no doubt.

Shen Fei decided to secretly spend more than 90,000 yuan.

It also invisibly added a huge challenge to himself.

If he spends tens of thousands of dollars.

Go buy some off-the-shelf high-end computer hardware.

Then he would use the system’s super laboratory to equip computers for posture.

It will definitely be countless times easier.

But now he has to use some hardware that has long since been eliminated.

Go and equip yourself with an amazing computer.

This is no longer effortless.

But there will be the possibility of failure!

If it fails, the system will not reimburse him for the scrapped cost.

At that time, Shenfei will have to continue to spend money to manufacture computers!

“Ding! The super laboratory has been opened successfully!”

“The current phase one super laboratory time ratio is 5:1!”

“That is, five days of the host in the super laboratory is equivalent to one day in the real world.”

“There are currently two options for entering the superlab available to hosts.”

“The first one is to completely enter the super laboratory. The host body will not age in the super laboratory.”

“The second type is that only the conscious body enters the super laboratory, and the external body will be subconsciously controlled by the system, but the body will age over time.”

At this time, the system’s voice rang in Shen Fei’s mind.

Shen Fei immediately became more determined to use this scrapped computer.

It’s time to make the decision to equip your posture with a customized computer.

Originally, Shen Fei only knew that the super laboratory with system rewards contained a variety of equipment and tools that spanned the ages.

I didn’t know the system had such incredible capabilities.

It can actually make him almost immortal in the super laboratory!

In this way, no matter how difficult or how long it takes to make something.

Shen Fei felt confident.

And this is only the first stage of the system. The time ratio is not terrible, just 5:1!

If the second stage or even the third stage or the fourth stage of the system is opened.

How long should the time comparison be?

Even if it can only reach 100:1.

Then Shen Fei spent a year in the super laboratory, and it was only less than four days in the real world.

At that time, he will be able to enter the super laboratory without having to do it himself.

All it takes is the conscious body to enter it.

Because the conscious body stays in the super laboratory for a year.

Shen Fei’s body in the real world has only aged for four days.

Think of many old scientists studying a technology.

Just spend a lifetime.

Shen Fei suddenly felt that he was not so lucky!


Take a deep breath.

Forced to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Shen Fei closed the store.

Then he carried the scrapped computer into the super laboratory.

The so-called super laboratory.

In fact, it is a super space where Shen Fei can indulge in his imagination.

He just came in now.

It’s like a white circular enclosed space.

However, air temperature and humidity are both most in line with human body requirements.

But Shen Fei is not willing to work in such a white world.

It’s been a long time.

The mood will definitely feel depressed.

So he thought about it.

The surrounding scene began to change rapidly.

Countless towering trees suddenly stood up.

The chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers spread into Shen Fei’s perception.

At this moment, Shen Fei seemed to be in a primitive forest.

From time to time, you can also see a few sika deer leaping past.

He took a deep breath.

It feels like the air has become much fresher again.

Then he nodded with satisfaction.

Next, Shen Fei’s thoughts moved again.

Several pieces of equipment appeared in front of him.

These are the equipment Shenfei needs to make integrated circuits, wiring and computer boards.

Now everything is ready.

Shen Fei concentrated his attention.

I focused all my attention on the steps to build a computer.

Three days like this.

It went by in a flash.

Although in a super lab.

Shen Fei doesn’t need to eat or rest.

The spirit will always be in a full state.

But that’s the case.

Three days later.

Shen Fei also felt a hint of fatigue coming over him.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

But Huangtian paid off his hard work.

From the graphics card to the motherboard to the CPU hard drive.

Shen Fei successfully produced it.

It is worth mentioning that.

In the end, Super Laboratory also attacked Shen Fei

A score was given for this manufacturing experiment.

A perfect score of ten.

The system gave Shen Fei a full nine point nine.

This means that even if you have the computer manufacturing technology rewarded by the system.

Shen Fei’s understanding and practical ability.

It is enough to surpass ninety-nine percent of people.

But what the system doesn’t know is.

The lost tenth of a point.

In fact, it was Shen Fei’s intention.

The problem lies in the production of memory.

Computer memory is a type of dynamic random access memory (DRAM).

That is composed of an N-type field effect transistor and a capacitor.

This logic must not be difficult for Shen Fei.

However, Shen Fei thought it was too time-consuming and did not conflict with the computer functions required by the posture.

So he did it a little rougher.

Maybe the original lifespan of the memory can be twenty years.

If Shen Fei makes such a rough move, he will probably only be able to use it for ten years at most.

At this point.

If someone said that Shen Fei had a dark heart.

Then he wouldn’t admit it even to death.

After all, computers are inherently products that are updated very quickly.

A computer can be considered longevity if it can be used for five or six years.

The computer he assigned to his posture would be perfect for him.

If the posture can last for ten years, it is considered too old.

“Phew! It’s time to go out.”

“I stayed in the laboratory for three days for the first time, and I was really uncomfortable.”

He let out a light breath.

Shen Fei left the super laboratory with the newly completed computer.

It was around nine o’clock in the evening when he entered the super laboratory.

More than ten hours have passed now.

It was exactly eleven forty in the morning.

He didn’t even bother to take a bite of food first.

Shen Fei called someone from Shunfeng Express to deliver the address left on Zhi’s computer.

Follow the speed along the peak.

I should be able to express my attitude soon.


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