister!I won't open the door until the end, and then there's a nervous disorder who won't let me in, and now it's gone

?"Wocao! What the hell is going on, don't say wait

?""How much money is auctioned out?"

"It's 300 million."

"Then I'm relieved, I don't have that much money. "

I have the fuck! I'm here for nothing! I didn't even look at what the skill book looked like, it was just

over!" "MMP, where's the manager!

Get out of here!" Listening to the noisy professionals, Cheng Yuan walked out of the office without any fear, and said with a confused face: "Everyone, participate in the auction, please come back tomorrow, there will be good things tomorrow

!" "Good your mother!" "

I ask you, why is the auction over?"

"Yes, let's wait outside

for a long time!" "Is the skill book a missed shot

?" Cheng Yuan began to play: "Waited for a long time, then why don't you come in! What a pity!"

"We can't get in! There are eighth-order archmages in front of the door, you don't care?"

Cheng Yuan looked innocent: "I really didn't know there was such a thing, everyone was busy setting up the venue." No wonder, no wonder, I thought you didn't like this skill book.

"How much is it going to sell?

Cheng Yuan shrugged: "It's a pity that when this skill book is auctioned, it ...... There was only one buyer, and only 1.5 million were auctioned. Although the money is not much, we have to trade at the Dingsheng Auction House, otherwise we will smash the signboard, right?"

1.5 million!

Everyone forgot to breathe.

Dumbfounded, the shocked three souls flew all over the sky, and the seven souls crawled everywhere.

It's scary!

1.5 million.

It's not 15 billion!

It's so cheap that someone else has missed it?

What kind of thing is this!

At least 300 million worth of skill books, 1.5 million were sold.

Heartache, these professionals all feel heartache

! Some people have even vomited blood in anger, and roared wildly: "Zhang Yunhe, you dog, a hundred yuan will mistake me for life!" A

person trembled his fingers and scolded:

"1.5 million! 1.5 million, how can you sell it!" "

It's really fucking shameless, you want to say that 300 million will be sold, and we will accept it, and the result will be 1.5 million?"

Yes, they're all waiting for us, don't you still like to mention too much at the auction?"

"I'm not happy, today is the happiest day.

"I'll never forget it for the rest of my life.

"Well, I'm convinced. Bye-bye! "

Scattered, scattered......"

Cheng Yuan didn't say a word, watching the scolding professionals leave boringly.

I snorted in my heart.

How much can I raise 300

million? It's only 3 million

! With a little operation, I can directly earn 50 million!

A group of muscular men who can only fight, do they know what arbitrage is?

When Cheng Yuan returned to the office with a small song, Zhang Yunhe was already sitting on the sofa.

Cheng Yuan hurriedly took out a card: "It's hard work, this is 10 million labor fees."

Zhang Yunhe laughed: "Okay, there will be this job in the future, come to me directly, scare and scare people in less than ten minutes, and you will earn 10 million, Cheng Yuan, you still have brains."

Cheng Yuan picked up the teacup and took a sip: "If you have money, everyone earns it together, and that's called real happiness."

"Good, good, good. Zhang Yunhe put away the card and strode out: "Then I'll go first, something will call me."

Cheng Yuan waved his hand.


At this time.

Cheng Yuan is reviewing whether there are any loopholes in the whole incident.

After all, after informing him of the situation here, Wu Changfeng would definitely make trouble.

The first option is to report to the authorities.

Officials are going to come down and investigate thoroughly.

In the end, all the procedures were completely legal, except for a small accident at the door.

Wu Changfeng could only admit that he was unlucky.

The temporary workers who accompany the show have been disbanded, and in the huge metropolis, let alone the official looking for someone, I can't find it again.

The footage is all there.

Zhang Yunhe doesn't need to be mentioned, he is a veteran actor, the 8th order, and he is also a character who walks sideways in the national capital.

"Perfect!" Cheng

Yuan clapped his hands and began to call Wu Changfeng.


At this moment.

Wu Changfeng was sitting at home waiting for the good news to collect the money.

Just now, he was still bragging with Xiao Su: "Look at the master's arrival of at least 300 million! Don't talk about buying BB cream, it's NZ cream, let's all use a bottle and lose a bottle!" Xiao Su

put his hands on his chest with a look of adoration: "The master is so good!"

Xiaolongnu didn't care about everything, and turned over and over the jingle bell bartending.

Xiao Tangtang's round body rolled at Wu Changfeng's feet, and raised his cute little head: "Can you buy me candy?"

Wu Changfeng patted his chest and swore that "Follow the master, there is only one word: buy

!" "Two words: consumption

!" "I must let you experience what it means to be a woman's true happiness!"

Wu Changfeng's phone rang.


Changfeng laughed: "See, this is good news for me." "

Got on the phone.

Wu Changfeng crossed Erlang's legs and said, "Cheng, how about the auction?" Don't talk yet, I'll guess the number, three hundred million Mu Youyou!"

Cheng Yuan coughed and said, "Little brother, you take a look at the bank transfer record first, and then I'll tell you."

"Isn't it a surprise?

Wu Changfeng couldn't wait to check it.

After ......


[Ding, your account received a transfer from Dingsheng Auction House: 1.5 million yuan, balance: 31.5 million yuan.] Wu

Changfeng frowned instantly, he could kill a fly

! What the hell is this!

Wu Changfeng's face was extremely ugly at the moment, and he grabbed the phone: "Dude, I don't like people joking with me, I need an explanation."

Cheng Yuan immediately said: "Little brother, I didn't expect the situation to change! This was the situation at that time......" Cheng Yuan

added fuel to the matter.

When Wu Changfeng heard this, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Is it such a coincidence?

The big hand blocked the door, and the timing of the blockade was good!

Cheng Yuan said on the phone: "Little brother, it's really a trick, you said that the auction at that time was blocked outside the door and didn't come in." There are no bidders in the whole room, so we can't afford not to sell, right? I know you must have doubts, but I can view the whole recording.

"Look, it's better to think you're unlucky, no one is wronged in this matter, you can only say that it happened to be a bad time.

"As for the handling fee, I won't charge it, and I'll call you all 1.5 million.

"If you really can't believe it, you can report it to the authorities, and I will prove my innocence."

Wu Changfeng held the phone and smiled instead.

Wu Changfeng nodded: "What else can I say, right?"

When Cheng Yuan heard this, Wu Changfeng thought that he had lost it!

"Okay, so be it.

Wu Changfeng hung up the phone.

Slowly stood up, twisted his neck, and said expressionlessly:

"Sisters, copy the guy for the master!".

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