As soon as Lei Jun got out of the car, the professional drivers came over one by one. “Boss Lei, are you kidding us?” “They held the Beishan racing competition and called us all over. The first prize was five million.” “We all drove hard!” “But who would have thought that you were the real one!” “Your driving skills are almost as good as those of F1 professional racers!” “I can’t outrun them, I can’t outrun them at all.” The drivers smiled bitterly. Their eyes were full of admiration for Lei Jun’s driving skills. As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway. Even in the eyes of these insiders, Lei Bushi’s driving skills are extremely explosive! Especially the smooth operation when Lei Bushi overtook them earlier. But they were all stunned! And professional drivers admire Lei Bushi’s driving skills to this extent. Not to mention the ordinary people. Tens of thousands of people at the scene gathered around and shouted: “Mr. Lei! You are too fierce! The game just now is better than foreign blockbusters!” “Mr. Lei is still accepting apprentices! I want to learn driving skills from you!” “Mr. Lei, please give me a driving skills tutorial, I will learn it on my knees!” “Mr. Lei! Mr. Lei! I want to give birth to a baby for you!” “……..” The audience at the scene was in high spirits. The words they shouted were getting more and more outrageous. Lei Bushi took the microphone from his secretary and coughed slightly. The noise at the scene suddenly dissipated by more than half. Then, facing the excited gazes of countless people.

Lei Bushi slowly said:

“What do you think of it?”

While speaking, Lei Bushi slowly pointed his finger to the side.

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of Lei Bushi’s finger.

When they saw that Lei Bushi was talking about the car built by Shen Fei.

Everyone was about to comment.

Who would have thought that a puffing sound suddenly sounded.

I saw the four tires of the car.

Three of them suddenly cracked.

The last remaining one also became a little crooked.

And this is not over yet.

After a series of subtle clicks.

A louder sound suddenly sounded inside the car.

It seems that the motor was burned!

After a second of silence at the scene.

The laughter burst out.

“How much money did Shen Fei cheat Mr. Lei out of? It’s ok that he didn’t even charge the battery, but the quality is too bad!”

“This is the first time I see a new car become like this after running once. I feel that Mr. Lei is more or less lucky!”

“Who says not! Mr. Lei’s legs must be shaking now! If the car had problems during the race just now, I can only go to his grave to burn paper for him if I want to see him!”

“I feel that the car built by Shen Fei has limited Mr. Lei’s driving skills. If he had driven a supercar just now, I can’t imagine what kind of visual feast it would be!”

“Mr. Lei, please run again, this time with that Koenigsegg!”

“Yes, Mr. Lei! Please!”


The audience shouted one after another.

Not far away, Lin Jiancheng and other group directors looked at the almost scrapped car.

They all shook their heads and laughed.

Only Lei Jun looked at the car in front of him.

There seemed to be no expression of surprise on his face.

“It seems that everyone’s evaluation of this car seems not very good.”

“Then let me show you something.”

“Xiao Zhang, play the video in your phone on the big screen.”

Leibs said.

He took out his phone and handed it to his secretary.

Until this moment, Leibus still had a residual throbbing color in the depths of his eyes.

The beautiful female secretary nodded hurriedly when she heard it.

Then she took Leibus’s phone and started walking away.

As for the many viewers at the scene and in the live broadcast room, they couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

Obviously, they didn’t understand what Leibus was selling.

Be patient.

Everyone turned their eyes to the huge LED screen.

After the female secretary finished the operation.

The picture suddenly appeared on the screen!

“Wow! This, this is the video of Mr. Lei in the car!”

“This is interesting. I really want to see how Mr. Lei drives the car like that!”

“Mr. Lei is so generous! I absolutely want this video

Learn frame by frame!”

“Dude, don’t say you want to learn, have you seen those professional drivers? They all took out their phones and started recording seriously!”


Everyone stared at the big screen, not daring to blink.

For fear of missing any wonderful scenes.

At this time, the roar of more than a dozen sports cars on the big screen has sounded one after another.

It is obviously the scene of the race about to start.

In the camera.

Leibs did not put his hands on the steering wheel at this moment.

He just stretched out a finger and tapped the main control screen.

The next second.

A beautiful female voice suddenly sounded through the big screen.

It reached the ears of every audience at the scene and the live broadcast room.

“Ding! You have selected the fully intelligent automatic driving function. ”

“Please fasten your seat belt! ”


The beautiful prompt sound is very pleasant to the ear.

But at this moment, these two sentences are like thunder, hitting everyone’s ears!

The expressions on everyone’s faces are completely frozen.

Not far away, Lin Jiancheng and other directors of the Xiaomi Group.

They are even more incredulous, wondering if they have heard it wrong!

“Fully intelligent automatic driving! Could it be that it is not Mr. Lei who beat those professional drivers and supercars, but this car! ? ”

A middle-aged director couldn’t help swallowing his saliva with his throat moving.

The voice trembled and said in horror.

Now many new energy vehicles claim to have the function of automatic driving.

But in fact, these senior executives know it clearly.

The so-called automatic driving is still in the testing stage.

At most, it can only be called an auxiliary automatic driving function.

That is, it can automatically avoid obstacles and perform emergency braking.

Like the Xiaomi Su7 just released by Lin Jiancheng himself, it can automatically drive to the center of the stage, which is already a very powerful function.

When Lin Jiancheng showed it to everyone before.

The audience cheered and applauded.

This can be seen from this point.

But what kind of gods and ghosts did they hear now?

Fully automatic intelligent driving function! ?

Just let Lei Jun fasten his seat belt! ?

If the racing competition just now was really completed by this car built by Shen Fei!

Lei Jun did not touch the steering wheel from beginning to end.

Then they really don’t know how much of a sensation Shen Fei’s car will bring to the entire new energy vehicle industry!

Compared with this car.

All new energy vehicles that claim to have automatic driving functions.

Will be pressed to the ground and rubbed hard!

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