No one expected it.

Rebus actually drew up a gambling agreement in advance!

A dozen directors in the conference room came to their senses.

Everyone looked at Rebus.

I think he must be crazy.

Judging from Rebus’s gambling agreement.

Now Lin Jiancheng can be said to have taken advantage of the right time and location.


Xiaomi cars have been developed for a year.

I don’t know how much money was invested!

And now Rebus actually wants to take only his 9.99 million partner Shenfei.

Come and bet with Lin Jiancheng.

This is no less than Rebus leading Shen Fei.

Be the enemy of the entire Xiaomi Group!

Many directors looked at each other.

A trace of absurdity and heartfelt respect could not help but flash through his complex eyes.

They never imagined that one day.

Rebus will be an outsider.

Come and personally fight against the Xiaomi he created.

And what they can understand is.

What Rebus did was good or bad for him personally.

But it is the best for Xiaomi Group.

Because it doesn’t matter whether Lin Jiancheng and Rebus succeed or fail.

Xiaomi Group will be the ultimate winner!

The internal fight between Lin Jiancheng and Rebus.

It will end quietly in this quiet way.

It won’t cause any bad effects, and most people won’t even know about it!

This is what I am thinking about.

Every director in the conference room couldn’t help but look at Rebus with respect.

At least at this moment, Rebus had completely conquered them in terms of personality.

But in terms of profit.

The directors present would ultimately choose to stand behind Lin Jiancheng.

Because from the moment Rebus proposed this gambling agreement.

No director thought he could win!

10 million funds, three days.

No matter how powerful Shen Fei is.

They don’t think Shen Fei can create a new energy vehicle that can conquer everyone!

“Mr. Lei, why are you doing this?”

“We have differences in some aspects, and I also admit that I want to become the executive director of Xiaomi Group.”

“But I never wanted to kill you.”

Lin Jiancheng’s eyes wandered between Rebus and the gambling agreement on the table.

His eyes were slightly hesitant.

What Rebus did did really shock him.

Since the first day I entered Xiaomi.

Lin Jiancheng knew that Rebus was a tough nut to crack.

Even if he has a background on Yanjing’s side.

It made Rebus deeply afraid.

Over the years in Xiaomi, he has been severely suppressed by Rebus.

His partners who entered large companies such as Jingdong at the same time have already secured their core positions.

Only he is still marginalized from time to time.

But now Rebus’s gambling agreement is in Lin Jiancheng’s eyes.

Rebus, who was undoubtedly still in the upper hand, suddenly waved the white flag and announced his surrender.

This was really hard for Lin Jiancheng to understand.

“Society is developing rapidly now.”

“The next huge trend is looming.”

“Maybe in five years, maybe in just three years it will happen.”

“I don’t want to hinder Xiaomi’s development because of you or me.”

“I hope that a hundred years from now, Xiaomi will still be at the forefront of this era.”

“So all this will come eventually.”

“It’s just a little bit ahead of schedule now.”

Faced with Lin Jiancheng’s candid words.

Rebus was no longer aggressive.

The smell of gunpowder in the conference room seemed to dissipate instantly.

Lin Jiancheng looked at Rebus blankly.

There was silence for more than ten seconds.

Then he bowed slightly and said in a voice full of respect:

“Mr. Lei, I am not as good as you.”

“But don’t worry, I have the little one in my hands, and I will definitely make it go further!”

After saying that, Lin Jiancheng stood up and took the gambling agreement.

He signed his name neatly.

Then he stood up.

His face returned to the cold look it had at the beginning.

“Mr. Lei, I really respect you.”

“But this time, there’s no way you can win.”

“Just two hours before you placed the order for that Shenfei, our Xiaomi car has made breakthrough progress.”

“In three days, Su7 will be the king and reach the top of the ranks of new energy vehicles!”

“Please wipe

Watch and wait. ”

After speaking, Lin Jiancheng turned around and started walking outside the conference room.

Many directors of Xiaomi Group present hesitated for a moment when they saw this.

They all got up and started to leave one after another.

Not long.

Rebus was the only one left in the conference room.


There was a sound of moving chairs.

Rebus walked around the conference table and slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the conference room.

Looking down from here.

You can see the prosperity of the entire city.

Rebus stood there for a long time.

Then he opened his mouth and murmured to himself:

“Will you definitely lose?”

“He is the most amazing young man I have ever seen.”

“There is a very familiar feeling, like myself back then.”

“But I know that he is much better than I was when I was young.”


While Rebus pressed the treasure onto Shen Fei.

Shen Fei in a suburban manufacturing shop.

You have already entered the super laboratory of the system.

Netizens know that Rebus placed an order for Shen Fei.

Everyone knows that the order is for new energy vehicles.

However, only Shen Fei himself knew the specific content of the order.

Currently standing in the primeval forest in the super laboratory.

Shen Fei thought of Rebus’s eloquent order of about a thousand words and couldn’t help but pursed his lips.

The first sentence of the order, Rebus told Shen Fei not to feel any pressure.

He knew that it would be difficult for Shen Fei to build an eye-catching new energy vehicle within three days.

Even if Shenfei fails, Rebus will not ask for money from the order.

Let alone declare Shen Fei’s failure to the outside world.

To be honest, Rebus is indeed Rebus.

When he saw these words, Shen Fei was already thinking about taking the order.

And after reading Rebus’s idea of ​​new energy vehicles after the order.

Shen Fei completely decided to accept this order.

“Gear characteristics, balance shafts, composite material production costs, batteries, motors, electronic controls, etc. and the most important intelligent driving system.”

“Mr. Lei, you really dare to make demands.”

“It’s very challenging.”

“But in my opinion, it’s good, but it’s not good enough.”

“Mr. Lei, wait for me to give you a big gift!”

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