The last sound was heard, and the last word was heard.

After the last sound fell.

The space fell into silence.

At the same time, on the other side.

The war on the Three Stars had just begun.

Previously, the Star Sea had only deployed low-level robots.

In fact, the advantage was completely on the side of the Three Councils.

Unlike the few mecha soldiers on the Painted Color Star,

The Three Stars had nearly a million mecha soldiers.

The mechas they were equipped with were all of Class B standard.

Although mecha soldiers played a small role in interstellar warfare.

But in local warfare, mecha soldiers were still one of the most mainstream arms.

It’s just that local warfare has rarely occurred for thousands of years.

That’s why mechas tend to withdraw from the stage of history.

But for Xinghai, it can ignore the interstellar war directly.

That’s why the current situation has come about.

And this has also sounded the alarm for all the high-level officials of the Three Councils.

That is, the research and development of mecha soldiers must not be stopped.

What they should do more is to make mecha soldiers play a role in interstellar wars.

Only in this way can they have sufficient means to deal with any situation they face.

Instead of being like now.

They can only choose to fight to the death.

“Yue Kai, what’s the situation now?”

In the star fortress, the great councilor standing at the front moved his beard slightly and asked.

Hearing what he said.

A creature with green skin hurried forward and said:

“Senator, this time Xinghai has only 5,000 robots deployed on our Three Stars.”

“Adding the robots deployed by Xinghai before, the total is only about 300,000.”

“In terms of the number of mechanical combat weapons, we have a great advantage.”


“But the newly deployed 5,000 mechas, according to our preliminary estimate, have reached the A-level standard!”

“Let them lead those B-level robots to suppress us.”

“Our controllable area has been rapidly compressed from the original 70% to 50%.”

“It is expected that before tomorrow, our controllable area will be less than 40.”

The president of the Three Star Guard named Yue Kai said in a heavy voice.

When the other people in the Star Fort heard his words, they felt as if a huge stone was pressing on their chests, and their breathing became a little rapid.

The development of robots also conforms to the law of civilization progress.

Only a Level 3 civilization can develop an A-level standard robot.

This means that under the control of Xinghai, Gehaixing has already entered the Level 3 civilization stage.

Level 3 civilization is far beyond the reach of the current Three Councils.

“Well, I know.”

“Then hold on as long as you can.”

“Isn’t the outcome of this battle already determined?”

The great councilor, who was silent for a few seconds, slowly spoke.

When everyone heard his words, their expressions gradually became calm.

They have decided to learn from Blue Star.

To live standing up rather than to die kneeling.

The result is indeed unimportant.


The fierce sound of gunfire.

It resounded in every corner of the Three Stars.

Although they had been mentally prepared.

But seeing the mecha soldiers of the Three Councils being blown into pieces under the guns of the mecha soldiers.

Countless civilians of the Three Stars were also affected by the artillery fire and lay in a pool of blood.

Luan Xing and others couldn’t help but turn their heads away, or they would have looked directly at such a tragic scene.

Su Ting, Ma Hongyi and others looked at the screen.

Their chests rose and fell violently, and they felt a little unwell.

Their generation had not experienced the cruelty of war.

The battle with the Red Ibis Kingdom and the Eagle Sauce Kingdom.

They also won the victory under the Azure Dragon built by Shen Fei.

Now they watched countless soldiers and civilians from the Three Stars being brutally killed.

The land was full of blood.

While they respected the martyrs who brought peace to the Dragon Kingdom.

They also deeply empathized with the soldiers and people of the Three Stars.

“This is too cruel.”

“Although the movement of interstellar wars is greater than this, we can’t see the figures falling in front of us, so we don’t feel much.”

“But now this kind of war is not much different from fighting on land.

. ”

Ma Hongyi couldn’t help but sigh.

At this moment, the mecha dream in his heart was completely shattered.

Because he realized that what he was pursuing would only be a killing machine if it were ever built.

Beyond that, it has no other definition.

“Hongyi, what is cruel is not war.”

“What’s really cruel is the backwardness of technology.”

“If the two sides can fight evenly, then death is not terrible.”

“Because at least we can see the light ahead.”

“But the Three Stars were really seeking death without rebirth when they didn’t know that Brother Fei had accepted the order from Councilor Luan Si.”

Su Ting patted Ma Hongyi on the shoulder and said softly.

The expression on Ma Hongyi’s face was startled when he heard this, and then he nodded silently.


While the war on the Three Stars has completely begun.

On the other side is the Kunlun manufacturing base.

Shen Fei’s construction of the Fuxi combat base is finally coming to an end.

At this moment, a huge creature has come to life in the super laboratory environment built by Shen Fei.

Fuxi combat base

Fuxi combat base is tens of thousands of meters long and thousands of meters high.

Shenfei built many interstellar weapons production warehouses inside.

Can independently mass-produce a variety of interstellar weapons.

In addition, Fuxi Combat Base itself also has certain attack and defense attributes.

After Shen Fei built the Zhiyuan Nuwa and loaded it on the Fuxi combat base.

Zhiyuan Nuwa will also intelligently and automatically strengthen the attack and defense of the Fuxi combat base.

Of course, when the time comes, Hua Cai Xing will definitely have to pay for the materials and energy themselves.

However, Shen Fei believed that Luan Si and the others would be willing to be ripped off.

Because of the complete Fuxi combat base.

It will be a formidable war fortress.

By then it will be the Vast Sea Alliance, and Shen Fei is confident that Fuxi and Nuwa can confront it head-on.

After all, this is a true third-level civilized weapon created by Shen Fei after comprehending the knowledge and skills of civilized-level military industry.

If you follow that set of interstellar weapon rating standards.

Shen Fei believes that the combination of Fuxi and Nuwa is definitely close to the A-level peak!


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