Wu Changfeng saw the Sakura Country assassination team that was originally shouting and shouting to kill, and suddenly turned around and ran away!

Immediately reacted, I am afraid that Xiao Tangtang will show his strength and scare them with a slap to death Thundering Beast, right?

Wu Changfeng licked his lips, I really didn't fish here.

Collect skills well, you have to break in and give people heads, then it's no wonder that I'm not to blame.

100 honor points for one person.

Wu Changfeng took out the card and slapped it with his backhand.

[Ding, skill from Thundering Beast: Thunder Transposition has taken effect.] Wu

Changfeng slowly raised his head, his eyes were gloomy, like a candle of nine heavens, staring at the outlaw Sakura assassination team.

He smiled: "Sisters, destroy them for me!"


The other side.

Several Sakura Country squads were really scared.

The assassination that was originally full of confidence was when he saw the little girl slap the thundering beast to death.

All of them came to their senses.

It was unanimously agreed that Wu Changfeng and others were fishing and acting!

Being able to slap them to death, and still rolling all over the ground, as if they can't gnaw on the thundering beast, isn't this what kind of acting?

Huaxia people are too cunning!

Seeing that the situation is not right, they do not hesitate at all, and just run!

The fool fights against the strange girl.

So, they panicked and scrambled to escape.

"It's not good to be out of school, run quickly

!" "Baga Ya Lu, he actually hides his strength to deceive us

!" "Hmph, we are all smart people, absolutely fooled, run

!" "Run with drugs!" "Accelerate

!" "It's worthy of a global battlefield, and everyone is a drama spirit!"

Just as they were fleeing for their lives, a bolt of thunder struck the sky and landed on a priest with unmistakable precision.

"White teeth!It hurts!

" "Don't cry out about pain if you're not dead, keep running!"

The priest heard a whoosh, and there was a sound of breaking through the air.

Turn your head and look back.

I saw that Wu Changfeng exploded in the air, turned into a bolt of lightning, dragged a dazzling light, and appeared in front of him almost in the blink of an eye.

The priest was shocked: "What! What kind of skill is this! Teleportation is not such a long distance

!" Wu Changfeng pulled the corners of his mouth up, stared horizontally, and showed a mouthful of white teeth: "Pretending to be forced, you still want to run away!" Wu

Changfeng was naturally not polite, and a brutal aura erupted all over his body.

This breath was violent and intense, almost as sticky as condensing into substance, and at this moment, almost all five people present felt a little difficult to breathe.

Treat the Sakura Country assassination team, kill it when you meet!

Kill it all up!

Wu Changfeng moves extremely fast, and the cards are flipped over.

Skill: The current surges

! Raise your hand and blast out with a punch

! The earth-shattering, muffled sound like a heavy artillery bombardment echoes between heaven and earth, and the blue and brilliant electric light flashes in the void, and a rolling white air wave spans dozens of meters, penetrating the void!


! And almost at the same time, the priest's twisted face was eerily still for a moment, and then exploded! It looked like his whole head was like a tomato that had been blown by a shot, and when it exploded in the air, red and white were thrown into the wind!

From the fall of thunder to the death of the pastor, it was a breath!

so fast that the others didn't even react, and then they saw the pastor die tragically!

Global Battlefield Refresh Information:

[Ding, from the Chinese professional Wu Changfeng, kill the Sakura Country professional Katsumura Yota. ]

The next second.

The members of the assassination team in Sakura Country broke out one after another.

None of the professionals who dared to aim for assassination were soft persimmons

! Seeing that the escape could not be achieved, they directly counterattacked! The

remaining four people launched various skills and came together, vowing to take advantage of this gap to kill Wu Changfeng on the spot

! The skill damage of the four people gave them great confidence, and it was enough to kill them in seconds!


Right now.

Behind Wu Changfeng, a scorching red light erupted.

A large fireball, with earth-shaking power, slammed into a warrior with a bang.

Bang ......

This soldier was hit by the flames and flew out of the air on the spot, and exploded on the spot!

Another cold spear, bursting with the sound of an air explosion, snorted, pierced a mage, and knelt directly to the ground, the fusion of ice and blood, poignant and miserable!

A dazzling light erupted between heaven and earth, like a laser burst, passing over Wu Changfeng's head.


The pillar of light shot through another professional on the spot, shooting a large hole in his chest!

The assassination team of the Sakura Country was put down by Wu Changfeng, Xiao Su, Xiao Longnu, and Qianqian in a row

! It can be said that it is outrageous

! Killing people is like a harvester!

At the scene, only the last professional remained.

The weapon in his hand stopped in mid-air, and the whole person was stupid.

His face twitched violently, his eyeballs exploded, and he couldn't seem to believe all this! Not only did his

teammates die quickly, but they also had no power to resist

! According to reason, everyone was a second-order level 59, how could it be possible to kill in seconds!

He swallowed his saliva and looked at Wu Changfeng's incomparably tall figure, like a demon.

His feet were weak, and he fell to his knees with a thud: "Spare your life! Spare your life! All this has nothing to do with me, I was just coerced by them, and I didn't have any ill will towards you!" The

corners of Wu Changfeng's mouth flashed a touch of hideousness, and the killing intent in his eyes was like substance, condescending: "Look at you, what are you coercing, come, raise your weapon, cut my neck, hurry up." "

Don't, don't!" the

professional was really frightened.

Kicking his legs wildly, he stepped back one after another.

At this time.

A childish child's voice came: "Master, keep your subordinates!" When

the professional heard this, he said, "Do you still have a chance to live?"

Otherwise, how could anyone call for your subordinates to keep people?

Just as he was snorting and full of hope.

Wu Changfeng responded impatiently: "You have your own short legs, just delay the time, I'll solve

it!" "No!" "No!" Little Sugar Candy fell on all fours, ran over, jumped up, bared his little white teeth, smiled with a sinister face, and said in a proud tone: "Leave me one! Leave me one!"


this scene, this professional felt panicked in his heart, and his eyes became confused.

Co-author...... Leaving people behind, leaving corpses!

Boom ......

Under the slap of the giant bear of Little Sugar Candy, the skin, muscles, bones, and body defenses of the three layers of the professional human body were torn apart like paper, and in a mountain of pain, he only felt a sudden chill in his body, as if he had lost all his strength in an instant.


next second.

The global battlefield once again reported:

[Ding, from the Chinese professional Wu Changfeng, killed the Sakura Country professional Sosuke Kitahara.

【Ding, from the Chinese professional Wu Changfeng, killed Sakura Country professional Takuma Ito. [

Ding, from the Chinese professional Wu Changfeng, killed the Sakura Country professional Yoshioka Kunihiko. [

Ding, from the Chinese professional Wu Changfeng, killed the Sakura Country professional Yoshino Yingshi. 】

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